
  • 网络Occupational Welfare;occupation welfare
  1. 在中国,随着经济社会的发展,人们生活水平的提高,对高水平、多元化的福利需要不断产生;企业职业福利成为满足员工不同层次福利需要的重要途径。

    In China , as the development of economy and society , the living levels are left up , people need more and higher welfare and the enterprise occupational welfare ( EOW ) becomes an important way to satisfy different levels of welfare needs .

  2. 本文的研究问题是中国企业职业福利与国家福利的关系发生了怎样的转变、为何转变以及如何实现转变。

    The research questions of this study are how the relations between EOW and state welfare changed , why and how the relations transform .

  3. 同时,计划经济向市场经济的转型,企业单位福利解体,企业职业福利、社会保险和社会服务从其中分离出来,共同构成与市场经济相适应的多层次社会保障体系。

    At the same time , the economic transition from planned economy to market economy induced disintegration of enterprise dan-wei welfare , EOW , social insurance and social services were separated from it , and finally all the three parts constitute multilevel social security system adjusted to market economy .

  4. 并且在影响护士工作满意度的因素中,收入、个人提升、职业地位和福利构成因素与离职意愿呈反比。

    And the influence factors of nurse job satisfaction , income , personal ascension , professional status and welfare factors with the quit ideas is inverse .

  5. 来自39个国家的21950人参与了汇丰银行2015年度的调查,银行要求他们分享关于职业,经济福利到生活质量的各方面观点。

    A total of 21950 people from 39 countries responded to HSBC 's 2015 survey and the bank asked them to share their views on everything from career and financial wellbeing to quality of life .

  6. 这份职业提供了大量福利,全面训练就是其中很重要的一项。

    The profession offers a bundle of benefits , not least of which is extensive training .

  7. 自由职业者反对新福利方案,该方案大幅度地削减了他们的福利。

    The freelancers are against the new plan which substantially cuts their benefit .

  8. 失去政府工作或职业许可证或福利支付往往造成剥夺一个人的谋生手段。

    Often , the loss of a government job , or an occupational license , or a welfare payment , could deprive a person of her livelihood .

  9. 得到如下研究结论,国有银行知识型员工流失影响因素的影响程度大小排列如下:职业生涯发展、福利薪酬、企业文化、自我价值、工作自主。

    Obtain the following conclusion , the influence factor of the loss of knowledge workers in state-owned bank descending order as follows : career development , welfare compensation , corporate culture , self-worth , job autonomy .