
  1. 我国卫生福利政策与财政投入的宏观调控

    The macro control about financial appropriation and welfare policy for health

  2. 前卫生福利部部长现在是总统了。

    The former Secretary of HHS is now the president .

  3. 很多主要宗教团体除了弘扬教义外,还兴办学校和提供卫生福利设施。

    Apart from offering religious instruction , many major religious bodies have established schools and health and welfare facilities .

  4. 政府正确引导参加,使得农民真正体验党和政府卫生福利政策。

    Insist on correct direction , ensure that the farmers notice and understand the welfare policy of party and government .

  5. 这段历史要以生物技术世纪来界定,这是展望人类健康和卫生福利极大改善而得出的结论。

    This period is being defined as the Biotech Century , based on the prospect of extraordinary improvements in human health and well-being .

  6. 卫生福利局负责本港医护服务的政策制定和资源分配工作。

    The health and Welfare Bureau is responsible for , among others , the policy formulation and resource allocation for health in Hong kong .

  7. 至于一些较复杂和引起争议的建议,卫生福利局正进行更深入研究,稍后会再次征询市民的意见。

    For more complicated and contentious proposals , further in-depth studies are being conducted with a view to consulting the public again at a later date .

  8. 中央政府设立的指挥中心工作人员包括行政院环境保护署、国防部及卫生福利部的代表。

    The command center established by the central government includes representatives of the Environmental Protection Administration and the ministries of National Defense and Health and Welfare .

  9. 韩国首尔总教区「一身一心运动」荣获由卫生福利中心颁发的「生命与爱」大奖。

    The suicide prevention center of the One-Body One-Spirit Movement of Seoul archdiocese won the grand prize of Life and Love from the ministry for health and welfare .

  10. 这让她得以帮助量化易感数据,这样,社会公正导入了公共卫生福利系统,对社区来说是省钱的。

    This has allowed her to help quantify vulnerability data , which incorporates social justice along with public health so that it can be cost effective for communities .

  11. 卫生福利局局长和社会福利署署长分别负责制定和推行社会福利政策。

    The responsibility for formulating and carrying out government policies on social welfare rests with the Secretary for health and welfare and the director of social welfare , respectively .

  12. 很多主要宗教团体除了弘扬教义外,还兴办学校和提供卫生福利设施。一个负担得起的托儿所的教育公共事业是一个不可或缺的基本的福利设施。

    Apart from offering religious instruction , many major religious bodies have established schools and health and welfare facilities . An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity .

  13. 同时,卫生福利及食物局局长正率领一支特别督导小组,向社会各界发布有关消息和统筹各项预防措施。

    A special steering group headed by our Secretary for Health , Welfare and Food will facilitate and enhance the flow of information and co-ordinate preventive measures for all sectors of the community .

  14. 卫生福利局正与卫生署和医院管理局紧密联络,因应市民提出的意见,就具体的改革建议拟备详细的推行计划。

    In the light of the public opinions expressed , the health and Welfare Bureau is working closely with the Department of health and the hospital authority to devise detailed implementation plans for specific reform proposals .

  15. 卫生福利部表示,失业率已经上升到了3.9%,比上个月增加了2个百分点,总失业人数超过250万,同比增加了10万人。

    Unemployment rose to 3.9 % , up 0.2 % from the previous month , with the overall jobless rate reaching more than 2.5 million , an increase of 100000 from last year , the health and welfare ministry said .

  16. MoniqueBégin是加拿大渥太华大学管理学院的教授,两次被任命为国家卫生和福利部长。

    Monique B é gin is Professor at the School of Management , University of Ottawa , Canada , and twice-appointed Minister of National Health and Welfare .

  17. 林女士称,该保姆说自己“只喝了一点”。随后她向卫生和福利部门报告了这一事件,并将她的经历发布在了自己的Facebook页面上,以警告妈妈们要注意保姆。

    The nanny owned up but said she " only drank a bit , " said Lin , who reported the incident to the health and welfare authorities as well as posted her experience on her Facebook page to warn expecting mothers about the nanny .

  18. 卫生和福利部的一个部门,司社会保障体系。

    The agency of Health and Human Services responsible for the social security system .

  19. 从20世纪60年代初开始,地方当局被要求规划卫生和福利服务。

    From the early 1960s , local authorities were required to plan health and welfare services .

  20. 其有关安全卫生及福利事项,依有关法律之规定。

    All safety , sanitation and welfare matters related thereto shall be governed by the stipulations of applicable statutes .

  21. 我国卫生经济福利性、公益性的基本属性,决定了医患关系的非经济性和不平等性。

    The public welfare property of health economy in our country determines that the relationship is non-economical as well as unequal .

  22. 我们工作时以安全为重,旨在保护和提升个人以及环境的卫生和福利。

    We work safely in a manner that protects and promotes the health and well-being of the individual and the environment .

  23. 卫生和福利部的肯定为公司的所有项目增添动力。

    The vote of confidence from the Health and Human Services Department adds impetus to all of the company 's projects .

  24. 它涵盖基层政治、经济、文化、社会、教育、卫生、福利等方方面面。

    It covers all aspects of grassroots political , economic , cultural , social , educational , health , welfare and so on .

  25. 我还在寻找有可能改善我们目标市场的卫生和福利的潜在投资机会。

    I am also looking for pipeline investment opportunities that have the potential to improve the health and wellbeing of our target market .

  26. 美国卫生和福利部部长凯瑟琳·西贝利厄斯称政府医保网站在上线一个月内漏洞百出且亟待全面修整。

    HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says the government 's flawed healthcare website needed a couple of hundred fixes after it went online last month .

  27. 这项新政策是由九个部委制定的,包括卫生和福利部,以及教育部、科学和技术部。

    The new policy was devised by nine ministries including the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Education , Science and Technology .

  28. 人们对精神疾病之污名,会影响病患就医意愿并使罹病者产生无助感,因此减少对精神疾病之污名,是精神卫生与福利政策上之重要议题。

    Reducing psychiatric stigma is an important public heath strategy because it can promote timely treatment seeking and reduce the burden of disability caused by mental problems .

  29. 来自芬兰国家学院卫生和福利局、赫尔辛基大学和荷兰莱顿大学的研究人员都参与了这项研究。

    Researchers from Finland 's National Institute for Health and Welfare , the University of Helsinki and Leiden University Medical Centre in The Netherlands were also involved in the study .

  30. 青少年暴力会大幅增加卫生、福利和刑事司法服务费用;还会降低生产力;减少产权价值并会在整体上破坏社会组织。

    Youth violence greatly increases the costs of health , welfare and criminal justice services ; reduces productivity ; decreases the value of property ; and generally undermines the fabric of society .