
wèi ɡuó
  • defend one's country
  1. 古代,卫国有个姓东的人,对世界上的万事万物都不感兴趣,唯独爱好养猫。

    In ancient times , a man surnamed Dong in the State of Wei was interested in nothing but keeping cats .

  2. 卫国有个无赖,老婆早死了,一直没有钱再娶,只好跑到黄公门上来求婚,黄公果然同意。

    There was a rascal6 in the State of Wei whose wife had died . He had no money to remarry , so he called at Huang Gong 's house to propose marriage . As expected , Huang Gong agreed .

  3. 在俄罗斯人熟知的伟大的卫国战争(GreatPatrioticWar)中,纳粹德国及其盟友被称为法西斯。

    Nazi Germany and its allies were called fascists during what Russians know as the Great Patriotic War .

  4. 纳粹德国投降70年后,俄政府正在为其所称的伟大卫国战争(GreatPatrioticWar)筹备一场几十年来最大规模的纪念活动,包括5月9日在红场(RedSquare)举行的盛大阅兵仪式。

    Seventy years after Nazi Germany 's capitulation , Moscow is gearing up for the biggest commemoration in decades of what it calls the Great Patriotic War , with a huge military parade on Red Square on May 9 .

  5. 第6979空军基地如今是个所谓的空军大队,它一度以空军军团712命名——该军团曾参加卫国战争,一开始装配的是I-16战机,后来是La-5。

    Air base 6979 is aso-called air group , now . It used to be named after a guards air regiment , 712 , that fought at the time of Great Patriotic War - initially in I-16 fighters , later - in La-5 .

  6. 第6979空军基地如今是个所谓的空军大队,它一度以空军军团712命名&该军团曾参加卫国战争,一开始装配的是I-16战机,后来是La-5。

    Air base 6979 is aso-called air group , now . It used to be named after a guards air regiment , 712 , that fought at the time of Great Patriotic War – initially in I-16 fighters , later – in La-5 .

  7. 今夜让我们缅怀那些浴血卫国的勇士。

    Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country .

  8. 苏联卫国战争战争音画专辑;

    The special album with sound and video for ussr 's defend country war ;

  9. 朱可夫元帅为伟大卫国战争胜利做出的贡献无人能及。

    Marshal Zhukov 's contribution to the Great Patriotic War is unparalleled to anyone .

  10. 商鞅生于卫国一个贵族家庭。

    Shang Yang was born in an aristocrat family in the state of Wei .

  11. 卫国有个无赖,老婆早死了。

    There was a rascal in the State of Wei whose wife had died .

  12. 戚城是东周时期卫国的重要城邑,分为东戚、西戚。

    Qi city was an important city of Wei state during the Eastern Zhou period .

  13. 论苏军最高统帅部在卫国战争中的作用

    On the Roles of Soviet Supreme Command in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany

  14. 卫国的法令明文规定,私驾君王马车的人要判断足之刑。

    The duke of law , private driving expressly to judge the Kings of foot .

  15. 卫国抗敌是每个士兵应尽的光荣职责。

    It 's the glorious duty for every soldier to defend our country against enemies .

  16. 伟大的卫国战争纪念馆。

    The Great Patriotic War museum .

  17. “共和行政”不仅展现了他的魄力和才能,而且提高了卫国的政治地位。

    " Gonghe Xingzheng " was present his ability and talent and improved Wei 's political statue .

  18. 自己都还没修好,冒然地跑到如卫国暴君那儿去自投死路,是非常不智的。

    Now you are still in practice , and you rashly present yourself to the tyrant of Wei .

  19. 在卫国,被人误认为阳虎而遭困,差点儿丢了老命。

    In the state of Wei , he was besieged and almost killed since he was regarded mistakenly as Yanghu .

  20. 苏联的卫国战争在世界反法西斯总体战争中占有重要地位。

    The great Soviet patriotic war against nazi Germany was in the highest flight in the world anti - Fascist War .

  21. 如果照你所说的去兴兵动武,那么我们卫国很快就会被灭亡。

    If we follow what you said and mobilize the army for war , our state will be destroyed very soon .

  22. “等着我吧”,其名取自一首苏联对德卫国战争中最著名的同名诗。

    " Wait For Me " takes its name from the most famous Russian poem from the Soviet Union 's war with Germany .

  23. 俄罗斯于卫国战争胜利75周年前夕在莫斯科近郊举行了阅兵彩排。

    Russia has held a military parade rehearsal near Moscow ahead of the 75th anniversary of its victory in the Great Patriotic War .

  24. 从苏军卫国战争初期经费保障失误看财务保障由平时向战时转轨

    On the financial support transition from peacetime to wartime in the lesson of USSR troops funds support in war of defending the country

  25. 我们最后得到的我们的武装力量在伟大卫国战争中的永久性损失数字是约1385万人。

    We end up with a number for permanent losses of our Armed Forces in the Great Patriotic War of around 13,850,000 persons .

  26. 我也获得了“保卫列宁格勒”奖章和“攻克柏林”以及“伟大卫国战争战胜德国”奖章。

    I was also decorated with the medals For Defense of Leningrad , For the Capture of Berlin , and For Victory over Germany .

  27. 一时佛在舍卫国。祗树给孤独园。与大比丘众。千二百五十人俱。

    Once upon a time , the Buddha sojourned in the Jetavana park near Sravasti with an assembly of twelve hundred and fifty bhiksus .

  28. 1941年伟大卫国战争爆发,中国著名音乐家冼星海辗转来到阿拉木图。

    At the outset of the Great Patriotic War in 1941 , Xian , a renowned Chinese composer , arrived in Almaty after much travail .

  29. 基辅的雕像对祖国,也有纪念伟大的卫国战争(二战)在基辅,乌克兰。

    Kiev 's statue of the Motherland , also a memorial of the Great Patriotic War ( World War II ) in Kiev , Ukraine .

  30. 卫国战争时候我们楼里才有煤气,火炉也换成煤气炉了。

    They only installed gas in the building after the Great Patriotic War and the wood oven was only then replaced by a gas oven .