
  • 网络Health promotion;health propaganda
  1. 对照区仅做一般卫生宣传。

    In control villages , only general health propaganda was done .

  2. 结论复州城地区存在肝吸虫感染的自然疫源地,注意饮食习惯和加强卫生宣传教育是控制本病感染和传播的重要措施。

    Conclusion Fuzhou town existed breeding ground of Clonorchis sinensis . Improving eating habits and strengthening health propaganda were significant means of controling the infection and dissemination of clonorchiasis .

  3. 应进一步开展预防HBV感染卫生宣传教育,增强人们的卫生意识,提高自我保健能力,控制或消除人群HBV感染。

    More propagandas and education on the prevention of HBV should be done to enhance sense of health and self protect ability of the people , thus to control and eradicate HBV infection among the population .

  4. 采取的措施:一是普遍开展卫生宣传;

    The measures we taken included : mass health propagation ;

  5. 加强卫生宣传,提高公众对结核病的警觉性。

    Reinforcing health education to improve public awareness on TB .

  6. 结论淮南地区儿童蛲虫感染普遍存在,有关部门应加强卫生宣传教育和蛲虫疾病的流行控制。

    Health education and disease controlling should be strengthened .

  7. 要加强卫生宣传和健康教育;

    Strengthening the hygienic propaganda and healthy education .

  8. 因此加强口腔卫生宣传教育及口腔卫生保健工作,是预防龋齿发生的重要措施。

    Therefore , it is important that oral health education and oral health care be enhanced .

  9. 结论影响患者依从性的主要因素是卫生宣传、病人认识、经济和社会服务。

    Conclusion The factors of impacting compliance were hygiene advertisements , patient 's knowledge , economic and societal service .

  10. 如今,人们已认识到,卫生宣传和公众态度的改变对预防水媒疾病蔓延至关重要。

    Hygiene awareness and changes in public attitudes are now recognized as essential in preventing the spread of water-borne diseases .

  11. 银川市人群脑卒中危险因素干预试验(4)卫生宣传教育问卷的调查分析

    Intervention Trial of Stroke Risk Factors and Population Monitoring : ( 4 ) Analysis on Propagation of Health Knowledge to Answer

  12. 加强农村精神卫生宣传,普及心理健康和精神疾病防治知识。

    The rural mental health promotion and spread the prevention and treatment of mental health and mental illness should be enhanced .

  13. 结论该煤业集团急性细菌性痢疾全年发生,二三季度高发,应采取加强卫生宣传教育,加强监督,对适宜人群接种预防疫苗的综合防治措施。

    We should strengthen sanitary propaganda and education , enhance surveillance and carry out comprehensive measures to administer inoculation for appropriate population .

  14. 结论:新入学大学生的龋病防治工作和口腔卫生宣传教育应引起社会的足够重视。

    Conclusion : It is necessary to pay more attention to the prevention of saprodontia in college students and the related education .

  15. 首先介绍了我国健康教育的发展概况,从卫生宣传到健康促进总共分为四个发展阶段。其次通过相关资料和数据对我省健康教育专业机构现状进行分析。

    Firstly introduces the development of health education in our country , secondly through the relevant information and data analysis our province situation .

  16. 结论:应普及卫生宣传和教育,进一步加强部队食堂的卫生监督和管理。

    Conclusion : Health education and propaganda should be spread in order to further tighten up the sanitary supervision and management in canteens of army units .

  17. 加强卫生宣传教育、加大卫生资源投入、改善生活设施是今后做好渡海训练部队卫生防病的重要措施。

    Strengthening the hygienic education , increasing the hygienic resources putting , and improving the living conditions are the important measures to prevent the disease in sea-crossing-training troop .

  18. 破伤风在农村发病率仍较高,加强卫生宣传,预防性注射破伤风抗毒素是预防本病的关键。

    The incidence of the disease is still high in the countryside . Strengthening hygiene propaganda and injecting tetanus antitoxin after trauma are of critical importance to prevention .

  19. 对入境、出境人员进行预防接种、健康检查、医疗服务、国际旅行健康咨询和卫生宣传;

    Exercise sanitary control and carry out publicity on hygiene and health to the conveyances at the frontier port or parked on the border waiting for exit or entry ;

  20. 回归分析显示学校老师、医学书籍、家长教育、报刊杂志、卫生宣传栏是影响艾滋病知识得分的主要因素;

    The outcome of regression analysis showed that the route of teacher , medicine books , parents education , newspaper and magazine and health information propaganda column were the main influential factors of knowledge scores .

  21. 开展卫生宣传教育,普及卫生知识,提高国境口岸和交通工具上的人员遵守和执行本办法的自觉性。

    To conduct hygiene publicity and education , spread hygiene knowledge among people and heighten the consciousness of the personnel in border ports and on means of transport to abide by and implement these Measures .

  22. 结论提示要加强流动人口家庭儿童的心理卫生宣传教育和管理,可通过改善家庭环境因素,帮助儿童建立良好的行为,减少行为问题的发生。

    Conclusion It can be effective to strengthen the migrant family ′ s children mental health information and management by the way of improving family environment , to help children establishing good behavior and reduce behavior problems .

  23. 运用宣传心理学提高卫生检疫宣传效应

    Getting the better propaganda results of health and quarantine by using the propaganda psychology

  24. 公共卫生运动宣传关于麻风病是可治愈和非高度传染的资讯。

    Public health campaigns spread the message that leprosy is curable and not highly infectious .

  25. 由于我们精心策划和执行了公共卫生信息宣传活动,澳大利亚的皮肤癌比率降低了。

    Skin cancer rates have fallen in Australia due to our well-planned and executed public health messaging .

  26. 结论加强社区卫生服务宣传,提高社区卫生服务质量刻不容缓。

    Conclusion It is urgent to strengthen the propaganda of CHS and to improve the service quality of CHS .

  27. 报道称,中国红十字会在管理他人献出的血液方面没有任何贡献,仅仅是配合卫生部门宣传献血。

    It said the Red Cross had no role in managing blood donations , only in assisting health authorities with publicity .

  28. 20世纪70年代,世界卫生组织宣传、推广针灸临床主治的病症43种。

    Fourty three diseases and symptoms in clinical indications of acupuncture and moxibustion were propagated and spreaded by WHO in the 1970s .

  29. 该文从卫生新闻宣传报道工作方面的角度,探讨如何提高卫生新闻宣传水平。

    This paper explores the ways to improve the level of news writing based on the personal experiences and feelings from health news and propaganda work .

  30. 这一时期,群众畜禽卫生防疫宣传也取得了一定成效,政府和民间畜禽防疫的结合,初步形成了畜禽防疫网络。

    This period , the masses of livestock and poultry health and epidemic prevention publicity also achieved certain results , the initial formation of the animal epidemic prevention network .