
  • 网络sanitary insect pest;External parasites and poultry pests
  1. Saga可湿性粉剂对3种卫生害虫的药效观察

    Observation on the Efficacy of Saga WP against Three Public Health Insects

  2. 德国小蠊(Blattellagermanica)是目前世界上最重要的也是最难防治的城市卫生害虫之一。

    Blattella germanica is one of the most important and the hardest to control city pests in the world , and it 's rising up recent years .

  3. 研究新型杂环杀虫剂FIPRONIL对蚊蝇蟑三种卫生害虫的活性,评价其在卫生害虫防治领域中应用的实际意义。

    This paper reports the activities of new heteronuclear insecticide FIPRONIL with the special mechanism on three kinds of health pests .

  4. 家蝇(Muscadomestica)是一种在全世界各地分布极为广泛的重要的公共卫生害虫,随着化学杀虫剂的广泛使用,越来越多的家蝇种群产生了抗药性。

    House fly ( Musca domestica ) distributes all over the world , is regard as one of the most important disease vector . Insecticides have been extensively used in China for the management of public health pest .

  5. 研究背景:德国小蠊(Blattellagermanica)是一类重要的城市卫生害虫,呈世界性分布,能够携带细菌、病毒、寄生虫卵等,导致多种疾病的传播,危害严重。

    Backgrounds Blattella germanica is a kind of important , globally distributed , urban pest , which is the carrier of bacteria , viruses , and parasite ova , therefore , could transmit many kinds of diseases and bring about much of hazard to public health .

  6. 旅客列车卫生害虫防治及消毒技术

    Prevention and Elimination of Pests on Passenger Trains and Sterilizing Technology

  7. 2.5%溴氰菊酯缓释型微乳剂防制卫生害虫的研究

    Study on the Pest Control with 2.5 % Control Release Micro-emulsion of Deltamethrin

  8. 目的研究醚菊酯的合成工艺路线及其对常见卫生害虫杀灭效果。

    Objective To study the composition route and efficacy against insects of etofenprox .

  9. 4种杀虫气雾剂对卫生害虫的药效测定

    Efficacy of 4 different formulation aerosols against hygienic insects

  10. 卫生害虫的非化学防治研究进展

    Research and Development of Non-Chemical Control Against Health Pests

  11. 防治卫生害虫气雾剂与烟雾剂名录

    Introduction of Aerosol and Smoke Insecticides against Pestiferous Pest

  12. 防治卫生害虫喷撒剂与涂抹剂名录

    List of Spraying and Spreading Insecticides against Pestiferous Pest

  13. 卫生害虫物理防治中电磁技术的应用前景

    Prospect of electromagnetism technology in hygiene pest control

  14. 本研究结果,可以为蜘蛛控制卫生害虫提供理论依据。

    This result can afford theoretic basis for the spiders to control hygeian pests .

  15. 目的:观察奋斗呐10%悬浮剂对卫生害虫的室内杀灭效果。方法:强迫接触法。

    The efficacy tests of Fendona Sc10 were made against three public health insects in laboratory .

  16. 杀虫剂及其在家庭与环境卫生害虫防治中的应用

    Applications of Insecticides in The Prevention and Control of Destructive Insects in Family and Environmental Sanitation

  17. 目的测定4种不同配方杀虫气雾剂对常见的3种卫生害虫的药效。

    Objective To test the control efficacy of 4 different formulation aerosols against 3 species of insects .

  18. 对蚊虫、家蝇、蜚蠊等卫生害虫进行了杀虫活性测试,结果满意。

    Insecticidal activity was measured against mosquitoes and Musca domestica and Blatella germanica to give a satisfactory result .

  19. 德国小蠊是日常生活中一种重要的卫生害虫,目前在我国各地都是优势危害种群。

    The Blattella germanica is an important health pest in our daily life and the dominant population across China .

  20. 毒死蜱是一种广谱性有机磷杀虫剂,被广泛用于农业和城市卫生害虫的防治。

    Organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos is a broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticides , which were widely used in agriculture and urban health pest control .

  21. 收集编排了1995~1998年在我国曾取得农药登记的防治卫生害虫的气雾剂与烟雾剂商品共180个,其中气雾剂商品130个、烟雾剂商品50个。

    There were 130 kinds of aerosol and 50 kinds of smoke insecticides against pestiferous pest commodities registered in 1995 to 1998 in China .

  22. 棕尾别麻蝇为腐食性昆虫,体形较小,对环境适应能力强,生殖力强大,逐渐成为一种难以防治的卫生害虫。

    Sarcophaga peregrina is a pest of health , with a small body , a great power in reproduction and strong adaption to environment .

  23. 作为一种广谱、高效的农药,它已广泛用于各种农、林及卫生害虫害螨的防治。

    As a broad-spectrum and highly effective pesticide , abamectin has been widely used to prevent and control pests in agriculture , forestry and hygiene .

  24. 拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂主要用于防治棉田、菜地、果树和茶叶上的农业害虫以及卫生害虫,也用于渔业生产上杀灭寄生虫。

    Pyrethroid pesticides are mainly used in killing pests in cotton , vegetable , fruit and tea trees , public health and also in killing parasites in fish .

  25. 拟除虫菊酯是一种仿生类农药,因其具有快速击倒,杀虫效能高,在环境中低残留及对人畜等非靶生物低毒等特点被广泛用于农业害虫和卫生害虫的防制。

    Pyrethroid is one kind of bionic pesticides with characters of quick knocking down the pest , high pesticide efficiency , low retaining in the environment , and little danger to non-target biology .

  26. 蝇类种类繁多,分布广泛,是世界重要的卫生害虫之一,它们能携带各种病原,并在人畜间传播各种疾病。

    Flies are varied and widely distributed , and is one of the most important sanitary pest in the world . They can carry a variety of pathogens and spread many diseases between human and livestocks .

  27. 结论:卫生害虫的防治是一项长期性、艰巨性的工作,需要科学合理使用药械,减少害虫的抗药性,加强以环境治理为主的综合防制措施。

    Conclusion : Pest control is a long - term tough program . Scientific and reasonable application should be adopted to reduce the resistance level , enhance comprehensive control measure on the basis of environmental management .

  28. 据施介绍,水稻转基因为的是产生一种毒素,这种毒素可以杀死以它卫生的害虫,这种水稻可能是由一所中国大学流出的。

    According to Sze , the rice has been modified to produce a toxin that kills insects feeding on it , and could have originated in a Chinese university .

  29. 处理好有机废料。一切的废弃物,必须设容器收集,及时清理,并作卫生处理,防止害虫孳生。

    Proper disposal of organic wastes . All wastes should be collected , cleared away and treated promptly to prevent propagation of pests .

  30. 卫生类化学农药的长期使用产生了一系列的副作用,如卫生害虫的抗药性、影响人类健康等问题。植物精油是一类由小分子化合物组成的植物次生物质。

    With the use of chemical pesticides , chemical pesticides caused a series of problems , such as resistance of health pests , the destruction of human health and so on . The essential oils are plant secondary substances and consisted of simple compounds with less molecular weight .