
  • 网络hygienic standard;health standard;sanitation standard;SSOP
  1. 水相Mo浓度高于生活饮用水卫生标准1.86-16.66倍。

    Mo concentrations in aqueous phase were much higher than the health standard for domestic drinking water by 1.86-16.66 times .

  2. 结果表明,PH3在粮仓内的分布和浓度变化,在熏蒸放气后相当长一段时间内仍超过卫生标准。

    The results show that the distribution and concentration of PH inside the storehouse still exceeds the normal health standard , when the storehouse is opened after fumigating .

  3. 英国许多海滩连最起码的卫生标准都达不倒。

    Many of Britain 's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness .

  4. 不符合卫生标准和卫生管理办法的食品添加剂,不得经营、使用。

    the food additives that do not conform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations may not be marketed and used .

  5. 第十一条生产经营和使用食品添加剂、必须符合食品添加剂使用卫生标准和卫生管理办法的规定;

    Article 11 The production , marketing and use of food additives must conform to the hygiene standards for use of food additives and the hygiene control regulations ;

  6. 我国食品复合包装材料DE卫生标准

    Hygienic standard of food compound packaging materia in China

  7. 〔方法〕对民航空港X射线行李货物检查系统的放射防护水平进行检测,按照国家放射卫生标准进行评价。

    Methods The safeguard level of X-ray baggage and goods inspection system was tested according to National Radiation Sanitation Standard .

  8. 而冬季空调客车的软卧及硬卧车厢CO2浓度均超过国家卫生标准。

    In winter , the concentrations of CO 2 in soft berth and hard berth cars both exceeded the same standard .

  9. 果肉中重金属的浓度相当低,只有Ni的含量超过食品卫生标准。

    The concentration of heavy metals in pulp is quite low , with only the content of Ni beyond National Food Sanitation Standard .

  10. 所获结果为制订CFC粉尘卫生标准提供了实验依据。

    This investigation may provide experimental evidence for the health standard setting of CFC dust .

  11. 说明鸡场外400m以内环境空气中细菌含量超过卫生标准。

    The content of bacterium in scaled breeding cock house air around 400 meters was exceed sanitation standard .

  12. 主要涉及到杀菌方法、警示标签制度、制定果蔬汁饮料中污染物限量标准、制定良好生产规范、卫生标准操作程序、建立实施HACCP体系等。

    They involved the technique of sterilization , the warning label , the contamination limit and the establishment of GMP , SSOP and HACCP .

  13. 可见汞的慢性毒作用阈浓度为0.01mg/m3,与我国现行的汞车间卫生标准一致。

    It is indicated that the slowing mercury poison concentration range was 0.01 mg / m3 .

  14. 当赤泥施用量达到或高于0.5%(W/W)时,两种土壤上水稻的糙米Cd含量达到国家粮食卫生标准。

    When the amount of red mud application reached or was higher than 0.5 % ( W / W ), Cd content in brown rice in two kinds of soil meet the national food hygiene standards .

  15. 电视厨师JamieOliver两年前曾曝光了英国学校午餐令人震惊的卫生标准,现在试想他接受这种严酷的考验会如何吧。

    Imagine Jamie Oliver , who exposed the shocking standards of British school lunches a couple of years ago , being put through such an ordeal .

  16. 同时,又将《食品法典标准》(CAC)作为解决国际食品贸易争端、协调各国食品卫生标准的依据。

    At the same time it regarded CAC as the criteria to settle international trade disputes and to coordinate food safety standards of different countries .

  17. 紫外线灯与动态消毒机配合使用,可使车内工作中空气自然菌数维持在符合III类环境卫生标准。

    Combined use of ultraviolet lamp and the dynamic disinfector for disinfection of occupied car could still keep the natural bacterial count in air of the car conforming to class - ⅲ environmental sanitation standard .

  18. 执政的人民行动党(People’sActionparty)在上世纪60年代采取的最早举措之一,是展开了一项整顿街头小贩的行动,引导这些流动小贩进入集中的、有着严格卫生标准的“小贩中心”。

    One of the earliest acts of the ruling Peoples " Action party in the 1960s was to start a programme of clearing the streets of itinerant hawkers , and rehousing them in " hawker stalls , " organised under a single roof and regulated with strict hygiene standards .

  19. SO2平均浓度在东城和海淀区厨房和卧室中的平均浓度差异有显著性,厨房高于卧室(P<0.05),并高于国家居室卫生标准的要求。

    The SO2 levels in kitchens in Dongcheng District and Haidian District were significantly higher than those in bedrooms ( P < 0 . 05 ), and also exceeded the related National Standards .

  20. 陕西苹果主产区苹果果实中Cu、Cr、Hg、Pb普遍存在,Cu、Cr、Hg检出率均为100%,Pb的检出率为94.6%,但含量水平未超过无公害食品苹果的卫生标准。

    The detection rates of Cr , Cu , Hg were 100 % , and the detection rate of Pb was 94.6 % . The contents of all harmful elements were below to the Standard for non-environmental pollution apple .

  21. 苜蓿茎叶中Cd、Pb含量超出饲料卫生标准,树叶中含量也有所增加,在中、酸性土壤上尤甚。

    The Cd and Pb contents in alfalfa stem and leaf exceeded the forage health standard , and the pollutant contents in tree were also increased in all treatments , which was even more serious in acid and neutral soils .

  22. 家禽拔毛蜡:本产品适用于鸭或鹅等家禽在屠宰加工时的脱毛处理。符合国家食品卫生标准,所用原料及添加剂符合美国FDA标准。

    Waxes for Poultry Depilation : Be suitable for poultry depilation of duck , goose , which can meets the standard of National Food and Sanitation , its ingredient under the regulations of FDA .

  23. 除贝类和虾类的重金属Cd和虾类的As含量超出了澳大利亚的人体消费卫生标准的限值外,其它重金属含量均低于食用限值,表明研究区域的海洋生物质量总体上处于良好的状态。

    Except that Cd in shellfishes and shrimps , and As in shrimps exceeded the tolerance levels of Australian standard , other heavy metals were inferior to the tolerance levels suggesting that the overall quality status of marine organisms in the study area was in good condition .

  24. 目的观察低剂量T-2毒素对机体的损伤作用,为将来制定粮食中T-2毒素含量卫生标准奠定理论基础。

    Objective To investigate the damage of organism induced by mini-dose T-2 toxin , and to lay a theory foundation for constituting the standard of T-2 toxin in cereals in the future .

  25. GB17324-1998瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准

    Hygienic standard of bottled purified water for drinking

  26. 蔬菜中Pb、Zn积累较Cu、Cr高,供试点中大部分蔬菜Pb、Zn含量超出了国家规定的蔬菜卫生标准,部分蔬菜中Cr也存在超标现象。

    Generally , Pb , Zn in the vegetables were higher than Cu , Cr , while the contents of Pb , Zn in most vegetables collected from the studied area exceeded the Vegetable Sanitation Standard , but Cr just in some vegetables was also above the standard .

  27. 湖底淤泥经处理后,对细菌的杀灭率≥90%,粪大肠菌值达到卫生标准,未检出致病菌及H5N1型禽流感病毒。

    After treatment of the mud at the lake bottom , the bacterial killing rate was ≥ 90 % and the fecal coli-group bacterial count met the sanitary standard . Neither pathogenic bacteria nor H5N1-type avian influenza virus was detected .

  28. 根据卫生标准操作程序(SSOP)的内容,制定苹果酒厂卫生标准操作程序,提高苹果酒生产的安全性和产品质量。

    In accordance with the protocols of sanitary standard operation procedure ( SSOP ), a series of standardized sanitation control were worked out for cider brewery .

  29. 公司的食品质量控制方针,例如某个药物或HBA等的可储存最长时间、安全和卫生标准。

    H.company policies on quality control of food , such as the maximum period of time items can be stored for , safety and hygiene standards in the handling of drugs , HBA , etc.

  30. 为制定我国室内空气中氮氧化物(NOx)卫生标准,采用现场监测和实验室模拟相结合的方法,对室内空气中NOx的污染水平及其影响因素进行研究。

    In order to offer the reference to working out the hygienic standard for Nitrogen Oxides ( NOx ) in indoor air , in this research , the NOx pollution level and its influential factors were studied with the methods of combining the environmental monitoring with the simulated test .