
xiān jìn jì shù
  • advanced technology;advance techniques
  1. 要想利用先进技术,他们必须先对计算机有个基本的了解。

    They have to have a basic understanding of computers in order to use the advanced technology .

  2. 要以先进技术引领驱动融合发展,用好5G、大数据、人工智能等信息技术革命成果。

    Highlighting the integrated development driven by advanced technology , it also stresses the need to better use 5G , big data and artificial intelligence , among others .

  3. 他们在搭先进技术的顺风车。

    They are piggybacking onto developed technology .

  4. 我们必须打破常规,尽量采用先进技术,在一个不太长的历史时期内,把我国建设成为一个社会主义的现代化强国。

    We must break away from convention and adopt as many advanced techniques as possible in order to build our country into a powerful modern state in not too long a historical period .

  5. “现在毕竟不同于没有先进技术的时候了,根本没有形单影只的感觉,”劳里·德米特说。劳里的公司提供了这份报告的统计数据。

    “ It doesn 't feel as alone as it may have before all the advances in technology , ” said Laurie Demeritt , whose company provided the statistics for the report .

  6. 《意见》指出,把更多优质内容、先进技术、专业人才、项目资金向互联网主阵地汇集、向移动端倾斜。

    The document calls for assembling more quality content , advanced technologies , professional talent and funds to internet platforms and mobile terminals .

  7. 测量教学应引入GPS等先进技术

    Recommend GPS technique in to surveying teaching

  8. 在CFD技术得到迅速发展的大背景下,本课题将这一先进技术运用于三体船的性能研究。

    In the background of rapid development of CFD technology , this paper applies the technology to the performance research of trimaran .

  9. 随着加入WTO,对外开放和经济改革的进一步深入,我国企业不可避免地要面对拥有雄厚资金和先进技术的外国企业的挑战。

    With China 's entering WTO successfully , and the deepening of its opening and economy reforming , Chinese enterprises will inevitably be faced with challenges from foreign opponents who have abundant fund and master advanced technologies .

  10. 伴随FDI的加速涌入,中国的产业技术创新如何分享FDI的技术溢出效应,内化FDI先进技术为本国技术基础储备;

    With the inflow of FDI in China speeding up , it is an important issue for the Chinese industries whether they could share the effect of technological spillovers from foreign advantage technology or not .

  11. SF6全封闭组合电器是一种具有可靠性高,检修周期长,结构紧凑等先进技术的综合输配电装置。

    SF6 totally enclosed combined electrical apparatus is an advanced comprehensive power transmission and distribution device with high reliability , long check period and well-knit structure .

  12. 这次大修采用了PW无料钟炉顶、铜冷却壁和INBA炉渣处理等先进技术。

    Some advanced techniques are adopted , such as PW type bell-less top , copper cooling stave and INBA slag granulation process .

  13. FDI的主体即发达国家的跨国公司,作为全球80%以上先进技术的主要拥有者,其技术转移虽然具有较强的内部化特征,却不能完全内在化技术溢出。

    The main technology provider , namely , MNCs from the advanced countries , which owning more than 80 % of advanced technology throughout the whole world , prefer to transferring technology within their own corporate system , nevertheless technology spillovers .

  14. TD-SCDMA是由我国提出的第三代移动通信系统标准,采用一系列先进技术,具有较高的系统性能和频谱利用率。

    TD-SCDMA is the 3rd generation mobile communication system standard ( 3G ) which proposed by our country . It adopts a series of advanced technologies to achieve higher spectrum utilization efficiency and lager capacity .

  15. 由于DCS控制系统融合了有关各领域学科的先进技术,更加注重系统的稳定性,灵活性,易用性及开放性的特点,逐渐成为自动化控制领域先进技术的结合体。

    Because DCS control system combined with the advanced technology of all kinds of science fields , it was much stability , flexibility , ease to use and opening . DCS system was becoming integration of the advanced technology of automatic control field .

  16. 数据仓库和OLAP技术是有效使用大量、分布、异构数据源的先进技术,自出现以来就成了现代DSS数据管理子系统的核心,为DSS的开发和应用开辟了一条新的途径。

    Data Warehouse and OLAP techniques is advanced techniques for use large - scale , distributed and heterogeneous data sources , these techniques is the heart of Data management sub - system of modern DSS after come forth , and break a new path for developing and using DSS .

  17. 建议应尽快启动随钻测井技术和装备研发项目,坚持自主创新,借鉴国外先进技术,开展联合攻关,分阶段实施LWD发展计划。

    Suggest to start LWD research project as soon as possible , stick to independent creation , use the advanced technology of other countries for reference , launch an industrial joint research , implement LWD development plan step by step , and pay attention to intellectual property rights protection .

  18. 我们将采用先进技术实现室内温度的控制。

    We will use advanced technology to achieve room temperature control .

  19. 方法:采用先进技术细胞内微电极的方法。

    Methods : Intracellular micro electrode method was used to measure Em.

  20. 引进国外先进技术发展我国新型铸钢车轮

    Introduce Foreign Advanced Technology and Develop Chinese New Type Cast Steel Wheels

  21. 先进技术与职能管理在压力容器制造中的应用研究

    Application study on advanced technology and functional management in pressure vessel production

  22. 引进国外先进技术建设高水平实验基地

    Importing International Advanced Technology Establish High Standard Experiment Base

  23. 本产品引进国外先进技术。

    This product introduces the foreign advanced technology .

  24. 引进、消化、吸收国外先进技术加快桑塔纳塑料零部件国产化

    Import , Digest and Absorb Foreign Advanced Technology , Speed Up Santana Parts Localization

  25. 依靠先进技术提高产品质量

    To Improve Product Quality Depend on Advanced Technique

  26. 联机服务是信息产业化和现代先进技术发展的结果。

    On-line service is the result of the development of the modern information technology .

  27. 应用先进技术提高港口效益

    Applying Advanced Technology to Enhance Port Performance

  28. 引进先进技术整治山区航道

    Regulating Mountainous Channel by Importing Advanced Technique

  29. 经专家鉴定,本研究达到国内先进技术水平。

    The result , appraised by experts , reached the advanced technical level at home .

  30. 日本则是结合本国实际,消化吸收国外的先进技术。

    Japan emphasizes on absorbing and reusing advanced foreign technologies based on its own situation .