
  • 网络rapid expansion;fast expansion
  1. 随着Internet的快速扩张,电子邮件作为Internet提供的一项基本服务,逐渐取代传统的书信交流而成为一种新的交流工具。

    With the rapid expansion of Internet , e-mail as the Internet provides a basic service , gradually replace the traditional exchange of letters as a new communication tool .

  2. DMSO促进皮肤快速扩张的实验研究

    The experimental research on the rapid expansion of skin by DMSO

  3. 快速扩张后的皮肤与正常皮肤相比较,其表皮明显增厚,细胞间隙增宽,DNA平均光密度不变,但积分光密度增加;

    After rapid expansion , the thickness and intercellular space of the skin increased , average optical density of DNA remained unchanged , but integral optical density of DNA increased ;

  4. 只要家庭继续提供这份“补贴”,m2快速扩张的通胀效应就可以得到控制。

    So long as households provide this subsidy , the inflationary impact of rapid M2 expansion can be contained .

  5. 20世纪90年代中期之后,互联网(Internet)快速扩张,成为全球最大的、最流行的计算机信息网络,至新旧世纪交替之际,互联网已将各国、各地区一网打尽。

    Since the middle of 1990s , the Internet has expanded greatly to become the biggest and most popular global computer information network , and nowadays , it has almost covered all countries and regions .

  6. 近几年来,通信设备的快速扩张和移动通信的迅速发展使得MANET(mobilead-hocNETworks)网络得到了越来越多的关注。

    In recent years , due to the rapid expansion of communications equipment and the mobile communications , researchers have paid a lot of attention to mobile ad-hoc networks ( MANET ) .

  7. 两家领先的投资银行正研究进军快速扩张的个人对个人(P2P)借贷行业。这一事实突显出,就连老牌金融机构也在竞相拥抱科技、打破传统的融资模式。

    Two of the leading investment banks are looking at a move into the fast-expanding peer-to-peer lending sector , underlining how even established institutions are racing to embrace technology to disrupt traditional finance .

  8. 这种快速扩张的结果是,中国的奢侈品门店数量超过全球其他任何国家,伯恩斯坦研究公司(BernsteinResearch)的数据显示,其数量大大超过美国,并正在接近饱和。

    As a result of this rapid expansion , China has more luxury stores than any other country in the world , outpacing the US by a wide margin , according to Bernstein Research , and nearing saturation .

  9. 伴随着国内中央空调市场的高速发展,SL集团快速扩张,陆续在全国二十几个大城市设立了分公司或办事处,年营业额达3亿元。

    With the rapid development in China central air conditioner market , SL has now established more than 20 branches and offices around major Chinese cities .

  10. 中国央行正面对一系列令人忧虑的通胀压力信号,包括货币供应的快速扩张。12月,中国的M1狭义货币供应量同比增加34.6%。

    The central bank is facing a number of worrying signals about inflationary pressures , including a rapid expansion of money supply with M1 increasing by 34.6 per cent in December year-on-year .

  11. 奥纬咨询(OliverWyman)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的一份报告称,在十年的快速扩张之后,亚太地区投行收入占全球投行总收入的份额仍仅为五分之一左右。

    But after a decade of turbocharged expansion , Asia-Pacific still counts for only about a fifth of global investment banking revenues , according to a report by Oliver Wyman and Morgan Stanley .

  12. CNN特派员景兰:日本的女性化妆品市场已经饱和,但随着男性开始使用面膜、抗老霜,甚至胡须增长用品,男性化妆品市场开始快速扩张。

    KYUNG LAH , CNN CORRESPONDENT : The women 's cosmetics market in Japan has plateaued , but the male market is rapidly expanding as men discover moisture masks , anti-aging creams and even facial hair extensions .

  13. 恰好在快速扩张前降低血浆胆固醇能阻止高等斑块的形成,Björkegren说道。

    Bringing down plasma cholesterol just before the rapid expansion can prevent the formation of advanced plaques , says Bj ö rkegren .

  14. 企业的中层管理人员是企业的中坚力量,SZ集团快速扩张的规模和业务领域需要大量称职的中层管理人员来支撑。

    The middle management is the main power of the company , and SZ is in need for them to satisfy the requirements of the high-speed growing and the continuing expanding of business fields .

  15. 但也有人担心,中国市场的快速扩张可能很快就会趋缓,JLR等全球汽车厂商正转向其他新兴市场寻求下一阶段的增长。

    There are concerns that the rapid expansion in the region may soon peter out and global carmakers like JLR are looking to other emerging markets for the next phase of growth .

  16. 对皮管快速扩张后皮肤组织形态学和体视学进行研究。将15只日本大耳兔分成三组:①快速扩张组,每日注水扩张一次,连续扩张7d;

    In order to investigate the histological and stereological change of the rapidly expanded skin tube , 15 Japanese Long Ear Rabbits were divided into 3 groups : ( 1 ) Rapid expansion group , injecting once a day for 7 days ;

  17. 这为“自由市场”的快速扩张扫清了道路,让其在2007年8月(如今经济史学家称其为全球金融危机的开始)赶上在纽约纳斯达克(Nasdaq)挂牌上市,筹得更多资金。

    This cleared the way for MercadoLibre 's rapid expansion , just in time to raise more funds when it laun ¬ ched on New York 's Nasdaq exchange in August 2007 , the same day that economic historians now say marked the start of the global financial crisis .

  18. 中国大学的规模快速扩张,研究设施也在不断升级。

    Chinese university scales are expanding and research facilities are upgrading .

  19. 早期间断快速扩张法对扩张囊外纤维包膜影响的研究

    Influence of early rapid tissue expansion on fibrous capsules aroud expander

  20. 当代中国城市快速扩张,城市改造更新速度加快。

    The contemporary Chinese city rapid expansion , city renewal speed .

  21. 向中国西部快速扩张的条件已经成熟。

    Conditions are ripe for a rapid expansion in Western China .

  22. 教育领域招生规模持续快速扩张,学生的培养质量显著下降;

    The enrolment scale in the domain of education keep expanding ;

  23. 研究持续恒压快速扩张技术。论证持续恒压扩张术的效果。

    To verify the effects of continuous constant pressure skin expansion .

  24. 概要:利用起重机建造大量经济建筑+快速扩张。

    Description : Massive economy build with Crane + Fast expand .

  25. 皮管快速扩张的组织形态学和体视学研究

    Rapidly expanded skin tube studied by histological and stereological observations

  26. 信息不对称的情况下,企业通过多元化经营战略,快速扩张企业规模。

    Enterprise through diversification , aimed at expanding our business .

  27. 研究证明,皮管快速扩张是可行的。

    It was concluded that the rapid expansion of skin tube was feasible .

  28. 快速扩张后皮肤生物力学特性的实验研究

    Experimental study of changes in biomechanical properties of pig skin after rapid expansion

  29. 3.依托合作关系快速扩张。

    Building too fast on back of a partnership .

  30. 并购是实现企业快速扩张的重要途径和手段。

    Mergers & Acquisitions is an important way for corporations to achieve fast expansion .