
kuài sù fǎn yìnɡ bù duì
  • Rapid Response Force;quick (or rapid) response force
  1. 他坚持安理会连夜再次召开会议以授权快速反应部队介入。

    He insisted that the security council be reconvened that night to authorise the rapid reaction force .

  2. 就在北约组建NRF时,欧盟也在着手创建其快速反应部队。

    Even as NATO builds up the NRF , the EU is also building its own rapid response forces .

  3. 派快速反应部队去参议员家。

    Fast start team 's headed to the senator 's house .

  4. 快速反应部队急性高原反应研究

    Study on acute altitude disease in quick - response unit

  5. 海军陆战队是精锐的快速反应部队。

    The Marine Corps is a crack rapid reaction force .

  6. 欧洲快速反应部队的核心&空中力量

    Air Power in European Rapid Reaction Force

  7. 一个灾后援救和快速反应部队正致力于处理地震和海啸次生灾害。

    A disaster assistance and response team is working to confront the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami .

  8. 他提议组建一支快速反应部队以应对俄罗斯的侵略。

    He 's proposing the creation of a rapid reaction security force that can quickly respond to Russian aggression .

  9. 于是在当年召开的科隆峰会以及赫尔辛基首脑会议上,确立了建立防务欧洲以及组建快速反应部队的目标。

    In the same year , EU set the goals of founding defense European and forming rapid reaction force in Cologne Summit and Helsinki Summit .

  10. 北约官员表示快速反应部队是预计将在本周威尔士峰会上由领导人们所支持一项更大计划的其中一部分。

    NATO officials say the rapid reaction force is part of a larger plan that is expected to be endorsed by leaders at this week 's summit in Wales .

  11. 他指责一些北约成员国为波斯尼亚提供维和部队,或者派部队加入北约从来没有行动的快速反应部队,而避免到阿富汗去承担比较危险的战斗任务。

    And he accused some members of offering forces for peacekeeping in Bosnia or for the never-used NATO response force , rather than for more dangerous missions in Afghanistan .

  12. 就是为了避免这样的悲剧再次重演,北约官员才决定推行新的快速反应部队,几天内就可以赶到在俄罗斯的边境帮助各个成员国。

    It 's scenes like this that have NATO officials pushing for a new rapid reaction force-one that can deploy within days to help member states on Russia 's border .

  13. 这架空客客机的驾驶员将威胁告知空管后,皇家空军快速反应部队的战斗机紧急升空,追踪这架驶向曼彻斯特的客机。

    After the Airbus pilot notified air traffic control of the threat , the fighter part of the RAFs Quick Reaction Alert force was scrambled to tail the flight as it made its approach to Manchester .

  14. 盟军快速反应地面部队指挥官

    Commander of the ACE Rapid Reaction Corps