
kuài sù tōnɡ dào
  • fast track;turbo channel
  1. PrestwickPharmaceuticals是我们投资的公司之一,我们原以为它已经进入了‘快速通道’(fasttrack),但仍然又过了三年,它才通过了国家食品及药品管理局的审批。

    One of our companies , Prestwick pharmaceuticals , supposedly was put on a ' fast track , ' but it still took another three years before receiving FDA approval .

  2. Bashir说,“快速通道动议”的资助意味着马达加斯加将能够更迅速地得到更多的赠款资助:在两年内,而不是世界银行项目的七年。

    Bashir says Fast Track funding means Madagascar will get more financing as a grant much more quickly-over two years , versus seven under the World Bank project .

  3. 有趣的是,越来越多的企业招聘方为MBA毕业生设立了进入领导层的快速通道规划。

    Interestingly , a growing number of corporate recruiters have set up fast-track leadership programmes for MBAs .

  4. 鲍文对于把mba视为职业快速通道的保证持怀疑态度。

    Mr Bowen is sceptical about the value of an MBA as a guarantee to a fast-track career .

  5. RTD和马丁。马芮娜公司将会专门为马丁。马芮娜公司的员工启动两条快速通道。

    RTD and Martin Marietta will run two new express routes especially for Martin Marietta employees .

  6. 在大客户管理(CRM)信息系统设计时,加入与三个快速通道对应的功能模块,来实现大客户管理主要功能的规范化。

    When CRM ( customer relationship management ) system design , joins with the function module of " Three Expresses " to realize the KAM main function standardization .

  7. BlazeDS还将包括一个新的http流通道用于需要快速通道的应用。

    It will also include a new streaming http channel that does not close for applications that need a faster channel .

  8. 他的政府已敦促国会通过快速通道(fast-track)立法,以确保跨太平洋伙伴关系(TPP)和跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴关系(Trans-AtlanticTradeandInvestmentPartnership)史上规模最大的两项贸易谈判顺利通过。

    His administration has urged Congress to pass fast-track legislation to facilitate the passage of both the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – two of the largest trade negotiations in history .

  9. 本文在理论上研究了纳秒数量级内,运用绝热快速通道(ARP)来控制基态原子的相干性及其布居数在不同能态间的转移。

    Robust control of atomic coherence and population transfer among Zeeman sublevels in the ground states of atom is investigated theoretically using adiabatic rapid passage on a nanosecond time scale .

  10. Cu在溅射生长的多晶Ta、TaN阻挡层中的扩散以晶界扩散为主,在高温退火条件下,Cu通过这种快速通道向Si衬底扩散,形成了Cu和Ta的硅化物以及硅的氧化物。

    Grain boundary diffusion is dominating for copper diffusion in polycrystalline Ta and TaN films . At high temperature , copper diffuses towards Si substrate through these fast diffusion paths and silicides of Ta and Cu are formed . Based on the grain boundary theory of J.

  11. 尽管伦敦奥组委专门在从希斯罗机场到驻地的M4高速公路上设置了奥运会专用快速通道,但是载有美国与澳大利亚运动员的两辆大巴还是分别迷路了3个小时与将近4个小时。

    Two buses containing Americans and Australians were lost , one for nearly four hours , the other three hours this morning , even though their route was supposed to be fast-tracked by the implementation of the Olympic lane on the busy M4 motorway from Heathrow .

  12. 并且新的超级贸易条款,跨太平洋伙伴协议(TPP)以及跨大西洋贸易及投资伙伴协议(TTIP)整时刻准备着通过快速通道在国会中进行迅速直接表决,甚至在协议条款并未被国会或公众知晓之前。

    And the new uber-trade deals , the Trans Pacific Partnership ( TPP ) and Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ( TTIP ) are poised to be fast-tracked through Congress with a quick up or down vote , even before the treaties ' contents are made known to Congress or the public .

  13. 智能手环还能让他们预定快速通道。

    MagicBands also enables them to reserve their fast passes electronically .

  14. 这里是一个快速通道,算是吧?

    So this is just a quick access , I guess ?

  15. 印制板布线的最佳路径快速通道分配算法

    The fast channel assignment algorithm of optimum path for PC board

  16. 快速通道是一个非常有用的功能,谢谢。

    The quick access is a very helpful feature , thank you .

  17. 我在一家商场快速通道上生闷气。

    I was in the express lane at the store quietly fuming .

  18. 基于绝热快速通道控制原子布居数及其相干性的研究

    Control of population and atomic coherence by adiabatic rapid passage

  19. 英国、美国和澳大利亚都推出了快速通道方案。

    The UK , US and Australia have all introduced fast-track schemes .

  20. 发挥高速公路优势建立部队快速通道

    Bring into Play the Advantage of Expressway , Establishing Quick Channel of Troops

  21. 科技期刊的快速通道与科学优先权

    The " Rapid Track " of the Scientific Journals and the Scientific Priority

  22. 建立山东省与韩国间货物运输快速通道的探讨

    The Exploring About Building Express Freight Corridor Between South Korea and Shandong Province

  23. 城市地下快速通道入口段排烟方案研究

    Study on the smoke control strategies of the portal section in urban underground

  24. 电网企业业务数据快速通道系统的设计应用

    Design and Application of Fast Path System for Power Grid Enterprise 's Business Data

  25. 创业移民签证持有人可以在英国创办企业,并通过快速通道获得英国公民身份。

    The visas allow holders to start a UK business and earn fast-track citizenship .

  26. 济南市快速通道体系建设初探

    Primary study of Jinan urban rapid transport system

  27. 快速通道对核心城区路网流量的影响分析

    Analysis of Impact on Road Network Based on Fast Channel of the City Center

  28. 确实,快速通道取决于多哈,而不是其他回合。

    Indeed , fast-track now depends on doha , not the other way around .

  29. 如快速通道僵局所显示的,国会现正处于一种简单的贸易保护主义态度。

    Congress is plainly in a protectionist mood , as the impasse over fast-track shows .

  30. 他们将走快速通道。

    They are taking the express route .