
kuài sù fā jiào
  • rapid fermentation;accelerated fermentation
  1. 鱼露的风味及快速发酵工艺研究

    The Flavor and Rapid Fermentation Process of Fish Sauce

  2. 固定化增殖细胞快速发酵生产酱油

    Rapid Fermentation for Soy Sauce Production by Immobilized Cells

  3. 快速发酵面包酵母菌株的选育

    Screening of baker ′ s yeast for quick fermentation in plain doughs

  4. 固定化生长酵母细胞快速发酵生产啤酒

    Rapid Fermentation of Beer by Immobilized Growing Yeast Cell

  5. 探讨了香椿芽接种乳酸菌,低盐快速发酵的新工艺。

    Study on salinized store and forming acid synamics model of Chinese Toon ;

  6. 本文介绍了鱼露及鱼露加工生产的基本情况,从风味以及快速发酵工艺二个方面说明鱼露的研究进展;

    Current researches of flavor and rapid process technology on fish sauce were reviewed .

  7. 优级酒精快速发酵工艺及高效蒸馏技术开发研究

    Rapid Fermentation Technology for High-class Alcohol and Research and Development of High-efficient Distillation Techniques

  8. 窑方法加热固化烟草快速发酵,刚刚超过110F(甚至更高)。

    The kiln method heats curing tobacco to just over110F ( or even higher ) for rapid fermentation .

  9. 介绍了鱼露发酵生产的基本情况,并从安全性、生物活性、风味以及快速发酵生产工艺4个方面说明发酵法生产鱼露的研究进展;

    Some current research of safety , bioactivity , flavor and rapid process technology on fish sauce were reviewed .

  10. 鱼露快速发酵工艺的研究&低盐保温发酵的效果

    Studies on quick fermentation of fish sauce and on effect of the fermentation in lower salt and higher temperature processing

  11. 特点是面包体积要比快速发酵法面包大得多,且发酵风味和香气浓郁。

    The volume of bread is bigger than others , the fermentation flavor and fragrance is very rich and nice .

  12. 添加生物制剂可以使马铃薯茎叶青贮料快速发酵,在发酵第30天左右能够达到理想的青贮效果。

    Adding biological agents can accelerate its fermentation which can achieve the desired effect of the silage on 30 days or so .

  13. 现有研究表明,许多都途径能明显缩短产品成熟时间,但是快速发酵产品的风味迄今为止都不十分理想。

    Present researches have shown that several strategies can shorten the ripening time , but the aroma of the fast fermented products were not very good .

  14. 过夜种子面团法是吸取二次发酵法和快速发酵法的优点研究而成的一种加工面包的新方法。

    The method of previous night seed dough is a new way on processing bread assimilating the virtues of the two stage fermentation method and fast fermentation method .

  15. “营商周”是香港政府资助活动,旨在扶持设计和商业效应的快速发酵,进而为社会产业链带来更多的能量。

    BODW is a Hong Kong government-funded activity , aims to support the rapid fermentation between design and business , and thus to bring more energy into the society 's production chain .

  16. 从高精面粉、即发活性干酵母、鲜酵母为试验材料,采用快速发酵法、一次发酵法、二次发酵法和低温发酵法生产主食面包和点心面包。

    High-gluten flour , instant active dry yeast and fresh yeast were used as baking ingredients for making toast and sweet bread by no-time dough method , straight dough method , sponge and dough method respectively .

  17. 介绍了目前对鱼露中所含挥发性成份和非挥性成份风味成份的分析研究情况,指出快速发酵工艺给鱼露风味带来的负面影响。

    Identification of volatile compounds and non - volatile compounds which are thought to be major contributors to fish sauce flavor were introduced and the negative effect on flavor caused by rapid process technology were pointed out .

  18. 本文分析了谷类和甜高梁原料生产酒精特点,认为选用多种原料、实施固定化酵母流化床快速发酵技术生产燃料酒精是酒精企业的方向。

    After analyzing the features of the ethanol production from crops and sweet sorghum juice in this paper , multi-stuff and fast fermentation in fixed yeast fluid bed technology are considered as the orientation of bio-ethanol corporations .

  19. 报道了用流动注射分析(FIA)-乙醇生物电极法快速测定发酵样品中的乙醇含量,探讨了发酵样品中物质对测定的干扰情况,并对该法的可靠性和重现性进行了研究。

    A flow injection method with an alcohol dehydrogenase ( ADH ) biosensor is proposed for the rapid determination of ethanol in fermentation samples .

  20. 运动发酵单胞菌232B木薯快速乙醇发酵

    Rapid ethanol production from cassava by Zymomonas mobilis 232b

  21. 结果表明,姜汁就能够在发酵剂的基础上缩短凝乳时间(50min内可以凝乳)、促进发酵。为奶站在收奶中快速检测发酵乳与非发酵乳提供实验依据。

    The result indicated that ginger juice can promote milk coagulation and 0.5 % ginger juice can shorten the fermentation time of milk curd on the basis of ferment .

  22. 一种快速测定发酵液中ε-聚赖氨酸的方法

    A Rapid Method to Determine ε - Polylysine in Fermentation Broth

  23. 有机物料高温快速连续发酵除臭技术研究

    Deodorization Techniques on Fleeting Continuous Zymosis of Organic Feces with High Temperature

  24. 鲜甘薯原料的运动发酵单胞菌快速乙醇发酵条件

    Rapid Ethanol Production from Fresh Sweet Potato by Zymomonas mobilis

  25. 畜禽粪便快速微生物发酵生产有机肥的研究

    Study on Production of Organic Fertilizer by Quick-acting Fermentation of Animal Manure Utilizing Microorganism

  26. 姜汁在快速检测发酵乳与非发酵乳中的应用

    Study on effect of ginger juice on milk coagulation and application on the production

  27. 肌酸比色法快速测定发酵液中3-羟基丁酮的含量磷酸肌酸治疗蒽环类药物心肌损害的效果比较

    Creatinine colorimetric assay of acetoin in fermentation broth The effect of creatine phosphate on myocardial injure induced by marcellomycin

  28. 超高效液相色谱法快速测定发酵茶叶中的黄曲霉毒素

    Rapid determination of aflatoxins B1 , B2 , G1 and G2 in fermented tea by ultra performance liquid chromatography

  29. 提出了用近红外漫反射光谱技术快速检测发酵冬虫夏草中氨基酸含量的新方法。

    A new method for fast determining the content of amino acid in Cordyceps sinensis by means of near infrared ( NIR ) spectroscopy was developed .

  30. 国内外青贮技术的研究重点是研制能够促进青贮料快速乳酸发酵的活菌制剂,以保证和改善青贮饲料质量。

    The silage technology study is focusing currently on the living bacteria inoculants which can promote lactic fermentation of ensiling to ensure and improve silage quality .