
  • 网络FAST BRAND;Quick Brand
  1. 总部设在伦敦的Editd公司目前拥有27名员工和600万美元的资本,快时尚品牌Gap和塔吉特百货(Target)等大公司都是它的客户。

    The London-based company , which has 27 employees and $ 6 million in investment , counts Gap and Target among its customers .

  2. 最后,垂直整合的宝姿公司还建立了通常为topshop和zara等快装品牌所采用的实时生产体系。

    Finally , the vertically-integrated company has also put in place a just-in-time production system normally used by high street fast fashion outlets like Topshop and Zara .

  3. 贬值最快的品牌

    Brands that lose value the fastest

  4. 而这份排行榜上进步最快的品牌都是去年推出新车型最多的品牌。

    The automotive brands that grew the most in the ratings , I was informed , were the ones that launched the most models .

  5. 三星电子被公认为是发展最快的全球品牌之一,它是数字电视,内存芯片,手机和TFT-LCD的领先制造商。

    Recognized as one of the fastest growing global brands , Samsung Electronics is a leading producer of digital TVs , memory chips , mobile phones and TFT-LCDs .

  6. 对这种时代精神,没有哪个品牌比BottegaVeneta总结得更好了。BV是本世纪增长最快的奢侈品牌,每年销量增长50%到60%。

    Few brands summed up this Zeitgeist better than Bottega Veneta , the fastest growing luxury label this century , with annual sales rises of 50 to 60 per cent .

  7. 然而,作为行业主体之一的出版社竞争意识提升很快,但品牌意识仍旧比较薄弱,多数出版社根本就没想过打造品牌图书。

    Although , the competition consciousness of publishing house promotes quickly , the brand consciousness is still weak .

  8. 作为一家有五年历史的行业新贵,小米在一夜之间就成了中国销售增长最快的手机品牌。

    Xiaomi , a five-year-old upstart whose name means " Little Rice , " came out of nowhere to become China 's fastest-selling mobile brand .

  9. 特别是对处于复苏的市场经济和面临的困境,这些快时尚服装品牌的设计及展示都采取了自己的新谋略,并获得较大的成功。

    To difficulties of market economy in recovery , in particular , these fast fashion clothing brand design and display adopted their new strategy and achieve greater success .

  10. 换句话说,社交媒体的全球认知度越高,品牌和产生的信任感扩散速度越快,该品牌的实力就越强大越有价值。

    In other words , the higher the awareness and the diffusion rate of social media brands and the trust they generate , the stronger and more valuable they are .

  11. 但公司也曾有失算之处,其中之一就是于2003年进军发展迅猛的俄罗斯市场。两年后,由于无法打败竞争对手的仿造产品(这些假货很快让阿特拉斯品牌在俄国市场名誉扫地),工厂倒闭。

    One was an expansion into the fast-growing Russian market in 2003 . It closed after two years , unable to fight off rival counterfeit products that quickly destroyed the brand in Russia .

  12. 韩国和欧洲品牌汽车的在华销量增速可是快于中国本土品牌。

    Sales of Korean and European cars are outpacing those of Chinese-brand cars .

  13. 基于品牌联合投资少见效快等特点。品牌联合策略因而备受企业界、学术界的关注。

    Brand Alliance strategy has received attention from business circle and academic for its advantageous of less investment and quick returns .

  14. 同时,有些产品用得特别快,直接去品牌店购买能够让你降低总体花费。

    And , while some products get used up pretty quickly , you can keep the total costs down by going directly to a brand shop .

  15. 品牌已经成为如今商业战争中最大的战场,尤其是快消行业中品牌的竞争已然成为这个战场中最激烈的部分。

    Brand has already been the largest battle field in the war of commerce , especially on the Fast Moving Consumer Goods ( FMCG ), which is most fierce part .

  16. 这将很快成为一个品牌,是世界各国公认的颜色、内容和符号用来宣传我们的主张。

    It will soon be a brand that is recognized in countries around the world by the color , the content and the symbol used to advertise what we stand for .

  17. 品牌价值增长最快的行业是服装,由运动服饰耐克(Nike)和快时尚品牌Zara引领,因为人们更多地关注健康和健身,同时Zara的快时尚在中国变得越来越受欢迎。

    The fastest-rising sector is apparel , driven by Nike in sportswear as people pay more attention to health and fitness , and Zara , whose fast fashion is becoming increasingly popular in China .