
  1. 其外国竞争品牌阿迪达斯(Adidas)也拥有相近的份额。

    rival foreign brand Adidas has a similar portion .

  2. 宝马(BMW)昨日宣布,将其关注重点从销量增长转向盈利能力,以图缩小与竞争品牌梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)之间的差距,并平息股东的不满情绪。

    BMW yesterday shifted its emphasis from sales growth to a focus on profitability in an attempt to close the gap on rival brand Mercedes-Benz and to calm dissatisfied shareholders .

  3. 随着时间的推移,越来越多的人将把自家的电视机升级为智能电视,伍德希望消费者会在众多竞争品牌中挑选Roku电视。

    As time passes and more people decide to upgrade to a smart TV , wood hopes that they will pick a roku-branded set over any competing one .

  4. 其中,消费者购买决策的做出是对企业产品认同及接受程度最为直接的表现,消费者之所以决定选择某种产品,是因为他相信该产品比其它竞争品牌能给他带来更大的效用或价值。

    Purchasing decision making is straight behave of self-identity and acceptance of corporation 's product .

  5. 但是,那些在竞争品牌手机中发现更多心仪特性的消费者却毫不留情地弃他们于不顾。

    And yet , consumers who have found more to like in competing devices are ignoring them .

  6. 从耐克、别克到西门子,中国消费者对西方品牌的喜爱远远胜过国内的竞争品牌。

    From Nike to Buick to Siemens , Chinese consumers actively prefer Western brands over their domestic competitors .

  7. 正向口碑都能弱化其对竞争品牌的负面溢出效应;而负向口碑进一步强化其负面溢出效应。

    Positive WOM can weaken its negative spillover effects , while negative WOM deepen such negative spillover effects .

  8. 我国民营银行的构建必须走渐进式的道路,民营银行应该朝业务多元化、经营国际化、竞争品牌化、股权分散化的现代商业银行方向发展。

    Privately-run banks are to develop towards the goal of modern commercial banks . which feature service-diversification . operation-internationalization .

  9. 危机企业属性会影响到负面溢出效应的程度,越是行业中的强势企业发生危机,其对竞争品牌的负面溢出效应就越大。

    Scandalized company attribute positively affect the extent of negative spillover effects . Typical scandalized company causes greater negative spillover effects .

  10. 尽管危机对竞争品牌的负面溢出效应已经发生,口碑方向仍然能对消费者产生影响。

    Despite negative spillover effect , positive and negative word of mouth can still affect attitudes and beliefs toward competing brands .

  11. 而高科技产品领域,受产品特性的影响,消费者购买决策非常慎重,竞争品牌和产品对消费者决策的影响非常大。

    But in high-tech product area , consumers are very cautious to buy and competitive brand and product have great influence to decision-making .

  12. 他必须把这些竞争品牌的标识都盖住,他打算使用胶带、弹力鞋套和配色巧妙的布。

    He must cover the logos of those competing brands , which he plans to do with tape , elastic sleeves and cleverly shaded fabric .

  13. 他们之所以确定选择某一种产品或服务,是因为他们相信该产品或服务比其他竞争品牌能够带来更多价值。

    They determine the choice of a product or service , because they believe that the product or service than other competing brands can bring more value .

  14. 品牌定位是在消费者心目中确定一个独特的位置,使本品牌和竞争品牌相区分,或使品牌与消费者的特定需求和目标相联系,它在企业营销战略中居于十分重要的地位。

    Brand positioning is to differentiate the brand from other alternatives or associate it with consumers ' benefits , needs and goals , and it is an essential component of marketing strategy .

  15. 在每个产品或服务类别中,受访者在一对可能直接存在竞争品牌之间做出选择,因此最终得出受访者对每个品牌的喜好程度,并按照从最喜欢到最不喜欢进行排序。

    In each category , respondents chose between every possible head-to-head match-up of the included brands , so what emerged was a ranking of their connection to each , from first to last .

  16. 营销员外部人际网络包括客户、竞争品牌的营销员、朋友和亲人,营销员内部人际网络包括营销团队的成员、团队之间的成员和营销经理。

    Members of the external social network marketing including customers , competitors marketing staff , friends and relatives , members of the internal social network marketing , including marketing team members , team members and between the marketing manager .

  17. 包装设计是作为产品视觉传达的主要形式,定位准确符合消费者心理的包装设计,能使企业在众多竞争品牌中脱颖而出。

    Pack the design is a main form that is the product sense of vision to inform , position accurate match the packing design of the consumer mental state , can make business enterprise outshine others in numerous competition brands .

  18. 相互竞争的品牌之间往往看不出明显的区别。

    There is often no discernible difference between rival brands .

  19. iPhone和诺基亚是两个存在价格竞争的品牌。

    The iPhone and Nokia are two brands that are priced against each other competitively .

  20. 客户关系管理(CRM)被描述为利用信息技术手段,使客户、竞争、品牌等要素协调运作并实现整体优化的现代管理系统。

    CRM is described a modern management system which make customer 、 competition and brand operate in harmony .

  21. 与宝马竞争的品牌梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和奥迪(Audi)也在制造专门面向中国市场的加长型轿车。

    Rival brands Mercedes-Benz and Audi also make only-for-China stretch saloons .

  22. 中国制造商可以通过建立竞争性品牌来挑战三星和苹果——但请向宏达电(HTC)请教这样做的风险。

    Chinese makers could try taking on Samsung and Apple by building rival brands - but ask HTC about the risks in that .

  23. 品牌区域市场资源竞争及品牌分布规律

    Study on the Region Market Resource Competition and Distribution Rules of the Brands

  24. 竞争性品牌策略:进入遏制角度的分析牵制[遏制]政策

    Fighting brand and entry deterrence ; a containment policy

  25. 实现差异化竞争和品牌生存;

    Compete in different ways and accomplish brand survival ;

  26. 产品差异化竞争和品牌竞争发展相对缓慢。

    Product difference competition and brand competition grows slowly .

  27. 现代社会的竞争是品牌的竞争。

    Modern social competition is brand competition .

  28. 品牌领域出现重叠的概念源于生态学,即类似生态系统中物种竞争的品牌竞争或品牌重叠现象。

    Competition of brand and brand overlap is similar to species competition in the ecosystem .

  29. 学校竞争是品牌的竞争,其核心就在于课程。

    The school competition is the competition of brand , but the core lie in curriculum .

  30. 因此,呼叫中心服务质量己成为行业竞争、品牌竞争的关键因素。

    Therefore , the call center service quality has become a competition , a key factor in brand competition .