
  1. 基于竞争层次分析的青岛港集装箱码头的战略选择

    Strategy Selections of Qingdao Port Based on the Analysis of Competition Hiberarchy

  2. 中国酒业竞争层次论

    Discussion on the Competition in Liquor-making Industry in China

  3. 发展商之间的竞争层次面逐步提高,专业化、品牌化、集中化趋向明显;

    The competition level between the developers is improved gradually and the trend of specialization brand , and centralization is getting obvious ;

  4. 经济全球化、信息化、知识化的发展使企业间的竞争层次与强度日趋上升,竞争与合作的关系在更高的层次上加强了彼此联系的紧密性。

    Competition of enterprises has been improved with the development of global economy , information economy and knowledge economy . And the relation between competition and cooperation has also been connected more intensely .

  5. 因此,本文选择以整个青岛港为研究对象,从三个不同的竞争层次对青岛港集装箱码头的战略选择加以分析和研究是非常重要的,且具有较强的理论意义和现实意义。

    It is from this point that this paper chooses the whole Qingdao port as the research object , hoping to find out the right strategy suggestions to each different competition level for Qingdao port .

  6. 经过分析认为我国的道路运输的市场竞争层次较低、市场规模效应不显著,我国道路运输市场需要结合政府调控引导大规模企业形成与市场结构优化升级。

    According to the analysis , our road-transport market competition level is low , and the market economic scale has not realized , needing the government control guides to form the large-scale enterprise and promote the market structure optimization .

  7. 研究表明,由于管理体制、产业结构和市场行为的缺陷,我国的体育用品产业存在企业规模小、竞争层次低、竞争加剧、收益不佳等问题。

    It has been shown that there exist such problems of the smaller enterprise scale , lower competitive level , heated competition and lower income in the sports goods industry of China due to the defects of administrative system , industrial structure and market behavior .

  8. 然后运用层次分析法构建了牡丹江农业银行个人消费信贷业务的竞争层次结构模型,通过定量分析结果选取了适合牡丹江农业银行个人消费信贷发展的竞争策略。

    And then used the analytic hierarchy process to build a competitive hierarchy model of consumer credit business in Mudanjiang Agricultural Bank of China , and selected the appropriate competitive strategy for Individual Consumption Credit in Mudanjiang Agricultural Bank of China by the results of the quantitative analysis .

  9. 竞争的层次也由单一企业的竞争转化为企业价值网的竞争。

    The form of competition has changed into the Value Net of enterprise .

  10. 大学竞争优势层次体系及其构建

    On Constructing Hierarchy System of Competitive Advantages for University

  11. 在经济全球化的浪潮下,全球市场竞争的层次提高到崭新的水平。

    In the new wave of economic globalization , competition in the world market has moved up to a new level .

  12. 随着知识经济的兴起,国际竞争的层次从企业竞争上升到区域创新系统创新能力的竞争。

    With the rise of the knowledge economy , the international competition level rises from the enterprise competition to the innovation ability competition of the regional innovative system .

  13. 从港口所有制形式,港口竞争的层次,影响港口竞争的主要因素等方面,论述了现代港口的主要竞争手段。

    The major means and ways of competition in the construction and operation of modern ports are expounded from the aspects of the patterns of ownership of ports , the level of competition in ports and the major factors affecting the competition in ports .

  14. 希望藉此推动优化开发区域生产性服务业集聚,推进工业化和城市化进程,提升我国参与全球分工与竞争的层次,以龙头地位引领全国经济社会科学发展。

    In order to promote the agglomeration of producer services in development area , promote the industrialization and urbanization , promote our country to participate in global division of labor and the level of the competition , and lead the national economic and social scientific development .

  15. 品牌代表着报业竞争的最高层次,品牌意识日益深入人心。

    The newspaper brand represents the most highest layer of compete .

  16. 企业竞争能力的层次结构及其经济学分析

    On the Hierarchical Structure of Competitive Competence and Economics Analysis

  17. 旅游业竞争的最高层次是文化竞争,尤其是民俗文化的竞争。

    The tourist competition at top level is in culture , folkloric culture in particular .

  18. 调查发现,它们竞争的主要层次是5~15m的垂直空间范围。

    It was found that the main story of interspecies competition in vertical space was 5 ~ 15 meter .

  19. 动力因素是产业的创新能力,主要包括产业技术创新能力和制度创新能力,它们决定了贫困县产业竞争优势的层次和可持续性的强弱。

    The driving element is the capability of industrial innovation , which including technology innovation capability and institutional innovation capability .

  20. 市场环境的巨大变化和房地产行业的理性化发展,使得市场由质量层次竞争和规模层次竞争发展到品牌层次竞争。

    The significant changes in market environment and the sound development of real estate industry have caused the competition to switch from quality level and size level to brand level .

  21. 依据层次对抗与竞争优势的层次互动模型理论建立起来的基于资源观的多元化经营理念能更恰当的反映现实条件下的企业运营规律。

    The concept of diversified management in view of resource concept , which is set up according to the theory of gradation antagonism and mutually conditioning of competition superiority is able to reflect the rule of business management on the real condition more properly .

  22. 从现代企业发展和竞争的角度和层次探讨标准和专利问题。

    In terms of the development and competition of modern enterprise , this article discusses the issues of standard and patent .

  23. 市场竞争的四个层次,品牌竞争是最高的层次:价格竞争质量竞争创新竞争品牌竞争。

    Among the 4 layers of a market competition , brand competition is in the highest level : Price competition-quality competition-innovation competition-brand competition .

  24. 我国入世后,激烈的国际竞争环境对高层次人才的素质和结构提出了新的、更高的要求。

    After China entered into World Trade Organization ( WTO ), fierce international competition has been making still greater demands on the quality and structure of talents .

  25. 其中,生产力系统是核心层次,经济关系系统是中间层次,市场竞争是外围环境层次。最关键的因素是源于生产力系统的具有创新能力的人力资本。

    In them , the productivity system is the key level , the economic relation system is the intermediate level and the market competition is the peripheral environment .

  26. 经过十几年的市场洗礼,国内白酒业的竞争已经从低层次的价格、营销之争,过渡到品牌、文化之争。

    After more than 10 years of baptism , domestic liquor industry has been competition from low-level prices , marketing struggles and the transition to brands , cultural rivalries .

  27. 因此,人力资本与企业网络能力的内在联系以及它们在解释企业竞争优势上的层次关系等问题至今仍是一个理论黑箱。

    Therefore , the intrinsic relation between human capital and enterprise network capacity , as well as their interpretation of competitive advantage in the level of relations is still a theoretical black box .

  28. 企业能力经济可以包容规模经济和两种不同的范围经济,揭示了企业可持续竞争优势的更深层次的共有来源。

    We believe that the economies of competence , consisting of the economies of scale and the two different economies of scope , uncovers the shared source of sustained competitive advantages of enterprises at the deep layes .

  29. 立足于企业竞争战略,结合层次分析法,按照定性与定量相结合的原则,对供应商评价,选出了理想供应商,建立了医药供应商绩效评价指标体系,为供应商的科学控制提供了有效参考。

    Competitive strategy based on the combined levels of analysis , in accordance with the qualitative and quantitative principles for the supplier evaluation , selected the ideal supplier , established a medical supplier performance evaluation system for suppliers to provide an effective reference for scientific control .

  30. 随着现代社会快节奏的生活和日趋激烈的竞争,作为高层次知识分子的研究生这个群体越来越多的承受着繁重的心理压力,从而导致了心理疾病的产生。

    The Contemporary post-graduates are the important groups , post-graduates with the fast living pace in modern society and the increasingly competition which brings not only vitality but also crisis and pressure . the intellectual post-graduates bear more and more psychological pressure . thus , it brings psychological illness .