
jìnɡ zhēnɡ xìnɡ tóu biāo
  • competitive bidding;competitive tender
  1. 最常见的建立公允市场价值的方法是通过竞争性投标程序。

    The most common way of establishing fair market value is through a competitive bidding process .

  2. 美国证交会指控称,摩根大通在31个州的至少93笔市政债券再投资交易的竞争性投标程序中搞鬼。

    The SEC complaint alleges that JPMorgan undermined the competitive bidding process in at least 93 municipal bond re-investment transactions in 31 states .

  3. 投资者可如何决定竞争性投标中的投标价?

    How can investors determine the bid price for competitive tender ?

  4. 新闻稿:发行编号2708外汇基金债券非竞争性投标结果。

    Press release : results of non-competitive tender for exchange fund notes no.2708 .

  5. 准备竞争性投标、报价和建议书,以及相关的规范、条款和条件。

    Prepare solicitation for competitive birds , quotations and proposals with specs , terms and conditions .

  6. 获接纳的投标会按照同一批债券的竞争性投标最低接纳价获配发债券。

    Successful bids will be allotted notes at the lowest accepted price at the competitive tender for the same notes .

  7. 然而,有关投资者需富有一定的经验才能就竞争性投标定出投标价。

    However , this competitive tender requires a certain sophistication on the part of the investors in deciding on their bid price .

  8. 一般情况下,承包商要想在一项竞争性投标中获胜,关键问题是报价要恰当。

    Under normal circumstances , the contractor succeed in a competitive bidding to win , the key issue is to be appropriate to offer .

  9. 国际竞争性投标的策略模型是基于模糊集合论技术建立起来的,是一种非常适用于承包商实际应用的模型。

    The strategy model of international competitive bidding is built on the basis of fuzzy set theory , and it is a very applicable for international project contractors .

  10. 在返工成本率指标上,竞争性投标总价合同与单价合同在0.05的显著性水平上存在显著性差异。

    At the significance level of 0.05 , the mean values of the rate of cost overran is significantly different between lump sum through competitive bidding and unit price .

  11. 有关经联交所参与者及中央结算系统递交竞争性投标申请的费用,投资者应向其股票经纪查询及参考中央结算系统的收费表。

    For the fees for submitting competitive tender bids through stock exchange participants and ccass , investors should consult their stock brokers and refer to the charging scheme of ccass .

  12. 若非竞争性投标量较小,但竞争性投标者较少,且市场利率上升趋势极强,则同样是混合式拍卖收入最大,反之则荷兰式拍卖收入最大。

    When noncompetitive demand is weak , the number of competitive bidder is small and market interest rate tends to rise strongly , Spanish auction can provide the maximum revenue , otherwise Uniform-price auction can do .

  13. 本文首先通过分析竞争性投标中标价的构成和影响中标的因素,指出了成本估价的准确性和标高金的水平在投标中的重要性。

    First this thesis supplies that the accuracy of cost estimate and the level of mark-up are important in the bidding process by analyzing the components of bid price and the facts that affect bidding success .

  14. 建筑市场的竞争性投标是市场经济的产物,竞标成功与否将决定承包商的生存与发展,这其中的关键就是要有科学、全面的投标决策。

    The competitive bid in the building market is the product of the exchange market . As for the contractor , it is of great importance to his existence and development whether he can win a bid . A successful bid depends on scientific and overall bidding decisions .

  15. 而在目前的政府采购中,竞争性的招标投标是常见的政府采购机制。

    In the current government procurement , competitive bidding is common in government procurement mechanism .

  16. 经分析三峡枢纽一期工程静态投资控制良好,还节余约10%,主要是施工项目通过竞争性招标,投标商降低造价所致。

    Analysed results show that the static investment in first stage works was well controlled , with surplus of some 10 % . It is mainly because the competitive bidding of construction items leads to bidders ' reducing the engineering costs .

  17. 总采购公告,总招标通告:指竞争性招标中的投标机会通告。

    General procurement notice : a notice of Bidding opportunities in a competitive Bid .

  18. 在竞争性招标中,投标决策是一个充满着不确定性的复杂决策过程。

    The bidding decision making is a complex decision making process full of uncertainties in a competitive bidding .

  19. 在竞争性招标中,投标报价决策对于投标的成败和工程承包的盈亏起着决定性作用。

    In competitive tendering for construction , the price-decision-making is the decisive factor for bidding and making profits in construction .