
  • 网络Competition;Competitive environment;SWOT
  1. 在当今激烈变化的竞争环境中,我们将是您值得信赖的成长伙伴。

    We assure you that we are your worthiest business partner within tremendously changeable and competitive environment .

  2. 动态竞争环境下ERP对企业核心竞争力的培育和完善

    Cultivation and perfection of enterprise core competence through ERP in dynamic competitive environment

  3. 开放科学也为初级研究者带来了更好地获取关键数据的途径,创造了公平的竞争环境。

    Open science also offers junior researchers the chance to level the playing field by gaining better access to crucial date .

  4. 近日,国家发展改革委等六部门印发《关于支持民营企业加快改革发展与转型升级的实施意见》,旨在激发民营企业活力和创造力,进一步为民营企业发展创造公平竞争环境,带动扩大就业。

    Released by the National Development and Reform Commission and five other central departments , the guideline aims to further stimulate the private sector 's vitality and creativity , create a fair business environment and create more jobs .

  5. 威尔士教育部部长柯丝蒂·威廉姆斯认为这个变化是必要的,以给学生提供一个公平的竞争环境。每所学校的评估结果将参照经过商议决定的“全威尔士地区指导方针”,以保证威尔士各地评估标准的一致性。

    The Education Minister Kirsty Williams says the change is needed to allow for a level playing field , and that the result from each school will be played into an agreed ' national approach ' to provide consistency across Wales .

  6. 第二部分研究国有商业银行加入WTO后的竞争环境。

    The second section discusses the competitive environment of the national commercial bank after china takes part in the WTO .

  7. 建筑卫生陶瓷行业竞争环境SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis of construction ceramics in Guangdong competing enviroment

  8. 随着中国加入WTO后竞争环境的变化,国内快速货运企业快速发展,以及国外快速货运业巨头纷纷进入中国货运市场,快速货运企业之间的竞争变得更加激烈。

    With the China 's entry into WTO and the change of competitive environment , plus the foreign Freight Express magnate 's entering China , the competition between enterprises become fiercer .

  9. 为此中国必须在WTO《反倾销协议》的框架内,挥起反倾销之剑加大反倾销力度,为国内产业创造一个公平的竞争环境。

    Just for the reason , in the frame of WTO " Anti-Dumping Agreement ", China must strengthen anti-dumping dynamics , in order to create a fair competition environment for domestic industry .

  10. 第三章对移动的地市级公司的竞争环境作PEST分析,以及应用竞争的五力分析。

    The third one mainly makes municipal PEST analysis of the competitive environment , and the application to competition of the " five forces " strategy .

  11. 对自由竞争环境下的DVD租赁服务中的DVD分配环节进行了模型研究。

    In this paper , the DVD 's assign problem has been studied with mathematics model in market-free-competition circumstance of DVD on-line tenancy .

  12. 自军工企业于1999年开始体制改革及中国加入WTO,以中国北方工业公司为代表的军工产品研发制造单位开始走出计划经济体制,以独立市场主体身份进入到市场竞争环境中。

    Research and manufactory companies of military industry represented by NORINCO started to step out of the planned economic system which kept for decades to enter the market competition environment as an independent market player .

  13. 在经济全球化和中国加入WTO的竞争环境下,中国的企业应该立足国内,放眼世界,积极开展国际化经营活动,参与到世界经济循环中,提高国际竞争力。

    With China joining WTO , Chinese enterprises shall root themselves in domestic market and participate in world economy circulation actively by implementing international operation strategies under economy globalization to boost their global competition strengths .

  14. 随着中国加入WTO,中国企业已参与到一个更加激烈的国际竞争环境中,传统的管理理念与方法不可避免地受到冲击。

    Along with the China 's joining into the WTO , the Chinese business enterprise has nowadays participated in a much more vigorous and intense environment . The traditional management principles and methods are suffering the impact inevitably .

  15. 面临日趋激烈的市场竞争环境,如何进一步深化信息技术的应用使公司能赢得更多的市场并适应不断变化的客户需求成为摆在CD工程公司面前的一个重要课题。

    In the current intense competition environment , how to intensify the application of information technology to adapt the quick change of customer demand and win more contracts becomes a big issue for CD company .

  16. 鉴于此,处于激烈竞争环境下的B2C电商企业也希望能够借助于体验来提高顾客的忠诚度。

    In view of this , the B2C e-commerce enterprises under the fierce competitive environment also want to use experience marketing to improve customer loyalty .

  17. 本文主要研究了中国海洋石油总公司的发展目标,目前所处的国际国内竞争环境,发展的制约因素,以及WTO对中国海洋石油总公司的影响。

    This paper mainly studies on the development objective of China National Offshore Oil Corporation , and describes the current domestic and international competition environment , the restricting factors of development and the influences of WTO on China National Offshore Oil Corporation .

  18. 在分析了公司治理的终极目标和CEO体制的基础上,提出了建立CEO管理体制能够解决竞争环境带来的决策与执行的矛盾。

    Based on the analysis of ultimate goal of corporate governance and the CEO system , the article presents that the establishment of CEO management system can solve the contradiction between decision-making and execution brought by competition .

  19. 介绍了企业面临的外部环境,对宏观环境、行业环境和竞争环境进行了系统分析,并采用五力模型分析方法,对市场竞争环境进行了深度分析,为研究企业实施CRM战略打下了基础。

    Introducing the company ' environment . Analyzing the macro environment , professional environment and competitive environment system . Analyzing the market environment deeply using five-forces models as the preparation for study the company ' CRM strategy .

  20. 随着通信业改革重组的深入,3G业务的正式商用化推广,国内拥有全业务的三家运营商迎来了一个机遇与挑战并存的竞争环境。

    Along with the deepening of reform and reorganization of the communications industry , 3G business in the formal business of promotion , domestically owned full-service carrier ushered in three opportunities and challenges of a competitive environment .

  21. 随着我国加入WTO和网络时代的到来,企业的竞争环境变得异常复杂,如何使企业能够更好的适应社会的要求,如何利用这些理论进行战略分析对企业显得异常重要。

    At the corner of China 's entry the WTO and the coming of net age , the competition environment of the enterprises has been extremely complex , strategic study is greatly important for the enterprises to adjust to the request of the social better .

  22. 本文从项目管理的角度入手,阐述了CRM在T通信服务公司发展现状和未来可能的发展,分析了作为通信网络服务商所面临的竞争环境和通信网络市场的现状。

    With the viewpoint of project management , the paper analysis the status of the development of CRM in communication serving company , analysis the competition conditions faced as communication serving company and analysis the recent statuses of communication network markets .

  23. 其原因是,随着我国加入WTO,我国的汽车工业面临前所未有的竞争环境,企业希望通过ERP项目的成功实施提高竞争力,以应对日益剧烈竞争环境。

    The reason is , along with our country joining WTO , our country automobile industry faced with the unprecedented competition environment , the enterprise hoped through the ERP project success implementation to enhance competitive ability , meet to day by day the fierce competition environment .

  24. 特别是在2001年中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)以后,面对全球市场机会和国外强大石油物探巨头的即将介入,石油物探的市场竞争环境格局更是发生了巨大的变化。

    Especially in 2001 , after China entered into WTO , facing the opportunity of entering world market and the competition of petroleum magnate , including geophysical magnate , intervening , the existing arrangement of oil and gas industry will be disturbed , and competing environment must be greatly changed .

  25. 第三部是本文的重点,研究了联通CDMA业务的竞争环境,主要将联通与移动进行了对比,通过SWOT分析,找到联通CDMA业务发展中存在的问题与困难。

    It is the focus of this paper in part three , which is to examine the competitive environment Unicom CDMA business , mainly in connection with the movement of contrast through SWOT analysis to find Unicom CDMA business development problems and difficulties .

  26. 本文将以BHF公司为模型,通过分析市场中各品类的竞争环境,对各品类在公司发展中将发挥的作用进行重新的定位。

    This BHF for model , to analyze market in the category of competition for the environment and development in line with the company will play a role for the position .

  27. 本文选取FC公司为研究对象,FC公司技术人员由于受人才市场严峻的竞争环境,以及生涯管理体系不健全等内在因素影响,公司员工一直处于低工作效率、高流失的状态。

    As an influence result of the personnel market stern competitive environment , as well as the career management system is distemperedness , and so on intrinsic factor , the technical personnel in FC Corporation has been at the low working efficiency and high outflow state .

  28. 本文通过对中国建筑企业进行SWOT分析,找出建筑企业的优、劣势和建筑行业竞争环境的机会与威胁;并根据SWOT分析的结果,提出中国建筑企业在国际工程承包市场中的战略目标与对策。

    Ander this background , the current paper carries on SWOT analysis for Chinese architectural enterprises to discover their strength , weakness , opportunity and threat . And based on the results , this paper brings forward the strategic goals and countermeasures for such enterprises in the international market .

  29. 制造企业应该如何在激烈的竞争环境中长久立于不败之地?

    How can manufacturing company win in this tough completive environment ?

  30. 分析竞争环境,应对市场机遇和风险;

    Analyzing competition environment and facing marketing opportunities and risks ;