
  • 网络competitive intensity;competition intensity;intensity of competition
  1. 产业中竞争强度既不是偶然的也不是坏运。

    The intensity of competition in an industry is neither a matter of coincidence nor bad luck .

  2. 同时,随刈割频率的增加,两种牧草的种间竞争强度相对降低。

    The intensity of competition between the two species in a mix was lowered with an increase in frequency of cutting .

  3. 当斜率B为-1>B≥-1.5时,竞争强度达到了既抑制个体生长又影响单位面积产量的程度,所以叫减产竞争区域。

    While slope B is in between - 1 and - 1.5 , it is the competition region with the yeild decreasing . The competition intensity here not only restricts the individual plant growth , but also affects the yeild per unit area .

  4. 应用行业竞争强度的五力模型、SWOT方法和项目区分理论分析了城市基础设施投资建设企业的投资领域选择,并对城市基础设施投资建设产业的成长性与收益性分析进行了探讨。

    The thesis applies the five forces model , SWOT method and the division theory to analyze the choice of investment field of urban infrastructure Investment construction Company , and discusses the growth and profitability of urban infrastructure Investment Company .

  5. e.由于丘间地水分条件较好,受风沙活动的影响较小,同时由于流动沙丘和丘间地的不断更替降低了物种之间的竞争强度,就使丘间地具有较高的物种丰富度和物种均匀度。

    E. Due to favorable condition of soil moisture , weak activity of wind and sand , and low inter-specific competition intensity resulting from repeated alternation between sand dunes and inter-dunes , the plant species richness and the plant species evenness are quite high in inter-dunes .

  6. 行业环境较好,发展潜力大,行业内企业的竞争强度较弱;

    Its trade environment is better and development potential is big ;

  7. 针对这种形势,银行纷纷撤出次要市场,以降低竞争强度。

    In response , banks withdraw from marginal markets , reducing competition .

  8. 由于中国审计市场结构集中度低,竞争强度大,可能会导致产生低价揽业行为。

    Low market concentration and high competition intensity will lead to low-balling .

  9. 企业规模和竞争强度对后向技术外溢影响的实证研究

    The Empirical Analysis of Enterprise Scale and Competition on Backward Technology Spillovers

  10. 林窗中植物竞争强度随林窗发育的变化

    Changes in plant competition with the development of gaps

  11. 种内竞争强度受品种特性、环境资源和群体大小等制约。

    Intraspecies competition was restricted by variety characteristic , environment resources and population size .

  12. 降低竞争强度的多点竞争协作战略

    Multipoint Competitive Cooperative Strategy Reducing Competitive Intension

  13. 结果表明,黄果厚壳桂所受到的竞争强度随着林木径级的增大而逐渐减小。

    The results showed that the intraspecific competition intensity in C.concinna decreased gradually with increasing tree diameter .

  14. 提高人力资本水平,提升市场竞争强度都有利于外商直接投资产生技术溢出。

    Take advantage of human resource , enhance the market competition were useful in FDI technological spillovers effective .

  15. 结果表明:暗针叶林中鱼鳞云杉种内竞争强度随着林木径级的增大而迅速减小。

    The results showed that intraspecific competition intensity of Picea jezoensis reduced with increase of diameter scale of trees .

  16. 竞争强度与对象木的胸径服从幂函数关系,当杉木胸径达到39cm以上时,竞争强度变化很小;

    The ratio between competition intensity and the breadth of objective tree is in agreement with the Power Function relationship .

  17. 随着经济全球化的飞速发展与信息化程度的不断加深,企业所面临的竞争强度日趋上升。

    With the rapid development of economic globalization and information-based degree strengthened further , enterprises are faced with growing competitive intensity .

  18. 企业的产品质量、产品创新能力以及市场竞争强度对企业的技术创新模式有重要的影响。

    The product quality , technological innovation ability as well as the competitive intensity affect the firm ' stechnological innovation modes .

  19. 随着全球服务经济的迅猛增长,市场环境越来越复杂化,企业面临的市场竞争强度不断加大。

    With global service economic growth and market environment more and more complicated , enterprises are facing the market competition strength increasing .

  20. 在理论上,通过借鉴前人的理论,提出了环境稳定性评价方法和行业竞争强度的四级评价体系。

    The methods have been put about evaluating environment stability and industrial competitive intensity of ' 4 degree system ' in theory .

  21. 3种幼苗受到的地上竞争强度间的差异同总竞争强度情况相似;

    Difference in the intensity of aboveground competition among the three tree species showed the same pattern as that of intensity of total competition .

  22. 另一方面产业的高密度集聚加大了企业间的竞争强度,形成产业集聚的离心力。

    On the other hand , the high density of industry agglomeration increases competition among enterprises , the centrifugal force of the industrial agglomeration generated .

  23. 竞争强度与对象木的胸高直径服从双曲线回归关系,利用模型预测了长苞铁杉种内、种间的竞争强度。

    A remarkable regression model of the relationship between competition intensity and diameter class of objective tree individuals was established and used to predict competition intensity .

  24. 在此基础上,只有提高一个产业的竞争强度,才能从根本上扭转在华跨国公司的独资化倾向。

    Based on these results , only by enhancing the competitive intensity of an industry can the sole proprietorship tendency of the transnational companies be reversed fundamentally .

  25. 而我国洗染业特许经营的行情分析有助于剖析连锁网点的竞争强度、市场潜力及其演化规律。

    In the meantime , the markets of the clearing-drying industry contributes to analyze chain stores about the competitive intensity , the marketable potential and the evolutionary rules .

  26. 随着我国金融市场全面的对外开放和金融体制改革的深化,我国商业银行间竞争强度加剧。

    With the full-scale opening up of Chinese financial markets and the deepening reform of the financial system , the competitive intensity between Chinese commercial banks has been aggravated .

  27. 结果表明:桫椤种内种间竞争强度随林木径级的增大而减小,种内竞争较种间竞争强;

    The intensity of intra - and inter-specific competition of Alsophila spinulosa was found to decrease with the increase in DBH ( diameter at breast height ) of the plant .

  28. 由于市场集中度低,事务所众多,规模小,品种单一,竞争强度大,会计师事务所难以获得规模经济和范围经济。

    As a low market concentration , many firms of small scale and less product variety , high competitive intensity , accounting firms achieve difficultly economies of scale and scope economies .

  29. 3种幼苗受到的地下根的竞争强度随着苗龄的增大而不断减小,但一定时期后可达到平稳。

    The influence of underground root competition on the seedling growth was gradually decreased with the growth of seedling age , and was then stable when reached to a certain stage .

  30. 在国内,我国商业银行的数量不断增多,不同规模、不同产权性质的商业银行大量出现,加大了我国商业银行之间的竞争强度。

    In China , commercial banks have increased continuously in number , and vary from each other in scale and nature of property right . Thus , the competition becomes tougher .