
  • 网络Competition Failure
  1. 两位澳大利亚教授罗恩伯德(ronbird)和杰克格雷(jackgray)表示,养老基金行业显示出了竞争失灵:可供选择的基金过多,导致消费者做出了糟糕的选择。

    Ron bird and Jack gray , two Australian professors , say the pension fund industry has shown a failure of competition : there are too many funds to choose from and consumers are led to make bad choices .

  2. 土地价格、地方政府竞争与政府失灵

    Land Price , Competition Among Local Governments and Governance Failure

  3. 市场是配置资源的最佳方式,然而市场竞争会带来市场失灵,需要政府进行规制,规制又会带来规制失灵,需要竞争的补充。

    Market is the best way to allocate resources , but competition brings market failure , it needs the government regulation . Regulation brings regulation failure , it needs supplement of competition .

  4. 而从国内外费率管制的实践来看,费率管制的初衷在于防止恶性费率竞争这一市场失灵现象,维护保险经营的安全性。

    Whereas , from the perspective of insurance rate regulation practice both domestic and abroad , the real intention of insurance rate regulation is to prevent fierce rate competition , which is a form of market failure , from affecting the safety of insurance operation .