
  • 网络Competitive equilibrium;Competitve equilibrium
  1. CAPM的核心思想是在一个竞争均衡中对有价证券定价。

    The central idea of CAPM is about security pricing in a competitive equilibrium .

  2. 本文利用类似Arrow和Hahn(1971)(〔2〕)的方法证明了一类涉及总量互补的竞争均衡全局稳定性。

    In this paper , we adopt such methods as Arrow and Hahn to prove the global stability of the competitive equilibrium involving gross complementary economy .

  3. 这一结论称为Walras完全竞争均衡存在定理。

    This conclusion was called the Walras compete competition equilibrium exist theorem .

  4. 本文引入Cournot模型对数字内容厂商和盗版厂商的竞争均衡进行了分析,比较了在传统环境和网络环境下,数字内容产品的价格、正版产品的市场份额以及消除盗版产品的条件。

    The paper has discussed the effect of internet environment on market of digital content product , based on Cournot model .

  5. 从合约可观察性角度,利用合约理论与博弈理论,比较分析了两种不同供应链结构在可观察性合约与不可观察性合约下的Cournot竞争均衡结果。

    From the viewpoint of contract observability , contract and game theories have been applied to analyze the Cournot market equilibrium outcome in supply chains with these two alternative structures .

  6. CBA竞争均衡的评价应该从单赛季和多赛季进行综合考察,应该考虑赛季之间的排名变化情况,所以,两种方法的结合是一种较为全面的评价方法。

    The CBA competitive equilibrium evaluation should be comprehensive study from a single and more season . It should consider the ranked among the changes , therefore the combination of the two methods are a comprehensive evaluation method .

  7. 本文的结论是在静态博弈条件下企业的Cartel联盟不具有稳定性条件,在重复博弈条件下,企业在合作均衡与竞争均衡之间的选择取决于贴现因子的大小。

    The result of the paper is the cartel alliance has no stable promise in the condition of the static game , the choose between the cooperative equilibrium and competitive equilibrium is decided by the numbers of the discount rate .

  8. CBA的竞争均衡评价的实证研究是对评价方法的进一步验证,对评价竞争均衡的理论模型进一步进行了验证,使理论实证得到更好的结合。

    They can evaluate from different perspectives on CBA competitive equilibrium , and the results more accurately . ( 4 ) The CBA competitive equilibrium evaluation empirical research is to appraise the method further validation . The evaluation of competitive equilibrium model carried out to verify the theory .

  9. 在AJ模型的基础上,引入R&D竞争均衡的稳定性分析,通过比较R&D竞争与联合实验室的均衡策略发现:当竞争均衡对称且稳定时,联合实验室中的企业利润和社会福利水平都较高;

    Equilibrium stability analysis in R D competition was introduced into AJ model . Equilibrium comparison between R D competition and joint laboratory was carried out . as stable and symmetric competition equilibrium exists , the profit and welfare of joint lab are higher .

  10. 对于每个情形按照决策先后的不同以及差异化决策可以有很多情形,本章重点建立了S-S模型、S-C模型和S-M模型,并通过算例对各种情形下的竞争均衡进行比较。

    For each case , it can be divided into many situations by different decision order and differentiated decision-making . This chapter established S-S model , S-C model and S-M model , and compared all kinds of competitive equilibrium through an example .

  11. 实验结果表明,2种竞价机制下市场均能收敛到完全竞争均衡附近,但PAB竞价的市场平均价格高于统一价格竞价的市场平均价格且价格较稳定,因此购电费用较高;

    The experimental results show that the market converges to adjacency of the perfect competition equilibrium under both mechanisms , but the average clearing price of PAB auction is higher than uniform price auction and the prices are more stable , so the payment to generation companies is larger .

  12. 第一部分包括第1,2,3,4章,基于Arrow-Debreu的均衡模型,主要研究不完全市场的竞争均衡存在性问题。

    For one part which includes first , second and third chapter , we main have researched the equilibrium existence in imperfect market competition which based on the Arrow-Debreu equilibrium model . First , we have proofed that the securities market is tight spot-the convex topological space .

  13. 基于竞赛模型的外包服务竞争均衡分析

    An Equilibrium Analysis of Outsourcing Service Competition Based on Contest Theory

  14. 纯交换经济竞争均衡存在的一种构造证明

    A Constructive Proof of the Competitive Equilibrium Existence in a Pure Exchange Economy

  15. 交易成本与纯交换经济的竞争均衡

    Transaction Costs and the Equilibrium of Pure Change Economy

  16. 定制生产下的供应链网络竞争均衡问题研究

    Study on the competition equilibrium problems in a supply chain network under make-to-order policy

  17. 基于博弈论的集装箱港口竞争均衡分析及宏观调控方法研究

    Study on Container Port Competition Equilibrium Analyses and Macro-control Method Based on Game Theory

  18. 寡头竞争均衡、效率促进与市场稳定&一个福利经济学视角

    Market Structure of Oligarchy Competition , Performance Promotion and Market Stabilization & From a Viewpoint of Welfare Economics

  19. 通过对连续双向拍卖交易收敛到竞争均衡过程的分析,发现了与有效市场假设相悖的结果。

    With converging to the competitive equilibrium in continuous double auction , it shows paradox results with efficient market hypothesis .

  20. 没有不同产权形式竞争均衡的形成,追求国家继续垄断所形成的租必然导致经济主体行为的异化。

    If there exist no competition between property rights , the pursuit of national monopolistic rent will lead to behavioral dissimilation .

  21. 技术溢出率对动态R&D竞争均衡结果的影响会因系统所处的状态不同而不同。

    The impact of technology spillovers on dynamic R & D competitive equilibrium results varies as the state of the system differs .

  22. 分析发现在竞争均衡中网络外部性、转移成本和成本差异度是决定竞争双方市场势力的决定因素。

    It was found that in the competition equilibrium the market power deciding factors is network externality , transfer cost and diversity cost .

  23. 而在非对称竞争均衡情况中,评价联合实验室与R&D竞争的优劣需要更为严格的市场参数条件。

    As stable and asymmetric competition equilibrium exit , however , the estimation on joint laboratory R & D competition needs stricter market parameters .

  24. 文章首先提出中国股票市场非均衡运行的本质特征是非竞争均衡,其表现为非市场因素和非竞争因素极大地影响着股票市场的运行。

    It is claimed that stock market unequilibrium in China is essentially non-competitive equilibrium , in which non-market factors and non-competition factors extremely influence activities of stock market .

  25. 在此基础上,分析存在成本差异时的外包服务竞争均衡,对不同成本结构下的成本差异对竞争均衡的影响进行探讨。

    Then it analyzes the equilibrium of outsourcing service competition with asymmetric cost structure of suppliers , and studies the impact of cost asymmetry on equilibrium in each case .

  26. 最后,论文对不同自制情形下的外包服务竞争均衡进行研究,在对称成本结构和不对称成本结构两种情形下,分析比较事后确定自制比例和事先确定自制比例两种确定自制比例方式的优劣。

    It compares the advantages and disadvantages of two kinds of self-made proportion decision way , self-made proportion decided prior and self-made proportion decided posterior , in symmetric and asymmetric cost structure situations .

  27. 有效市场假说,作为传统金融学的重要组成部分,体现了经济学家们梦寐以求的完全竞争均衡思想。

    As the significant part of the traditional finance theory , the efficient markets hypothesis ( EMH ) has given full expression to the balance concept of which the economists have always dreamed .

  28. 探讨决策时序外生给定和决策时序内生给定两种情形下,供应商决策时序差异对外包服务竞争均衡的影响。

    Under the conditions that the suppliers ' decision order is exogenous or endogenous , it explores the equilibrium of outsourcing service competition and illustrates the impact of decision order differentia on the equilibrium .

  29. 短期边际成本定价趋势与固定成本长期补偿之间的矛盾决定了完全竞争均衡结构内生着不稳定性。

    The contradiction between the pricing mode by the short - run marginal cost and the long - run compensation of the fixed cost creates the endogenous instability in the market structure of perfect competition .

  30. 体育联赛的竞争均衡是一种相对的竞争均衡,主要是指体育联赛球队竞技能力的相对接近状态,是从体育联赛整体来看待竞争均衡问题。

    Sports league competitive equilibrium is a kind of relative competitive equilibrium , mainly refers to the sports teams of athletic ability relative to the state , from the sports league whole competitive equilibrium problem .