
  • 网络Competitive Position;SWOT
  1. 结合市场营销现状,运用SWOT分析方法,对农业银行信用卡营销的竞争地位和经营策略进行了评估。

    Meanwhile , combine the marketing situation , using the SWOT analysis to assess the competitive position and business strategy in the credit card market of the Agricultural Bank .

  2. 作业成本计算和以作业为基础的产品定价(ABP),降低营销成本,提高企业的竞争地位。

    Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Pricing ( ABP ) helps to cut marketing cost and to promote the competitive position of enterprise .

  3. G公司目前的市场竞争地位总体上属于跟随者,其企业竞争力与市场领导者相比处于劣势。

    G Company is in henchman position in market . Its competitiveness is in inferior position compare with those market leaders .

  4. 第三章主要用SWOT分析法对华夏公司的竞争地位进行了详尽地剖析。

    In the 3rd chapter , the author presents a detailed analysis of the competing status of Huaxia with SWOT methods .

  5. 本文的研究结果可以帮助C公司明确自己的细分市场,并针对该细分市场制定更加准确的营销和研发战略,对于公司争取优势的市场竞争地位具有现实意义。

    The result is helpful for company C to find the target segment market and make more accurate marketing strategy and R & D strategy . It has the practical meaning for company C to pursue a better competitive position in the mobile marketing service market .

  6. 英国政府不辞辛苦地帮助金融城,鼓励英国金融服务管理局(FSA)通过实施温和的监管,促进创新并保持伦敦的竞争地位。因此,外国银行和银行家纷纷来到伦敦。

    The government went out of its way to help the City . The Financial Services Authority was encouraged to foster innovation and preserve London 's competitive position through light-touch regulation , and foreign banks and bankers flocked to London .

  7. BrightEdge表示,这种集体情报和“更深”的搜索引擎优化相结合,将会使经理和行政人员在互联网上得到一个较好的竞争地位的完整的视图。

    BrightEdge said this combination of collective intelligence and " deeper " SEO analytics will enable SEO managers and executives to get a complete view of their competitive position across the Internet .

  8. TechIPm的科技业知识产权战略专家埃里克斯•李称:“自从智能手机大行其道以来,确保竞争地位的最有效方式就是拥有专利。”

    Since the smartphone boom , the most efficient way to affirm their position is patents , " says Alex Lee , an IP strategy expert at techipm , of technology companies . "

  9. 二是决定建筑施工企业内相对竞争地位的因素。

    The second is the related competition factors within building construction enterprise .

  10. 提高市场竞争地位,同时吸引更多销售潜力。

    Improve competitive standing in the marketplace while attracting more sales prospects .

  11. 行业竞争地位,目标第一;

    In field competition status , goal first ;

  12. 第三,武汉钢铁产业链群的主要产品的竞争地位分析;

    Competition status of main products in Wuhan steel industry chain are analyzed accordingly .

  13. 日本在华跨国公司竞争地位与竞争优势研究

    Study of competitive position and competitive advantage of Japanese MNCs ' subsidiaries in China

  14. 区域竞争地位分析的能力理论

    Theory of Ability to Analyze Regional Competitive Position

  15. 我们一贯致力于支持全球客户,显著提升其竞争地位。

    We are driven to support our customers worldwide in significantly improving their competitive position .

  16. 您是否担心美国将丧失在全球经济中的竞争地位?

    Do you worry that America is losing its competitive position in the global economy ?

  17. 相对竞争地位与竞争战略选择&市场追随者的战略选择博弈

    The Relative Competitive Status and the Choice of Competitive Strategies for Market Followers By Game Theory

  18. 有效地利用网络信息资源,无疑要比利用传统信息渠道获取信息的企业处于更有利的竞争地位。

    Utilizing the Internet information resources effectively , the firm stands competitive predominance position than in traditional way .

  19. 电视以其独特的优势在信息传播中占据了颇为有利的竞争地位。

    With its unique superiorities in the dissemination of information , TV medias occupy a rather favorable competitive position .

  20. 如果企业想要保持其竞争地位,它必须沿着曲线的三个部分经营其项目。

    If an enterprise wants to stay competitive , it must engage in projects along all three portions of the curve .

  21. 市场份额在很大程度上反映了企业的竞争地位和盈利能力,但这一概念并不能完整地评估企业的经营状况。

    Market share reflects to a great extent profitability and competition status , but this concept cannot fully evaluate enterprise performance .

  22. 为了让商家保持竞争地位,就必须管理应用程序所依据的底层技术。

    In order for a business to remain competitive it must manage the underlying technology on which its applications are built .

  23. 大多数公司高管也希望把工作做好,为他们所管理的公司赢得更好的竞争地位。

    Most corporate executives also want to do a good job , leaving the companies they manage in a stronger competitive position .

  24. 同时,采购作为企业获得利益的源泉,对于降低企业经营成本,提高企业的在市场上的竞争地位具有重大的战略意义。

    Moreover , procurement in a company can be profit source is an important strategy of cost decrease and competition competence enhancement .

  25. 核心竞争力是一个企业最重要的能力,它直接决定了企业的竞争地位和命运。

    Core competence is the most important capability of an enterprise , which decides over the status and fate of a company .

  26. 在传统的电子商务中,商品的热销分析与个性化推荐一直是吸引用户、为用户提供便利信息并获得竞争地位的一个重要的手段。

    Hot-selling analysis and personal recommendation is an important way of tracing customers and offering convenient information to users for the traditional e-business .

  27. 合理化使用转移价格手段可以很好地帮助跨国公司实现其利润最大化目标并长期处于有利的竞争地位。

    To use transfer price reasonably can help transnational corporations gain their aim of profit maximization and also find themselves in an advantageous position .

  28. 第二章描述了双燕集团的现状和在国内汽车行业中的竞争地位。

    The chapter two is about recent condition of Double Swallow Group and the competitive situation to compare with the main national automobile manufacturer .

  29. 通过分析,较为形象的指出了公司的市场竞争地位及竞争优势和劣势。

    Through analysis , the competitive position , competitive strength and weaknesses of ZZ Branch of China Broadcasting Cable Corporation are visually pointed out .

  30. 他旗下许多公司都是受政府保护的垄断企业,或者说长期维持形式上的垄断,足够他建立一个无法超越的竞争地位。

    Many of his companies are state-protected monopolies or continued to be formal monopolies long enough for him to build an insuperable competitive position .