
  • 网络competitive intelligence
  1. 基于Internet的银行竞争情报收集系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on Internet-based Bank Competitive Intelligence Collecting System

  2. Web挖掘技术的兴起和发展为竞争情报系统的研究提供了新的思路。

    The appearance and development of Web Mining technology provide new thoughts for the research of Competitive Intelligence System .

  3. Web挖掘及其在竞争情报系统的应用

    Web Mining and Its Applications in Competitive Information System

  4. 这就对企业竞争情报系统中的关键技术&分布式Web信息存储提出了巨大挑战。

    However , the distributed Web information storage which is the key technology of CIS is confronted with great challenges .

  5. 基于SVM的企业竞争情报自动分类系统模型

    Model of Corporation Competitive Intelligence Classification System Based on Support Vector Machine

  6. SWOT分析应用于竞争情报活动的实例研究&SWOT分析与赛特之成功

    Application of SWOT Analysis in Competitive Intelligence Activities : a Case Study

  7. 因为竞争情报系统是企业ERP与电子商务的战略信息纽带,通过该系统可以从中挖掘有价值的情报资源,为决策者提供战略信息支持。

    CIS is strategy ligament between ERP and E-commence , it can provide value-added information for decision .

  8. 竞争情报的分析研究是竞争情报发挥决策支持作用的关键过程,包括定标比超方法、SWOT分析法、专利分析法、财务分析方法。

    The methods include Benchmarking , SWOT , patent analysis and financial analysis .

  9. 随着Internet应用的普及以及信息的飞速增长,越来越多的企业或政府组织开始采用企业竞争情报系统来收集、分析和管理他们所需的Web情报信息。

    Along with the rapid development of Internet , more and more companies use competition intelligence system ( CIS ) to collect , analyze and manage Web information they need .

  10. 随着Web技术的快速发展,如何从Web上及时有效地获取企业竞争情报成为竞争情报研究中的前沿问题。

    With the rapid development of Web technologies , how to effectively and efficiently acquire enterprise competitive intelligence from the Web has been a new topic in the research on competitive intelligence .

  11. Internet信息资源分布的广泛性及不规范性,会给在线竞争情报资源的获取带来较大的困难,可采取分层查寻、分层收集和分层选取的方法。

    The wide range and irregularity of Internet information resources makes it difficult to acquire competitive intelligence resources on Internet . It needs to adopt the layered method for search , collection and selection .

  12. 通过对IBM公司建设竞争情报体系的状况、效果和企业竞争情报体系运行机制的案例分析,总结IBM公司建设竞争情报体系的特点和成功经验。

    On the basis of a case analysis on the establishment of the competitive intelligence architecture in IBM , this paper summarizes the characteristics and experience of IBM 's competitive intelligence architecture .

  13. 简述了竞争情报系统的概念,并分析了上海广电集团有限公司实施CIS的必要性及可能性;

    After introducing the concept of Competitive Intelligence System ( CIS ) in this article , the necessity and possibility of CIS construction by Shanghai SVA Group are analyzed .

  14. 在理论研究的基础上,对邮政速递公司EMS进行案例分析,验证快递业竞争情报理论的可行性。

    In order to verify the feasibility of competitive intelligence theory in express delivery industry , the paper carries out a case analysis of China Courier Service Corporation ( EMS ) .

  15. 论文然后研究了竞争情报的基本分析理论和研究方法(主要包括SWOT矩阵分析法、定标比超分析法等),研究了企业竞争情报系统的一般模型和现代竞争情报软件和技术方向。

    Then the paper research the basic analysis theory and research methods of competitive ( mainly includes SWOT matrix , benchmarking ), also research the general Competitive intelligence system 's models , modern competitive intelligence software and it 's technology direction .

  16. 企业竞争情报采集是企业竞争情报系统(ECIS)的入口,采集的竞争情报的质量的高低将对最终的分析结果产生重大的影响。

    Corporation competitive intelligence collection is the entrance of ECIS , the analyzing result would be greatly influenced by the quality of corporation competitive intelligence collection .

  17. 以基于技术竞争情报(CTI)的技术转移这一全新的视角,本文考察了美国、日本、韩国、芬兰和德国的潜在成功经验。

    From a bran-new angle of technology transfer on the basis of competitive technical intelligence ( CTI ), the paper reviews on the potential successful experience of it in America , Japan , Korea , Finland and Germany .

  18. 论投资项目可行性研究中的竞争情报分析

    On Competitive Intelligence Analysis in the Feasibility Study of Investment Project

  19. 论技术竞争情报和技术创新的本质与关系

    On Essence and Relationship of Competitive Technical Intelligence and Technology Innovation

  20. 把握企业竞争情报的本质特征提高企业竞争的能力与水平

    Holding the Feature of Competitive Information and Improving the Competitive Power

  21. 竞争情报研究在企业战略成本管理中的应用

    Application of Competition Information Investigation in the Enterprise Stratagem Cost Management

  22. 竞争情报研究方法体系的架构与选用

    Construct and Choice of the Research Method Architecture of Competitive Information

  23. 竞争情报人才培养过程创新研究

    An innovative study on the personnel training model of competition intelligence

  24. 竞争情报在战略管理发展历程中的作用

    The Role of CI in the Historical Development of Strategic Management

  25. 图书馆信息咨询服务与企业竞争情报系统

    The Information Service of Library and the Corporation Competitive Intelligence System

  26. 省级科技信息机构竞争情报服务新探索

    Probe into the Competitive Intelligence Service of Provincial Sci-tech Information Institutes

  27. 浅谈企业竞争情报系统的发展及对策

    Discussion the Development and Strategy of Competitive Intelligence System of Enterprises

  28. 论中国技术竞争情报的研究进展及其应用前景

    Applied Foreground and Research Progression of Competitive Technical Intelligence in China

  29. 基于模糊数可能度的企业竞争情报选择模型

    An Enterprise Competitive Intelligence Selection Model Based on Fuzzy Possibility Degree

  30. 竞争情报工作中的几种信息行为研究

    Research on Some Kinds of Information Behaviors in Competitive Intelligence Work