
  • 网络competitive intelligence system;cis;competitive system
  1. 这就对企业竞争情报系统中的关键技术&分布式Web信息存储提出了巨大挑战。

    However , the distributed Web information storage which is the key technology of CIS is confronted with great challenges .

  2. 因为竞争情报系统是企业ERP与电子商务的战略信息纽带,通过该系统可以从中挖掘有价值的情报资源,为决策者提供战略信息支持。

    CIS is strategy ligament between ERP and E-commence , it can provide value-added information for decision .

  3. 基于企业竞争情报系统的Web资源管理研究

    Research on Web Resources Management Based on the Enterprise Competitive Intelligence System

  4. Web挖掘及其在竞争情报系统的应用

    Web Mining and Its Applications in Competitive Information System

  5. 基于安全Web服务的现代企业竞争情报系统研究

    The Research about the Modern Enterprises ′ Competitive Intelligence System Based on the Secure Web Service

  6. Web挖掘技术的兴起和发展为竞争情报系统的研究提供了新的思路。

    The appearance and development of Web Mining technology provide new thoughts for the research of Competitive Intelligence System .

  7. IBM公司竞争情报系统运行机制研究

    Researches into the Operating Mechanism of IBM Competitive Intelligence System

  8. 本文介绍了Web挖掘的分类、特点和实现技术,并对Web挖掘在竞争情报系统中的应用进行了阐述。

    This article introduces classification , characteristic and techniques of web mining , and discuss the applications of web mining in competitive intelligent system .

  9. 随着Internet应用的普及以及信息的飞速增长,越来越多的企业或政府组织开始采用企业竞争情报系统来收集、分析和管理他们所需的Web情报信息。

    Along with the rapid development of Internet , more and more companies use competition intelligence system ( CIS ) to collect , analyze and manage Web information they need .

  10. 作为企业竞争力要素之一的竞争情报系统(CIS)适应企业需求,从而为企业提供持续的竞争支持。

    Competitive intelligence system adapts to enterprise requirement , which offers sustainable competitive sustainability for the enterprise development .

  11. 通过案例分析,充分证明了基于Web挖掘的竞争情报系统模型应用的可行性,同时也对煤炭企业建立一个现代的智能竞争情报系统具有一定的参考价值。

    Based on the case , the thesis proves the feasibility that the model of Competitive Intelligence System for Web Mining is applied , and is valuable for the coal enterprise to construct a modern intelligent Competitive Intelligence System .

  12. SVA竞争情报系统的规划与软件实施

    Project Planning and Realization of SVA Group Competitive Intelligence System

  13. 本文在分析竞争情报系统的组成与结构的基础上,提出了Web环境下利用企业信息门户EIP整合集成环境下信息资源的竞争情报系统模型。

    Based on the analysis of the composition and structure of the CIS , this paper presents the CIS information resources model in the Web environment , which is achieved by using EIP .

  14. 简述了竞争情报系统的概念,并分析了上海广电集团有限公司实施CIS的必要性及可能性;

    After introducing the concept of Competitive Intelligence System ( CIS ) in this article , the necessity and possibility of CIS construction by Shanghai SVA Group are analyzed .

  15. 针对竞争情报系统的复杂性,采用统一建模语言(UML)对其综合集成研讨厅进行建模。

    Because of the complex of competitive intelligence system , so the uniform model language ( UML ) was adopted to construct the model of the competitive intelligence Hall for Workshop of Meta-synthetic Engineering ( CIHWMSE ) .

  16. 图书馆信息咨询服务与企业竞争情报系统

    The Information Service of Library and the Corporation Competitive Intelligence System

  17. 浅谈企业竞争情报系统的发展及对策

    Discussion the Development and Strategy of Competitive Intelligence System of Enterprises

  18. 竞争情报系统与供应链管理的相互影响

    The Reciprocal Impact on Competitive Intelligence System and Supply Chain Management

  19. 我国商业银行的竞争情报系统构建

    Competitive Information Systems in Commercial Banks in China : Their Establishment

  20. 论情报系统的研究对竞争情报系统的贡献

    Contribution of the Study of Information System to Competitive Intelligence System

  21. 网络环境下竞争情报系统的开发流程

    Development of the competition information system under the environment of network

  22. 在这一部分中又对竞争情报系统进行了一定的概述。

    In this part of competitive intelligence system and it is summarized .

  23. 基于知识管理的我国汽车整车制造企业竞争情报系统研究

    Construction of the Enterprise 's CIS of Auto Manufactory Based on KM

  24. 竞争情报系统中的信息收集与信息分析

    Information Collection and Information Analysis in a Competitive Intelligence System

  25. 面向产品创新模糊前端的竞争情报系统研究

    Research of Competitive Intelligence System Oriented Fuzzy Front End of Product Innovation

  26. 房地产企业竞争情报系统的建设构想

    The Research on Design of Competitive Intelligence System in Real Estate Enterprises

  27. 企业竞争情报系统定制之前期规划调研

    Prophase Investigation and Programming of the Customization for Enterprise Competitive Intelligence System

  28. 然后,文章给出了现代企业竞争情报系统总体架构模型。

    Then , the dissertation gives an overall plan model of eCIS .

  29. 政府竞争情报系统的构建与运行研究

    Research on the Establishment and Implementation Government Competitive Intelligence System

  30. 基于企业战略成本管理的竞争情报系统构建

    The competitive intelligence system construction based on strategic cost management in enterprises