
  • 网络Hegelian dialectic
  1. 理性与经验&对黑格尔辩证法的现代阐释

    Reason and Experience & A Modern Interpretation of Hegelian Dialectics

  2. 从解释世界到改变世界&对马克思颠倒黑格尔辩证法的再阐释

    From Interpretation of the World to the Change of the World & Reinterpretation of Marx 's Reversal of Hegelian Dialectics

  3. 这样蕴含在S是P这个句子结构里的全部能量被黑格尔辩证法彻底释放出来了。

    This implies in " S is P " the sentence structure in the dialectics of all energy is completely released .

  4. 黑格尔辩证法思想与现代思维范式

    The Dialectic Idea of Hegel and the Modern Thinking Pattern

  5. 黑格尔辩证法是以绝对精神为主体的辩证法。

    Hegel is the absolute spirit as the main dialectics .

  6. 从思辨到革命&马克思对黑格尔辩证法的颠倒

    From Speculation to Revolution : Marx 's Inversion of Hegel 's Dialectic

  7. 走出辩证法绝对同一性的阴影&从阿多尔诺对黑格尔辩证法的批判谈起

    Lifted Out of the Dark Shadow of Absolute Dialectic Identity

  8. 最后,论述了马克思对黑格尔辩证法的超越。

    Finally , discusses the dialectic of Hegel than Marx .

  9. 马克思如何实现对黑格尔辩证法的改造

    How Did Carl Marx Reform the Dialectic of Hegel

  10. 论黑格尔辩证法的理论内涵

    On the Theory Essence of Hegel 's Dialectics

  11. 黑格尔辩证法批判

    Critique of Hegel Dialectics

  12. 怎样理解马克思对黑格尔辩证法的扬弃&评阿尔都塞的根本改造说

    How to Understand Marx 's " Sublating " of Hegel 's Dialectic & On Althusser 's Fundamental Transforming Theory

  13. 马克思对黑格尔辩证法最大的否定之处在于辩证法的前提预设与理论基础上,马克思改造了黑格尔辩证法中内在的否定性的不彻底性,揭示了辩证法内在的、批判的、革命的本质。

    Marx pointed out the negativity 's incompleteness of Hegelian dialectic and revealed the revolutionary and critical nature of dialectic .

  14. 《资本论》的辩证法是马克思对黑格尔辩证法进行本质改造后的自觉贯彻。

    The dialectic of the Capital is the self-conscious carrying through of Hegel 's dialectic after Marx 's natural reform .

  15. 巴塔耶认为,资产阶级古典经济学和黑格尔辩证法是功利主义经济的理论基础。

    According to George Bataille , the bourgeoisie classical economics and Hegelian dialectics are the theoretical foundation of utilitarian economy .

  16. 黑格尔辩证法建构起了完整的宇宙论体系,实现了由消极辩证法向积极辩证法的转变。

    Hegel 's dialectics have built up an entire cosmology system and realized the transformation from negative dialectics to positive dialectics .

  17. 创造的本性是超越与限制的辩证统一&兼论黑格尔辩证法的创造论意义

    The Creation of Nature Is the Dialectical Unity of Beyond the Limitations & Concurrently Discussion the Meaning of Hegel 's Dialectic

  18. 从《吕氏春秋》的天人观看其存在哲学实践的中介意义&论黑格尔辩证法的存在基础

    The Medial Meaning of Practice & on the function and status of practice in Hegels Philosophy on Existential Foundation of Hegels Dialectics

  19. 卡丽说,哎,我感到我真没有答对有关黑格尔辩证法的要点。

    And Carrie says , Boy , I feel like I didn 't really draw out the main point on the Hegelian dialectic .

  20. 马克思辩证法与黑格尔辩证法不是颠倒的关系,它们之间的不同是结构中位置的不同造成的。

    Marx 's dialectics is essentially difference from Hegel 's dialectics , the differences between them are determined by the position of an structure .

  21. 辩证法是马克思哲学的一个核心内容,马克思在吸纳黑格尔辩证法精髓的同时实现了对其的改造。

    Dialectic is the kernel of Marx 's philosophy . When Marx absorbed the quintessence of Hegelian dialectic , he transformed its premise and foundation .

  22. 如何理解黑格尔辩证法的合理内核,关系到对马克思主义哲学的整体理解。

    How to understand the " rational crux " of Hegel 's dialectics plays an important part in the understanding of Marxist philosophy as a whole .

  23. 阿尔都塞认为马克思对黑格尔辩证法的“扬弃”是“根本改造”而不是简单的“颠倒”。

    Althusser considered that Marxs " sublating " of Hegel s dialectic represented his " fundamental transforming " but not a simple " reversing " of it .

  24. 马克思主义哲学批判地吸取了黑格尔辩证法的合理内核与费尔巴哈唯物主义的基本内核,创立了辩证唯物主义。

    Marxist Philosophy critically absorbs the " rational crux " of Hegel 's dialectics and the " basic crux " of Feuerbach 's materialism , thus creating dialectical materialism .

  25. 本文将查看基于对黑格尔辩证法的传承,鲍桑葵对丑进行的自觉讨论。鲍桑葵认为在一个具体的和有因果关系的过程中,单纯的否定这种东西是不存在的。

    Based on his heritage and consistency of Hegelian dialectic in Aesthetic theory , Bosanquet discuses ugliness censoriously . Bosanquet thought during a concrete and causal process , pure negation does not exist .

  26. 因而,重新解读的意义在于指出“卢卡奇命题”的适用范围,重新定位早期马克思对黑格尔辩证法的继承关系。

    The significance of this paper lies in its definition of the application scope of the " Luk á cs Proposition " and the re-location of early Marx 's inheritance relationship to Hegel 's dialectic .

  27. 这种辩证法既不同于自然辩证法、思维辩证法,也不同于历史辩证法。从神学辩证法到历史辩证法&论黑格尔辩证法在辩证发展史上的环节意义

    Being different from dialectics of nature , dialectics of thinking and historical dialectics , it deals with the tension caused by the conflicts between the present and the future . From Theological Dialectic to Historical Dialectic

  28. 关于我国道家阴阳互动与黑格尔辩证法差异的思考两极互动实事求适&谈建筑设计创新思维中的辩证关系

    Insight to the Difference between Our " He Culture " and " Hegelian Dialectic " Through the " Mutual Influence between Yin and Yang " of Chinese Taoism ; Polar Interaction and Seeking Fitness from Facts : Dialectical Relation in the Innovative Thinking of Architectural Design

  29. 把辩证法规定为思想内容自己运动的真理,并在思想内容自己运动的客观性和历史性的基础上确立思想内容的真理性是黑格尔辩证法的合理内核。

    The " rational crux " of Hegel 's dialectics is defining dialectics as truth of the movement of content of thinking in itself and establishing the essence of truth on the basis of the objectivity and historic significance of the movement of content of thinking in itself .

  30. 黑格尔的辩证法实现了同认识论、本体论的统一。

    Hegel 's dialectic realizes the unity of epistemology and ontology .