
  • 网络Black Swan event;Black Swan
  1. 商业术语“黑天鹅事件”是指什么?

    What does the business term " black swan event " refer to ?

  2. 报告称,抛开前所未闻的所谓黑天鹅事件不谈,即使是对于自然灾难和极端天气这类较容易预测的事件,全球经济供应链和紧急应变机制也依然脆弱得应付不过来。

    The report says that , leaving aside unprecedented so-called black swan events , global economic supply chains and emergency response systems remain vulnerable even to more predictable disruptions such as natural disasters and extreme weather .

  3. 确实,年逾古稀的人可能经历过二战的浩劫,而其他人应该见证过从三哩岛(ThreeMileIsland)核灾难到前苏联解体等一系列黑天鹅事件。

    To be sure , somebody over the age of 70 might have seen the devastation of the second world war , while others would have witnessed black swans ranging from the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster to the collapse of the USSR .

  4. 借黑天鹅事件实现腾飞

    Thriving among black swans

  5. 前不久的一个晚上,就在美国投资者还在熟睡的时候,最近一桩“黑天鹅事件”可能又降临到了他们的生活中。

    As American investors slept last night , the latest ` black swan ' event may have fluttered into their lives .

  6. “黑天鹅”事件指突然发生并且产生巨大影响的事件。

    Black swan is the event that is a surprise ( to the observer ) and has a major impact .

  7. 从黑天鹅的突然事件,他认为未来数月大的金融机构不可能崩溃。

    From the sudden black swan event , he thinks the next few months the big financial institutions are unlikely to collapse .