
Hēi Lónɡ Jiānɡ Dà Xué
  • Heilongjiang University
  1. 介绍了关联规则的经典算法Apriori算法,以黑龙江大学网站为日志挖掘对象,使用Apriori算法对经过数据预处理后的日志文件进行分析,并提出了不足与未来的研究发展方向。

    It discussed the classical algorithm of association rules , made the web of Heilongjiang University log mining objects and applied Apriori algorithm for analyzing the log files pretreated , brought up the failure of the technology and future direction of the study .

  2. KAB创业项目于2006&2007年度在中国青年政治学院、清华大学、北京航空航天大学、黑龙江大学、天津工业大学、北京青年政治学院6所院校进行为期一年的项目试点工作。

    KAB venture project tried as a one-year pilot project in China Youth University for Political Sciences , Tsinghua University , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Heilongjiang University , Tianjin Polytechnic University , Beijing Youth College for Political Science during 2006 and 2007 year .

  3. 黑龙江大学节水灌溉试验基地发展建设研究

    Study of the Build Water-saving Irrigation Test Base of Heilongjiang University

  4. 黑龙江大学教职员工健康状况的研究

    Survey of Health Condition of Heilongjiang University Staff

  5. 《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》总目次

    Journal of natural science of Heilongjiang University contents

  6. 现为黑龙江大学艺术学院客座教授,硕士研究生导师。

    Now tutor in art department of Heilongjiang University as guest professor and master 's guide .

  7. 信息管理类毕业生就业跟踪调研与分析&黑龙江大学信息管理学院个案调查

    Investigation & Analysis of the Employment Situation of the Graduates from the College of Information Management

  8. 黑龙江大学图书馆在21世纪向人们展现了它的新面貌、新感觉、新形象。

    In 21 st century Heilongjiang university library gives people new look , new feeling and new image .

  9. 问卷调查对象是160名来自黑龙江大学经济管理学院非英语专业的大学生。

    The subjects involved in the research were 160 non-English majors from School of Economic Management in Heilongjiang University .

  10. 本研究通过调查问卷、大学英语社会文化能力测试以及个案访谈等工具,以黑龙江大学2008级的80位非英语专业大学生为研究对象,对他们进行了一个学期的教学实验。

    This research investigated eighty non-English students of 2008 from Heilongjiang University by questionnaires , social-cultural proficiency test and case interview .

  11. 通过分析研究,建议在对黑龙江大学女大学生的运健身活动给予适当的技术指导,促进女大学生体育运动健身以及健康教育的开展。

    Suggestions are made to give according guidance to the sports activities of the female students and promote the sports and health education .

  12. 本研究中被试为随机挑选的52名黑龙江大学水文与水资源工程专业大一学生。

    The subjects who participated in the study were 52 freshmen from Hei Longjiang University , majoring in Hydrogeology and Water Resources Engineering .

  13. 高校科技信息化管理系统是为黑龙江大学推进高校内部科技信息化发展而量身制作。

    The higher school scientific and technical information management system is made for prompting the internal scientific and technical informationization development of Heilongjiang University .

  14. 扩建后的黑龙江大学图书馆在它的建筑艺术、室内美化、室内绿化等方面具有它的独到之处,介绍了扩建图书馆建筑艺术的整体性、新颖性、丰富性和真实性。

    It has its own originality in construction arts , indoor beautification , indoor greening after construction . Then the paper introduces the construction arts entirety of enlarging library .

  15. 作者首先介绍了我国高校竞争情报系统的研究现状,并以黑龙江大学为例,通过调研分析了其竞争情报系统的现状和存在的问题。

    At the beginning , the author introduces the situations of university competitive intelligence system and cites an example of Heilongjiang University to discuss its situations and problems by investigating in Heilongjiang University .

  16. 目前该系统已经在黑龙江大学实际投入使用,实现了成绩管理系统与其他业务子系统系统的数据互通与资源共享,满足了数字化校园环境学学生成绩管理的需要,取得了良好的应用效果。

    It realizes the data interflow and the resources sharing among the record management system and other sub-system . In addition , it meets the needs of academic record management and achieves a good application effect .

  17. 采用文献法、实验对比法对黑龙江大学二年级选修班女生游泳课将阶段性考核运用自由泳教学中,进行对比实验分析。

    By adopting the method of document and experimental contrast , the author applies the phased examinations of swimming course of Heilongjiang University female sophomore in elective class to freestyle swimming teaching , carrying on experimental contrast analyses .

  18. 分类分析了《黑龙江大学自然科学学报》1996-2000年这5年中论文情况,特别对国家、省部基金项目论文的情况和外稿的发表情况作了统计分析。

    The authors analyze all the papers in 《 Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University 》 between 1996-2000 , especially the papers supported by National Foundations and Province Foundations , and the papers from outside Heilongjiang University .

  19. 基于组件化设计思想,设计并实现网络教学系统中的关键性组件,涉及到用户信息处理、信息加密、多视频负载均衡处理,并在此基础上开发黑龙江大学网络教学系统。

    Based on COM design thought , the key COM of network teaching systems has been created and brought about . All of these COM involve user request management , information encryption and load-balancing process . Heilongjiang university network teaching system has been developed on this foundation .

  20. 黑龙江省大学俄语教学现状分析

    An Analysis on Present College Russian Teaching in Heilongjiang Province

  21. 黑龙江电力职工大学建校20周年工作回顾

    Review universitys work of the past 20 years for Heilongjiang Electric Power Staff University

  22. 黑龙江八一农垦大学图书馆一小时讲座的实践与思考

    Exploration and consideration about one-hour lecture course of Heilongjiang august first land reclamation university library

  23. 试验于2008年在黑龙江八一农垦大学林甸县吉祥村试验基地和农学实验室进行。

    Test in 2008 in Heilongjiang province Lindian County auspicious test base village and agronomic laboratories .

  24. 发挥数字参考咨询功能,为垦区农业信息服务&黑龙江八一农垦大学图书馆实践初探

    Bring into Full Play the Function of Digital Reference Consultancy to Serve Agricultural Information for the Reclamation Area

  25. 浅谈高校图书馆对学生工的有效使用&以黑龙江八一农垦大学图书馆实践为例

    Effective use of student workers in university libraries & the application of heilongjiang august first land reclamation university library

  26. 方法:①实验分别于黑龙江中医药大学中医基础理论实验室和哈尔滨医科大学遗传教研室分子生物学实验室完成。

    METHODS : ① This experiment was carried out in the Basic Theory Laboratory of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Heredity Laboratory of Harbin Medical University .

  27. 对象:本实验于2002-09/2003-04在黑龙江中医药大学机能实验室(省重点实验室)完成。

    PARTICIPANTS : From September 2002 to April 2004 , the study was conducted in the functional medicine laboratory of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine ( Provincial Key Laboratory ) .

  28. 治疗组患者口服升阳除湿防风汤,由黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院煎药室煎药。

    Patients treated with oral administration of the Sheng Yang Chu Shi Fang Feng soup , fried by the medicine room of the First Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine .

  29. 选取黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院针灸科门诊患者为研究对象,纳入符合单纯性肥胖诊断标准的患者共60例。

    Select the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine First Affiliated Hospital of acupuncture outpatient object of study , diagnostic criteria into line with simple obesity patients with a total of 60 cases .

  30. 论述了国内外参考咨询服务概况以及黑龙江八一农垦大学图书馆的资源优势,同时在参考服务工作中,通过对黑龙江垦区部分农场科研人员调研,提出的一些具体方式实现其数字参考咨询服务功能。

    This paper has introduced the current situation of consultant service at home and abroad and analyzed the advantages of Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University Library , and put forward some concrete methods in realizing the function of digital-based consultant service .