
  • 网络East China University of Political Science and Law;East China University of Politics and Law;ECUPL;ecupl.edu.cn
  1. 新法最大胆批评者之一是华东政法大学的董保华(DongBaohua)。他曾帮助起草中国第一部劳动法。

    One of the law 's most outspoken critics is Dong Baohua of the East China University of Political Science and Law , who helped draft China 's first labour law in1994 .

  2. 然而,华东政法大学咨询辅导中心主任张海燕(音译)表示,两性教育的最终目标不仅仅局限于性知识方面。

    However , the ultimate goal of sex education is more than knowledge about sex , according to Zhang Haiyan . Zhang is the director of the counseling center of East China University of Political Science and Law .

  3. 毕业于华东政法大学,法律硕士。

    Received LLM from East China University of Politics , Science and Law .

  4. 本研究以上海工程技术大学、华东政法大学、上海海事大学、上海海洋大学、上海理工大学、上海中医药大学等高校的体育教师为研究对象。

    This research by the technical university in shanghai , procuratorial and judicial university , shanghai maritime university , shanghai maritime university , shanghai polytechnics and colleges shanghai university of Chinese medicine for the sports teacher for study .

  5. 调查的对象为华东师范大学,华东政法大学,同济大学,上海理工大学,郑州大学和福建莆田学院的在校大学生和英语教师,主要通过邮寄问卷达成资料的收集工作。

    The subjects are the Chinese college students and the English teachers in six different universities - East China Normal University , East China Law and Politics University , Tongji University , Shanghai Technological and Industrial University , Zhengzhou University and Putian University .

  6. 这一部分展示了针对华东师范大学、上海交通大学、华东政法大学、东华大学等七所上海市高校的调查结果。

    It mainly shows the results of the investigation of East China Normal University , Shanghai Jiao Tong University , East China University of Political Science , Donghua University and Other seven universities in Shanghai .