
Huá Dōnɡ Shī Fàn Dà Xué
  • East China Normal University;East China Teachers' University
  1. 两年前我毕业于华东师范大学,获得心理学学士学位,目前在上海社会科学院工作,从事少年心理研究。

    Two years ago , I graduated from the East China Teachers university , where I obtained a BA in psychology . I am currently working in the Shanghai Academy of social sciences , engaging in research on juvenile psychology .

  2. 上海纽约大学(NYUShanghai)作为纽约大学在海外的第二座大型校区,是与华东师范大学共同开办的。

    N.Y.U. Shanghai , a joint venture with East China Normal University , is the university 's second major outpost .

  3. SCIE收录华东师范大学论文的统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Papers Published by ECNU in SCIE

  4. 通过分析网络考试系统的功能要求,利用嵌入式Web服务器中有限资源设计了一套完整实用的Web软件系统。最后,本文将此网络考试系统在华东师范大学计算中心学生机房进行了测试。

    This paper uses the embedded Web server with limited resources to design a complete set of practical Web software system . Finally , this network exam system is tested in the students ' practise room of Computer Center in East China Normal University .

  5. 方法采用华东师范大学修订的卡氏16PF问卷,对两所高校的99名行管人员分别进行团体测试。

    Method Using Cattell 's Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire ( 16PF ) to test 99 administrative staff in two colleges .

  6. 实验结果表明,在转染有这三个表达质粒的华东师范大学硕士学位论文K562细胞中,FKLF的表达均比空白对照及空载体对照增加明显。

    Our study demonstrated that the expression of FKLF was obviously higher in K562 cells containing the three plasmids than that in the control cells .

  7. 华东师范大学计算机系多媒体技术研究室在近年内开始对P-Grid技术进行研究,并试图将其应用于P2P信息共享服务平台中。

    MMIT lab of East China Normal University began to do researches on a new P2P technology , called P-Grid , and intend to build an info-sharing service platform based on the technology .

  8. 结合华东师范大学图书馆一校两区的特点,重点介绍基于网络环境,运用网络层访问权限控制技术及Windows2003server的终端组策略配置,在两校区之间应用终端管理模式实现OPAC系统的具体方法。

    According to the specialties of two campuses in East China Normal University , the methods of terminal management to OPAC system between two campuses are investigated based on the network layer access control technologies and group policy configuring of Windows 2003 Server .

  9. 我们是华东师范大学啦啦队,我们的队员是最棒的!

    We are the cheering squad of East China Normal University !

  10. 奇异摄动理论研究在华东师范大学的发展

    Research of Singular Perturbation Theory in East China Normal University

  11. 虚拟华东师范大学系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Virtual Campus of the East China Normal University

  12. 董军,华东师范大学中国,中国。

    Jun Dong , East China Normal University , China .

  13. 1961年毕业于上海市华东师范大学。

    I graduated from the East China Normal University in shanghai in1961 .

  14. 2001年华东师范大学毕业生就业状况的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on the states of graduate career of ECNU of 2001

  15. 华东师范大学微波研究所

    The Research Institute of East China Normal University

  16. 华东师范大学数学系,上海;

    Department of Mathematics , East-China Normal University ;

  17. 他在华东师范大学对外汉语学院办公室工作。

    He works at the office of International College of Chinese Studies of normal university .

  18. 华东师范大学中文系教授罗岗十分赞同郑欣教授的观点。

    Luo Gang , professor in Chinese literature at East China Normal University , agrees .

  19. 华东师范大学1988年初甲肝暴发流行的资料分析

    Data Analysis of Epidemic Hepatitis-A Happened at the Beginning of 1988 in East China Normal University

  20. 第一,华东师范大学在实施4号文件中存在政策执行表面化、局部化、全异化、停滞化和机械化五种表现形式。

    Firstly , five patterns of policy implementation deviation are thought to be present in ECNU .

  21. 1987年毕业于华东师范大学研究生院,获教育学硕士学位;

    Graduated from Postgraduate Institute of East China Normal University with Master 's degree of Education in1987 ;

  22. 正因为这样,本论文研究中国高校教师管理制度,以华东师范大学为例进行深入研究。

    This paper takes ECNU as a case study to explore Chinese universities ' teacher management system .

  23. 虚拟华东师范大学系统目的是使数字校园更加完善。

    The purpose of Virtual East Normal University System ( VECNUS ) is to make digital campus perfect .

  24. 本文的研究是以华东师范大学网络教育学院的实习工作为背景,在此基础上完成撰写的。

    The paper is on the basis of my social practice in East China Normal University Distance Education College .

  25. 先后在华东师范大学、上海体育科学研究所和日本体育大学从事体育社会学的教学和研究工作。

    Taught and researched in East China Normal University , Shanghai Sport Science Institute and Japan Sport University in turn .

  26. 华东师范大学图书馆教师人均图书馆经费,在13间图书馆中排行第七。

    Library of East China Normal University Overall library budget dollars per faculty FTE . 7th out of 13 libraries .

  27. 每年,华东师范大学的两个博士研究生应邀来爱荷华承担我院大部分的教学任务。

    Each year , two PhD students from ECNU are invited to teach the majority of our Confucius Institute classes .

  28. 华东师范大学植物学实验多元学习评价体系构建的行动研究

    An Action Research on Constructing a Multi-Evaluation System of Students ' Learning for East China Normal University 's Botany Experiment

  29. 华东师范大学和复旦大学有类似的专业.对数学的要求非凡高.很难的。

    Hua Dong Normal University and Fudan University have similar major . Particularly tall to mathematical requirement . Very difficult .

  30. 《华东师范大学学报自然科学版》1985年总39~42期总目录

    The Subject Lndex to Journal of East China Normal Univetsity ( Natural Science Edition ) 1985 Sum No.39 ~ 42