
  • 网络Hebei University of Technology;hebut.edu.cn
  1. 河北工业大学教学主楼基坑支护结构分析

    Analysis of the Braced Retaining Structure in Main Teaching-build of Hebei University of Technology

  2. 通过期刊评价指标看《河北工业大学学报》发展对策

    Development Strategies of Journal of Hebei University of Technology by Analyzing Journal Evaluation Indexes

  3. 主要介绍了美国罗克韦尔自动化AB公司智能固态过载继电器E3Plus的功能、特点及其在河北工业大学罗克韦尔自动化智能电器实验室中的应用实例。

    The function , features of E3 Plus intelligent solid overload relay of rockwell Automation A-B company were introduced . An application example in HeBei University of Technology-Rockwell Automation intelligent electrical apparatus laboratory was given .

  4. 采用河北工业大学开发的新型大通量高效塔板&立体传质塔板(CTST),在石家庄炼油厂催化重整装置的芳烃抽余油分馏塔扩产技术改造中成功应用。

    The combined trapezoid spray trays ( CTST ) developed by Hebei University of Technology have been successfully used in the technical transform of the reformer raffinate fractionating column in Shijiazhuang Refinery .

  5. 我在河北工业大学上学。

    A : I graduated from Hebei University .

  6. 本课题是在河北工业大学电器研究所有关电磁继电器贮存加速寿命试验的基础上进行的。

    This project has relation with the accelerated storage life testing of Electrical Institute in Hebei University of Technology .

  7. 网络环境下高校大学生信息需求调查分析&以河北工业大学图书馆读者为例

    University Students ' Information Demand in Network Environment & A Case Study from the Library of Hebei University of Technology

  8. 河北工业大学的学生葛睿(音译)曾到过许多城市,当然那里都有许多自己的朋友。

    For instance , Ge Rui , a student at the Hebei University of Technology , has been to many cities where he has friends .

  9. 对于粘度随浓度变化较大的物料,在目前的工业蒸发操作中普遍存在传热系数低的问题,对此,河北工业大学张少峰等提出了一种新型多室双管程蒸发器。

    In response to this problem , Professor Zhang Shaofeng of Hebei University of technology presented a new type evaporator with multi-separation chamber and double tube pass heater .

  10. 针对实验中锌盐具有良好的活性,分别优化了以乙酸锌、硬脂酸锌、河北工业大学硕士学位论文一丙酸锌和三甲基乙酸锌为催化剂的反应条件。

    For zinc salts having better activity to the reaction , the reaction condition was optimized using zinc acetate , zinc stearate , zinc propionate and zinc trimethylacetate as catalyst .

  11. 介绍了“校园一卡通”的概念和类别,以河北工业大学图书馆为例,分析了它在图书馆中的运用。

    This paper introduces the concepts and types of campus smart card , and taking the library of Hebei University of Technology as an example , analyzes on its application in the library .

  12. 学校的前身是创办于1903年的北洋工艺学堂。经过百年建设,尤其是“211工程”建设,河北工业大学已经成为华北著名的多学科大学。

    The predecessor of HEBUT is Beiyang Technological School , established in 1903.In its tenturylong history , especially through the construction under " Project 211 " , REBUT has become a famous multi-discipline university in North China .

  13. 并详细地介绍了由河北工业大学等单位开发的天然沸石法海水提钾技术的工艺流程、技术经济指标、技术特色和开发现状;

    The technology process , technical and economic parameters , technical characteristics and status quo of the technology of extracting potassium from seawater by natural zeolite , which was developed by Hebei University of Technology , were amplified ;

  14. 基于在河北工业大学液压试验室所进行的一些双麦克风定位试验研究,本文试图寻求一种在小试验环境里,在电液系统中应用声源定位原理的方法。

    Based upon recent researches done on binaural sound localization algorithms in the Hydraulic Systems Laboratory at Hebei University of Technology , this research sought to apply localization of sound to automatically localize the hydraulic system in a small laboratory environment .

  15. 目前,学校正抓住机遇,追求卓越,为早日把河北工业大学建设成为以工为主、多学科协调发展、在国内有重要影响的高水平研究教学型大学而努力奋斗!

    Today , Hebei University of Technology is taking the opportunity and seeking for the best , striving to build HEBUT into a first-rate teaching and research university of multi-discipline with its focus on engineering and great influence domestically at theearliest time .

  16. 对廊坊市河北工业大学等4所高校的校园绿化现状、绿化植物种类、种数、校园绿化树种应用频率和校园群落物种丰富度等进行了调查和统计分析。

    A survey and statistic analysis have been conducted on state quo , plant species , quantity , practical frequency of tree species and abundance of community species , etc of making the campus of 4 colleges and universities green of Langfang city including Hebei Polytechnic University .

  17. 另有成人本专科教育学生近万人。经河北省人民政府批准、教育部予以确认、依托河北工业大学创立的独立二级学院—河北工业大学城市学院,成立于2001年,现设有45个本科专业,在校生12000余人。

    hat is more , City College of Hebei University of Technology , which is the independent second-class college under REBUT and was founded in 2001 authorized by the Government of Hebei Province and the Ministry of Education , has 45 undergraduate specialties and 12 000 fulltime students .