
  • 网络Hebei University;Heibei University;hbu.edu.cn
  1. 根据河北大学图书馆开发基于Web的学科文献采购智能控制系统的实践,分析系统的总体设计目标、结构、功能实现以及各项指标参数的分析设定等。

    Based on the practice of Design and Implementation of Subject Document purchasing and Control System Based on Web of Library of Hebei University , This paper analyzes the aim of design , the framework , the implementation of function and the set of various index target parameter .

  2. 通过河北大学附属医院提供的医疗运动平台,进行了运动状态下人体的血压、脉搏、心率及血氧饱和度等生理指标数据的采集,利用GUI仿真工具进行了实例仿真。

    Through the moving platform provided by the subsidiary hospital of Hebei University , the data about blood pressure , heart rate , and pulse and oxygen saturation of blood in the moving were collected . These data was used in the GUI to carry out an example .

  3. 传承人文精神,创造现代生活园区&河北大学坤舆生活园区的规划实践

    Passing on and Inheriting Humane Spirit and Creating Modern Living Biotope

  4. 模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。

    Type specimens are deposited in the Museum of Hebei University .

  5. 传达设计情感连接时尚生活&河北大学艺术学院毕业生设计作品赏析

    The Design Works of the Art Institute of Hebei University

  6. 我毕业于河北大学科学和技术。

    I graduated from Hebei University of Science and Technology .

  7. 这是河北大学生命科学学院的网站。

    This is the website of College of Life Science , Hebei University .

  8. 标本保存在河北大学生命科学学院。

    Specimens are deposited in the College of Life Sciences , Hebei University .

  9. 河北大学逸夫教学楼玻璃幕墙施工及质量控制

    Glass Curtain Wall Construction and Quanlity Controlling in Yi Fu Teaching Building of Hebei University

  10. 解读包装设计中的色彩情感&河北大学艺术学院包装设计作品赏析

    Color Emotion in the Packaging Design

  11. 我卒业于河北大学。

    I graduated from Hebei University .

  12. 你是哪个学校毕业的?A:我毕业于河北大学。

    I : Which university did you graduate from ? A : I graduated from Hebei University .

  13. 十月十六日的晚上,一辆小轿车将河北大学一年级的学生陈晓凤撞倒。

    On the night of Oct.16 , a car struck first-year student Chen Xiaofeng on a Hebei University campus .

  14. 本次调查的结果是:1、河北大学研究生体育教育相对于其它方面的教育比较薄弱。

    Compare with the education of other fields , Hebei University postgraduate students ' sports education is quite weak . 2 .

  15. 研究的实践部分是在河北大学2007级教育技术研究生的远程教育课程中进行的。

    The practice part of this thesis is carried on in the graduates of Hebei University , subject of educational technology .

  16. 河北大学在校硕士研究生参加有组织的体育活动的态度积极。有组织的体育活动的主要形式是群体性的游戏项目。

    Hebei University postgraduate students have a positive attitude for participating sports activities , and the main form is group game . 5 .

  17. 大一新生思想特点及行为倾向浅析&对河北大学化学系1999级新生的问卷调查

    Analysis on Ideological Characteristics and Behavior Tendency of Freshmen & A Survey of Questionnaire on 1999 Grade Freshmen of Chemistry Department of Hebei University

  18. 文章最后以河北大学附属医院为代表给出了医院知识管理系统的开发的详细说明。

    In last portion of the paper it describes a development detail example of knowledge management system which come from accessorial hospital of HeiBei university .

  19. 我是一名即将毕业的2006级硕士研究生,现在就读于河北大学,专业是马克思主义哲学,研究逻辑哲学。

    I am a2006 graduate of the upcoming master 's degree , now I studying at the Hebei University , majoring in Marxist philosophy and logic .

  20. 并以河北大学成人高等教育《教育技术学》课程为例,对混合型教学模式进行应用分析及反思。

    Besides , in this paper it uses the The Educational Technology of Adult Education Department of Hebei University as an example for blended teaching mode application and reflection .

  21. 通过对表面活性剂和组分的分子河北大学理学博士学位论文结构进行比较指出双峰形成的难易程度与发生相互作用的双方有关。

    Comparing the molecular structure of surfactant with that of component , it was shown that the formation of two peaks depends on both the analyte and the surfactant .

  22. 介于二维与三维空间中的装饰浮雕&河北大学艺术系装饰浮雕课教学散记

    Decorative Relief Sculpture between the " Two-dimensional " and " Three-dimensional " Space - Random Notes on the Teaching of Decorative Relief Sculpture Lessons in the Department of Art , Hebei University

  23. 本文阐述了为提高河北大学后勤集团饮食管理的质量所开发的饮食管理系统的设计与实现。

    Expatiating on the design and realization of the bite and sup management system that is developed to improve the bite and sup management quality of the logistic group of Hebei University .

  24. 研究的实践部分以河北大学教育技术学网络课程为例,设计并实施了相应策略,最后通过对学生学习情况的观察以及师生的综合评定检验了策略的实施效果。

    This study took Hebei University educational technology online course as an example , corresponding strategies were designed and implemented . In the end , observation of students ' learning situations and comprehensive assessment from teachers and students were implemented to check out the effectiveness of strategies .

  25. 为了达到教育部关于注重实验内容更新,体系设计科学合理,符合培养目标要求,创造条件使学生较早参加科研活动和创新活动的要求,河北大学物理学院新开设了电信专业基础实验课程。

    In order to meet the Ministry of Education 's requirements-focusing on updating experimental contexts , designing scientific and reasonable system , and encouraging the students to participate scientific research activities and innovation at an earlier time , the curriculum of basic experiment is newly held for the telecommunication majors .

  26. DNS在河北师范大学校园网上应用解析

    DNS Application Explain and Analyse on Our Campus Networks

  27. 仪器分析CAI的研究与开发,河北科技大学教学立项,项目主持。

    Project funded by Hebei University of Science and Technology " Instrumental Analysis Research and Development of CAI ", principle Investigator .

  28. 目的:比较河南医科大学实验动物中心昆明(KM)小鼠与河北医科大学KM小鼠两个封闭群部分生物学特性的差异。

    Aim : To compare biological character of two closed colony KM mice from Henan Medical University and Hebei Medical University .

  29. 健康雄性SD大鼠91只,由河北医科大学动物中心提供。

    Totally 91 healthy male SD rats , supplied by Laboratory Animal Center of Hebei Medical University , were used in the experiments .

  30. 结论:河南医科大学实验动物中心KM小鼠与河北医科大学KM小鼠存在尾长和尾椎节数差异

    Conclusion : KM mice from Henan Medical University are difference in tail length and the number of tail bone from the KM mice of Hebei Medical University