
Huá Nán Lǐ Gōnɡ Dà Xué
  • South China University of Technology;South China University of Science and Engineering
  1. 注:1。“Y”表示你已被华南理工大学录取;“N”表示你的入学申请不成功。

    Y indicates that you have been admitted by SCUT ;" N " indicates that your application has been rejected by SCUT .

  2. 公馆咖啡,杨楚珠主管,广州大学城,华南理工大学大学城校区,穗石村东一路东门广场T8栋新觉青年公馆二楼。

    Second floor of T8 Building Xinjue Youth Residence , Dongmen Square , Dongyilu ( No.1 East Road ), Suishi Village , Guangzhou University Town , University Town Campus , South China University of Technology .

  3. 华南理工大学体育馆钢筋混凝土双曲抛物面组合扭壳设计

    Structural Design of a Composite Torsional Shell with Double Arch Paraboloid

  4. 讲座吸引了华南理工大学的莘莘学子,座无虚席。

    The lecture attracted many students of South China University of Technology .

  5. 华南理工大学实验室建设与管理研究

    South China University of Technology Laboratory Construction and Management Research

  6. 课堂教学质量评价体系的优化与实践&基于华南理工大学的个案研究

    Optimization and Practice of Classroom Teaching Quality Evaluation System

  7. 华南理工大学天然气利用研究中心;

    Natural Gas Utilization Research Center , South China University of Technology ; 3 .

  8. 据了解,电梯创意设计大赛由华南理工大学主办,已成功举办三届。

    As we know that this contest has been hold by SCUT for three times .

  9. 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院发展历程评析

    A Review of the Growth and Development of Architectural Design and Research Institute of SCUT

  10. 欢迎使用华南理工大学环球信息网(中文版)。

    Welcome to the WWW Services of South China University of Technology ( English Edition ) .

  11. 基于系统论视角的华南理工大学网络高等教育教学管理研究

    Study on Teaching Management of Online Higher Education of SCUT Based on the View of System Theory

  12. 华南理工大学南校区校园环境噪声的测量与评价

    The Measurement and Evaluation of Campus Noise in the South Section of South China University of Technology

  13. 我于2007年毕业于华南理工大学机械工程系。

    In 2007 , I graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at South China University of Technology .

  14. 建筑·空间·场所&华南理工大学新校区院系楼群解读

    Building · Space · Place : The Department Buildings in New Campus of South China University of Technology

  15. 20岁的沈佳(音译)是就读于华南理工大学数学系的一名大三学生。

    Shen Jia , 20 , was a junior majoring in mathematics at the South China University of Technology .

  16. 届时将有专车接送往返酒店会场及华南理工大学(大学城)。

    There will be shuttle bus to take you to the hotel and back to SCUT after the seminar .

  17. 华南理工大学文体活动中心屋盖斜拉索张拉技术的研究

    A study on the cable-stayed roof prestressing technology for the Huanan University of technology 's recreation and Sports Centre Project

  18. 我想说,在华南理工大学微软俱乐部,我是幸福的。

    I want to say , I am very happy in MSTC of South China University of Science and Technology .

  19. 地点和方法:在华南理工大学材料学院完成实验。

    SETTING and METHODS : The experiment was carried out in the College of Materials , South China University of Technology .

  20. 他们说:下次到广州,还是要到华南理工大学来跟大家交流!

    They both said that they would come to SCUT and communicate with us when they come to Guangzhou next time .

  21. 并介绍了华南理工大学电子阅览室数字文献服务方面所做的工作。

    The digital information service of electronic resources room in the library of south china university of technology is also introduced .

  22. 华南理工大学聚合物新型成型装备国家工程研究中心

    Brief introduction of National Engineering Research Center for new polymer formed equipment of South - china University of science and technology

  23. 本文描述了建立在校园网上的华南理工大学教学管理综合信息系统。

    This paper describe a Teaching & Learning Management integrated information System of SOuth China University of Technology based on campus network .

  24. 而华南理工大学电子商务学院院长祁明教授则正是研究如何创新的专家。

    Qi Ming , the prexy of South China University of Technology Electron Business College , is an expert on how to innovate .

  25. “强化传热与过程节能教育部”重点实验室·华南理工大学;

    Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation , China Ministry of Education · South China University of Technology ; 2 .

  26. 总结了龙庆忠教授的建筑教育思想,介绍了华南理工大学建筑历史与理论专业培养研究生的经验。

    This paper summarizes Professor Long 's educational thoughts of Architectural students and some experience in cultivation of postgraduates of Architectural History and theory .

  27. 高职院校理工科实验室管理模式初探华南理工大学实验室建设与管理研究

    Discussion on Lab Level Management Mode in Vocational Colleges of Science and Engineering ; South China University of Technology Laboratory Construction and Management Research

  28. 有机更新理论指导旧老建筑更新改造初探&记华南理工大学旧体育馆更新改造设计

    Practice of Organic Renewal theory in renewal and reform of old building & Renew and reform design of old Gym of South China University of Technology

  29. 其他对游泳有所要求的院校还包括厦门大学、四川大学、宁波大学、上海大学、中山大学以及华南理工大学。

    Other schools requiring swimming include Xiamen University , Sichuan University , Ningbo University , Shanghai University , Sun Yat-Sen University and South China University of Technology .

  30. 单轴叶片挤出机是由华南理工大学瞿金平教授研制的一种新型高分子成型设备。

    Single vane extruding machine is a new type of polymer processing device , which is invented by Qu Jinping , Professor of South China University of Technology .