
  • 网络South China Normal University;scnu
  1. 以美国科学情报社的WEBOFSCIENCE网络数据库为依据,对1994~2003年间SCI和SSCI收录华南师范大学学术论文情况,从论文数量、学科、作者和期刊的角度进行了归类、统计与分析。

    Based on the network database recorded by ISI Web of Science , the published academic papers of South China Normal University during 1994 ~ 2003 which are recorded in SCI and SSCI database are analyzed statistically .

  2. 华南师范大学科技著作计量分析

    Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Papers of the South China Normal University

  3. 华南师范大学美术楼及留学生楼创作

    Art Building and Student Abroad Building Design of Hunan Normal University

  4. 被试为华南师范大学本科生96名。

    Subjects were 96 university students in South China Normal University .

  5. 注:音华南师范大学保留修改学费标准的权利。

    Notice : SCNU reserves the rights for the change of tuitions .

  6. 我在华南师范大学上英语课。

    I 'm taking an English course in South China Normal University .

  7. 华南师范大学管理信息系统的研制

    Design of South China Normal University Management Information System

  8. 方英甫(音译),就读于华南师范大学工商管理专业

    Fang Yingfu , 20 , business management student , South China Normal University

  9. 大学精神的坚守与失落&华南师范大学校史溯源

    Adherence to and the Loss of the University Spirit

  10. 华南师范大学文理科学生身体素质的比较研究

    Comparison of the physical quality of students majoring in the liberal arts and Science

  11. 华南师范大学要求,留学生在校学习期间必须有医疗保险。

    The international students must buy the medical insurance during their study at SCNU .

  12. 华南师范大学环境质量状况

    On the situation of environment quality in the campus of South China Normal University

  13. 生态空间·人本生活&华南师范大学校园环境景观的初步评价

    Ecological space and human life & initial assessment of campus environmental landscape in SCNU

  14. 包括3个实验,被试为华南师范大学110名本科生。

    The authors studied this question by three experiments . Ss were 110 university students .

  15. 留学生注册后将发给华南师范大学学生证。

    The university will issue a student ID card to the student who has registered .

  16. 最后对如何进一步提高华南师范大学科技著作的数量及质量,提出了相应的建议。

    Some suggestions are put forward to raise the quality and quantity of the works .

  17. 电子图书使用行为实证研究&以华南师范大学图书馆为例

    An Empirical Study on User Behavior of Electronic Book : Based on the South China Normal University Library

  18. 华南师范大学图书馆数字资源建设现状及经验

    The Present Situation and Experience of Construction of Digital Resources in the Library of South China Normal University

  19. 2007年《积水里面的梦》参展华南师范大学美术学院摄影班个展。

    In2007 〝 Dreams in Water 〞 participated in photography exhibition of the Arts College of Huanan Normal University .

  20. 论华南师范大学女生体育兴趣现状及培养

    Discussion on present situation and cultivation of South China Normal University Female Students ' Interest in Physical Education Course

  21. 被接受为访问学者,通常需要在华南师范大学有对应的合作联系教授,否则申请可能不被接受。

    The eligible visiting scholar should have cooperative professors at SCNU , otherwise , the application will not be approved .

  22. 这一转变导致在华南师范大学早期历史中大学精神的失落。

    This transformation caused the loss of the spirit of the university in the early history of South China Normal University .

  23. 华南师范大学心理学专家陈灿锐表示,网络“分享控”行为正在破坏现实生活中实际的沟通。

    Chen Canrui , a psychologist at South China Normal University , says oversharing online undermines effective communication in real life .

  24. 留学生正常交纳学费以《华南师范大学招生简章》的标准交纳。

    International students pay the fees according to the General Regulations for the Enrollment of Students by South China Normal University .

  25. 而华南师范大学美术楼集中体现了校园建筑中廊要素的各种特色,十分典型。

    With a typical example of the art building of South Chian Normal University , where all features are reflected well .

  26. 本文就华南师范大学教学主楼信息化教学环境的需求提出了一个智能信息化设计方案。

    This paper introduces the solution of the intelligent instruction environment construction in the main teaching building of Southern China Normal University .

  27. 现就读于广东省华南师范大学美术学院新媒体艺术系摄影专业。

    Wu Danmiao is currently studying at the Huanan Normal University in Guangdong Province with major in photography of New Media Arts Department .

  28. 广州市名校华南师范大学附属中学在本学期就重新制定了相关规定。

    The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University , a top high school in Guangzhou , revised the rule this semester .

  29. 方法对华南师范大学大学城校区2004级4000名新生第1学期就诊情况进行登记,然后对资料进行整理、归纳、分析。

    Method We registered 4 000 freshmen of the outpatients in grade 2004 in south china normal university , arranged and analyzed these data .

  30. 温故而知新&对广州大学城华南师范大学校区整体设计的感悟与反思

    Drawing New Inspiration Whilst Reviewing theOld & Meditations and Reflections on the Master Plan of South China Normal University Campus in University City of Guangzhou