
  • 网络brothers;Huayi Brothers;Huayi Brothers Media Corporation
  1. 阿里巴巴创始人马云(JackMa)拥有深圳上市公司华谊兄弟(HuayiBrothers)4%的股权。

    Founder Jack Ma owns 4 per cent of the Shenzhen listed film-maker Huayi Brothers .

  2. 这部影片由福克斯国际制作公司(FoxInternationalProductions)、华谊兄弟(HuayiBrothers)、骄阳电影有限公司(香港)联合制作。

    The film is a co-production between Fox International Productions and Huayi Brothers , together with Sundream Motion Pictures ( Hong Kong ) .

  3. 华谊兄弟全资子公司点睛动画有限公司聘请了美国梦工厂前总制片人乔·阿奎拉担任CEO。

    Its wholly owned unit , Huayi Brothers Win Animation , has appointed DreamWorks Animation 's former executive Joe Aguilar as its chief executive officer .

  4. 去年11月,华谊兄弟获得了中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)逾5亿美元的投资。

    In November , it secured more than $ 500m in investment from Chinese internet giants Alibaba and Tencent .

  5. 去年,华谊兄弟称,将投资逾1.2亿美元(7.5亿元人民币)成立一家电影公司,由时代华纳的前高管杰夫·罗比诺夫(JeffRobinov)掌管;

    Last year , Huayi Brothers said it would invest upward of $ 120 million in a film venture lead by Jeffrey Robinov , an ousted Warner executive ;

  6. 2013年,华谊兄弟和传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)的一笔交易在大量的宣传之后破裂。传奇娱乐制作了《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)和《斯巴达300勇士》(300)等大片。

    A much-promoted deal between Huayi Brothers and Legendary Entertainment , a company behind hits like " Godzilla " and " 300 , " collapsed in 2013 .

  7. 去年11月,阿里巴巴与华谊兄弟达成一项协议,为其提供制片资金、并允许通过其众筹网站娱乐宝(YuleBao)进行投资。

    Last November Alibaba struck a deal with that company to fund productions and allow investment through its crowdfunding site , Yule Bao .

  8. 但在好莱坞电影失去曾经的荣耀之前,包括阿里影业(AlibabaPictures)、百度(Baidu)、大连万达(DalianWanda)、腾讯(Tencent)和华谊兄弟(HuayiBrothersMediaCorp)在内的中国公司一直密切关注着这一行业。

    But even before its fall from grace , Chinese companies including Alibaba Pictures , Baidu , Dalian Wanda , Tencent and Huayi Brothers Media Corp had been eyeing the business closely .

  9. TangMediaPartners是由商人唐伟(DonaldTang)创建的,该公司与CMC和华谊兄弟(HuayiBrothers)联手,拟从印度商人安尼尔•安巴尼(AnilAmbani)旗下的信实集团(Reliancegroup)收购上述制片公司。

    Tang Media Partners , created by Donald Tang , a businessman , has joined CMC and Huayi Brothers to buy the studio from the Reliance group of Anil Ambani , the Indian businessman .

  10. 在中国,华谊兄弟将大明猩玩偶送给全国各地的名流,让他们在新浪(SinaCorp.)微博上晒自己与玩偶的合影。

    In China , Huayi Brothers sent Mr. Go dolls to celebrities across the country and got them to pose with the dolls for photos posted to Sina Corp. 's Twitter-like Weibo microblogging service .

  11. 博纳影业和华谊兄弟是目前市场上的大玩家。

    Bona Film and Huayi Brothers are now power players .

  12. 华谊兄弟则没有回复记者的问题。

    Huayi Brothers did not respond to a query .

  13. 华谊兄弟也是这样。

    At Huayi Brothers , we do the same .

  14. 这个项目是华谊兄弟传媒公司近年来与好莱坞进行的第二次大型合作项目。

    The project marks Huayi Brothers'second major co-production deal with Hollywood in recent years .

  15. 华谊兄弟最近宣布计划出资1.3亿美元设立美国子公司。

    Huayi Brothers recently announced plans to set up a $ 130 million American subsidiary .

  16. 华谊兄弟也希望我们探索美中合作制片。

    [ Huayi Brothers ] also wants us to be exploring co-productions with America and China .

  17. 另外,华谊兄弟也正在雇用好莱坞编剧为中国喜剧电影编写故事。

    Separately , Huayi Brothers is also working on hiring Hollywood screenwriters to develop stories for Chinese comedy films .

  18. 在一定程度上,华谊兄弟公司身上所体现的是这个时代中国电影发展的缩影。

    To some extent , Huayi Brothers reflected the company who is the epitome of the development of Chinese film era .

  19. 本研究通过对民营电影企业中的巨擎华谊兄弟传媒集团崛起之路的解析,研究了民营电影产业的突围发展路径。

    Through analyzing the rise of Huayi Bros. Media Group , this research discusses the breakthrough development path of Chinese private film industry .

  20. 相反,光线影业与华谊兄弟和博纳更为相似,都把重点放在了有希望创造最大商业利益的项目上。

    Instead , enlight , much like Huayi and bona , is trying to focus on projects that promise the biggest commercial benefit .

  21. 华谊兄弟,去年中国最成功的制片公司,也已经加入了抢招好莱坞人才的行列。

    Huayi Brothers , one of China 's most successful studios last year , has also joined the rush to recruit Hollywood talent .

  22. 王中磊是华谊兄弟传媒集团的总裁。该集团是中国的一家娱乐和电影制作公司,是王中磊1994年联合创立的。

    James Zhonglei Wang is president of the Huayi Brothers Media Corporation , a Chinese entertainment and film production company that he co-founded in 1994 .

  23. 华谊兄弟将负责传奇东方所制作影片在中国的发行,而华纳兄弟将负责影片在世界其它地区的发行。

    Huayi Brothers will distribute films produced by legendary East in China , while Warner Bros will distribute the titles around the rest of the world .

  24. 华谊兄弟影业投资公司,作为一家重量级的民营电影企业,其成功的经营模式,对于其他电影企业乃至整个电影产业都有重要的参考作用和借鉴意义。

    HY · Brothers company , standing for the private capital in Chinese film industry , its running mode is an example of successful film companies .

  25. 冯小刚去年九月成立了东阳美拉传媒电影有限公司,两个月后其70%的股份被华谊兄弟所收购。

    Feng set up a film studio Dongyang Meila last September and 70 percent of the stakes in itwas acquired by Huayi Brothers two months later .

  26. 华谊兄弟总裁王中磊宣布将公映《唐山大地震》为上映的部分,为答谢观众的支持。

    The president of Huayi Brothers indicated that the corporation would express appreciation for the audiences with the making public no exhibition parts of the film .

  27. 华谊兄弟传媒集团是中国最大的民营电影生产企业之一,也是目前中国最具实力、最有影响力的影视制作公司之一。

    Huayi Brothers Media Group is the largest private film production enterprises , China is currently the most powerful , most influential film and television production companies .

  28. 华谊兄弟总裁王中磊表示,电影行业的全球化推动了制片公司寻求世界一流的人才和公司合作。

    Wang Zhonglei , the president of Huayi Brothers , says that globalization of the movie industry has pushed the studio to seek world-class talent and companies .

  29. 而在中国大陆,《唐山大地震》一片的制作公司及大陆市场发行商华谊兄弟公司则没有向观众分发纸巾的计划。

    In China , meanwhile , Huayi Brothers , the producer of'Aftershock'and the movie 's distributor on the mainland , doesn 't have a similar plan for tissue distribution .

  30. 中国最大的私营电影制片公司,华谊兄弟传媒集团的总裁王中军,说盗版已经是经商环境的一部分了。

    Wang Zhongjun , the chairman of China Huayi Brothers Media Group , the largest private movie production company in China , said piracy was part of the environment .