
  • 网络East China University of Science and Technology;ecust;East China University of Technology;E China Univ Sci & Technol;ecust.edu.cn
  1. 1993年经国家教委批准,更名为华东理工大学。1996年6月学校进人国家“21I工程”重点建设行列。

    In June 1996 , ECUST was selected as one of the top 100 universities in China for the national " Project 211 "

  2. 基于科研成果调查的外文期刊馆藏建设探讨&以华东理工大学为例

    The Construction of the Foreign Periodical Collection Based on the Investigation of Research Achievements & Taking East China University of Science and Technology as an Example

  3. 主要介绍了华东理工大学自动化系研制开发的DCS故障诊断专家系统。

    A new DCS fault diagnosis expert system is introduced , which is made by the automatic depart .

  4. 丰七庵,华东理工大学中国科技,中国。

    Feng Qian , East China University of Science and Technology , China .

  5. 华东理工大学化学与制药学院,上海,200237;

    College of chemistry and pharmaceutics , East China University of science and technology , shanghai , 200237 ;

  6. 今天,华东理工大学正昂首阔步,朝着把学校建设成为一所国际知名、特色鲜明、多学科高水平的研究型大学的目标前进。

    CUST is striving forward to build itself into an internationally known , brilliantly characteristic , multi-disciplinary and research-oriented first-class university .

  7. 最后提出了符合华东理工大学学校定位和历史文脉的校前区设计方案。

    Proposed a solutions on the former districts which Suitable for East of China Science and Technology University School location and historical context .

  8. 适合管理者可以兼任华东理工大学生物工程学院副院长或生物反应器工程国家重点实验室副主任职务。

    The candidates interested in management activities could serve as the Deputy Dean of the School of Biotechnology , ECUST ; or Deputy Director of SKLBE .

  9. 在华东理工大学,在校内食堂就餐的学生,只要能吃光食物,在送回餐盘时就能获得一张优惠劵。

    At East China University of Science and Technology , students who finish their food in the campus canteen get a coupon when they return their tray .

  10. 方教授曾任华东理工大学、广州中医药大学和海南师范大学的客席教授。

    He has been Honorary Guest Professor at the East China University of Science and Technology , the Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , and Hainan Normal University .

  11. 通过等距抽样和实验前测,作者从《英语专业四级词汇选择900题》(华东理工大学出版社)确定出三组同义词作为实验目标词。

    In the present study , three pairs of synonyms are selected carefully by the systematic random sampling from 900 lexical practices for TEM-4 ( East China University of Science and Technology Press ) .

  12. 方法:实验于2005-02/2006-02在华东理工大学生物反应器工程国家重点实验室完成。从小儿包皮(患者家属知情同意并自愿捐献)真皮层中分离人皮肤成纤维细胞。

    METHODS : The experiment was carried out in the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering , East China University of Science and Technology between February 2005 and February 2006.HDFs were separated from children foreskin ( admitted by their parents ) .

  13. 22岁的华东理工大学大三学生程明在校内论坛(电子公告牌系统)上看到了一则广告,发帖人宣称自己可以帮别人代课,每节课收取15元。

    Cheng Ming , 22 , a junior at East China University of Science and Technology , saw an ad on the BBS ( bulletin board system ), where someone offered to attend class for others for 15 yuan per class .

  14. 材料:实验于2002-05/11在华东理工大学反应器国家重点实验室鲁华生物技术研究所完成。选择昆明种雄性小鼠8只。

    MATERIALS : The experiment was conducted at New World Institute of Biotechnology , State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering of East China University of Science and Technology , from May to November 2002 . Eight adult male Kunming mice were selected .

  15. 华东理工大学在甲醇合成过程、甲醇合成反应器方面进行了数十年的研究开发工作,获得了有关甲醇合成反应器的专利,其中有一部分已经在国内甲醇生产装置上得到了使用。

    East China University of Science and Technology has studied methanol synthesis processes and reactors over 10 years , and has got the patents of methanol synthesis reactors , parts of which have been used in the units of methanol production in China .

  16. 华东理工大学社会工作学院的朱美华教授表示,调查结果将会运用到其它的地区,帮助他们解决相似的问题,比如社会老龄化加快等等。

    The survey findings could be applied to other parts of the country to help them solve similar problems , such as a rapidly aging society , said Zhu Meihua , a professor at the department of social work at East China University of Science and Technology .

  17. 在爆炸地周边,工作人员正在用过氧化氢进行中和,华东理工大学材料科学教授刘培念称,使用过氧化氢将有害环境,尽管这样的伤害要比化学剧毒氰化钠要小得多。

    Workers have been using hydrogen peroxide to neutralize the chemicals near the site , but Liu Peinian , a professor of material science at East China University of Science and Technology , said that the use of hydrogen peroxide can damage the environment , although the harms are still far less great compared to the deadly chemical sodium cyanide .