
  • 网络South China Agricultural University;south china agriculture university;scau;scau.edu.cn
  1. 在西南农业大学和华南农业大学农场的田间试验表明,长期淹水是我国西南地区冬灌田水稻生长期CH4排放通量高于一般水田的主要原因。

    Field measurements conducted in the farms of Southwest Agricultural University and South China Agricultural University showed that long term flooding was the main factor causing high CH 4 emission during the rice growing period in Southwest China .

  2. 华南农业大学农林五学院建筑组群设计综述

    Architectural groups design of five colleges in South China Agricultural University

  3. 华南农业大学东区运动场看台是由跨度为103m的大型钢桁架主拱、21m钢桁架次拱以及膜结构组成的钢-膜组合结构屋盖。

    A steel and membrane structure is planed to build in South China Agricultural University . The span of the main arch is 103m and the span of the minor arch is 21m .

  4. 华南农业大学校园内的国家级珍稀濒危保护植物植物中的异戊烯基转移酶

    Rare and endangered plants on the campus of South China Agricultural University

  5. 华南农业大学五学院组团设计

    Five Colleges Cluster Design of Agriculture University of South China

  6. 农林院校中基础性学院教学管理的探索与实践&以华南农业大学理学院为例

    Exploration and Practice on Teaching Management of Basal College in Agriculture and Forestry University

  7. 上周,他去参加了一个在华南农业大学举行的招聘会。

    He went to a job fair held in South China Agriculture University last weekend .

  8. 模式标本保存于华南农业大学植物病理标本室。

    Type specimens are deposited in Herbarium of Plant Pathology , South China Agricultural University .

  9. 华南农业大学树木园稀有濒危植物和国家重点保护植物的迁地保护

    Rare and Endangered Plants and National Key Protected Plants for ex situ Conservation in South China Agricultural University Arboretum

  10. 根据作物根系研究的需要,设计和建造了华南农业大学作物根系研究室。

    According to the need of crop root research , the South China Agricultural University crop root laboratory was built .

  11. 并以华南农业大学为代表,总结了我省在这些领域的主要研究进展及成果。

    The main advance and production in the fields were introduced by taking the South China Agricultural University as an example .

  12. 基于网络环境下的华南农业大学学术论文的量与质的分析

    Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Academic Papers of South China Agriculture University under Network Environment ; Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities

  13. 华南农业大学理学院在2003~2004学年需要一位合格的母语为英语的外国英语老师。

    The Faculty of Science at South China Agricultural University ( SCAU ) required a qualified Native English Teacher for the 2003-2004 academic year .

  14. 天津市农业科学院院长基金项目资助情况浅析农林院校中基础性学院教学管理的探索与实践&以华南农业大学理学院为例

    Initial Analysis of the President Funding of Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences Exploration and Practice on Teaching Management of Basal College in Agriculture and Forestry University

  15. 中山大学化学与化学工程学院;华南农业大学理工学院;华南师范大学化学系。

    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Zhongshan University ; College of Science , South China Agricultural University ; Department of Chemistry , South China Normal University .

  16. 华南农业大学有食品迷信与工程(养分偏向)的专业,你本人可以到该校网站去盘问,或间接致电该校讯问。

    College of Hua Na agriculture has food science and project ( nutrient direction ) professional , yourself can inquire to this school website , or call this school inquiry directly .

  17. 华南农业大学以申报省级、国家级示范中心为契机,改革实验室管理体制,优化实验室资源配置,构建三个层面的实验平台,为培养创新型人才创造了较好的实验条件。

    By utilizing the opportunity of applying provincial and national demonstration center , South Agricultural University reformed the management system of labs , optimized the resource of labs , constructed three-levels experimental platform and provided better experimental conditions for training innovative talens .

  18. 华南热带农业大学硕士学位论文6、施氮量超过300Kg月加2后,蔬菜叶片中影响氮同化关键酶活性的阳离子含量显著下降,影响了蔬菜对氮的同化,叶片中全氮含量下降。

    When applied - N amount was more than 300Kg / hm2 , the contents of some cations , which effect on key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation , was declined significantly , thus , total-N decreased in leaves of swamp cabbage .

  19. 高校双语教学的影响因素及其对策&以华南热带农业大学为例

    The Influential Factors and Solutions of Bilingual Teaching in Universities

  20. 1998~2002年《华南热带农业大学学报》引文分析

    Citation Analysis of Journal of South China University of Tropical Agriculture from 1998-2002

  21. 海南热带野生动植物园于中国热带农业科学院、华南热带农业大学境内。

    Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park in China Tropical Agricultural Academy of Sciences , South China University of Tropical Agriculture territory .

  22. 分析2002年《华南热带农业大学学报》的信息密度及其对年直接费用支出的影响。结果表明:其信息密度较小,每条科技信息传递的费用较高。

    Data density and its effect on the annual direct cost for the 2002 issues of Journal of South China University of Tropical Agriculture are analyzed , showing that the journal contains a lower data density and costs more than reasonable for the conveyance of each piece of technology data .