
Hé féi ɡōnɡ yè dà xué
  • Hefei Polytechnic University
  1. 安徽省的合肥工业大学宣布延迟一周开学,同时要求师生返校前居家隔离一周。

    Meanwhile , Hefei University of Technology in east China 's Anhui province has delayed the start of the upcoming spring semester for a week , requiring its teachers and staff to home-quarantine for a week before returning to campus .

  2. 这个过程的基础是各级库的存在。3、提出了系统级设计中IP映射与平台映射分离的正交设计概念和方法,11合肥工业大学博士学位论文并据此提出了新的基于平台的设计流程。

    The basic of this process is the existing of each level library . 3 The conception and methodology on orthogonalization of separation between IP mapping and platform mapping in system level design is proposed for the first time .

  3. 合肥工业大学校园生活垃圾现状调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of domestic refuse in Hefei University of Technology

  4. 合肥工业大学高级知识分子糖尿病调查分析

    Investigation of Diabetes Mellitus of Senior Intellectuals in Hefei Industry University

  5. 合肥工业大学学生体育运动情况的调查分析

    An Analysis Of Student 's PE Activity In Hefei University Of Technology

  6. 合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院

    School of Biotechnology and Food Engineering Hefei University of Technology

  7. 合肥工业大学教职工高血压患病情况

    Prevalence of Hypertension of Staff in Hefei Technology University

  8. 合肥工业大学较早建立了完备的分布式发电实验系统。

    Hefei University of Technology has established a complete experimental system of distributed generations .

  9. 合肥工业大学建筑与艺术馆设计思路探析

    Analysis on the Design Ideas of Architecture and Arts School Hefei University of Technology

  10. 方法对合肥工业大学1662名教职工的健康体检数据进行统计分析。

    Methods Data of overall physical examination for 1 662 teachers were statistically analyzed .

  11. 合肥工业大学建筑设计院市场营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategies for Hefei University of Technology 's Institute of Architectural Design

  12. 创造生态型的大学校园&合肥工业大学新校区创作札记

    To Create Ecotypic Campus for University

  13. 合肥工业大学排水泵站深基坑支护设计及体会

    On the design for the deep foundation pit support of the drainage pumping station in Hefei University of Technology and some consideration

  14. 目的了解合肥工业大学教职工高血压的患病情况,为制定高血压的防治对策提供依据。

    Objective To study the prevalence of hypertension of staff in Hefei TechnologyUniversity , and to provide evidence for prevention against hypertension .

  15. 论影响大学生成长成才的因素&关于合肥工业大学杰出校友成长成才要素的分析

    On Factors Influencing College Students ' Growth & Analyzing Factors Leading to the Success of Outstanding Alumni of Hefei University of Technology

  16. 此设计已被合肥工业大学智能研究所应用在汽车数字视音播放系统中,达到了预期的数据传输效果。

    This design is applied to the playing system of the Auto - digital - video - audio . Its effect is good .

  17. 高校国防教育现状评析&基于合肥工业大学国防教育问卷调查的反思

    Status Quo of College National Defense Education & A Reflection Based on the Questionnaire Survey of National Defense Education in Hefei University of Technology

  18. 本文通过合肥工业大学新校区的规划设计实践与研究,提出在当前蓬勃发展的高校新校园建设中,创造生态型大学校园的理念。

    Based on the practice and re search of the new campus design of Hefei Industry University , the paper rais-es up the theory of ecological campus creation .

  19. 本论文是合肥工业大学汽车技术研究院项目汽车整车减振降噪技术的一部分。

    The present paper is a part of project " The technology of reduction for entire automobile vibration and noise " in Automobile Technical Institute of Hefei University of Technology .

  20. 本文结合合肥工业大学机械与汽车工程学院承担的江淮汽车集团公司江淮重卡驾驶室机器人焊装线项目撰写。

    This paper based on the project " Jiang Huai Heavy Truck Cab Robot Welding Line " which design by School of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering , HeFei University of Technology .

  21. 为了克服分别开设四大化学(无机化学、有机化学、分析化学和物理化学)实验的一些弊端,合肥工业大学化工学院尝试将它们合并后独立开设一门新课程《基础化学实验》。

    A new curriculum " Fundamental Chemical Experiment " was tested to set up instead of the experimental curriculums for Four Chemistry ( inorganic , organic , analytical and physical chemistry ) set up separately .

  22. 最后,本文将该模式应用到合肥工业大学国防生基地化训练,将抽象的模型具体化,更清晰明了的说明项目管理在基地化训练方面的应用。

    Finally , the model was applied to the National defense students ' training of Hefei University of Technology that more clearly described the application of project management to the training based on the base .

  23. 本文首先介绍了压缩空气发动机的原理、特点与国内外发展状况,然后详细叙述了合肥工业大学压缩空气发动机系统的设计及初步实验。

    After introducing the principle , characteristics , domestic and international development conditions of the compressed air engine , the thesis detailedly describes design and initial experiments of the compressed air engine system researched in Hefei University of Technology .

  24. 针对合肥工业大学教学管理的特点和校园网建设的现状,介绍了基于Internet/Intranet校园网结构的教学管理信息系统的设计思想。

    In view of the characteristics of the teaching administration of HUT and the current situation of campus web building , the paper introduces the design notion of information system about teaching administration based on Internet / Intranet campus web .

  25. 文章在抽样调查的基础上,分析了合肥工业大学学生上网的现状及过度上网给学生在生理、心理、学业、思想等方面造成的影响。

    On the basis of sample investigation , the paper analyses the present situation of college students ' playing on line in HUT and the influence on students ' physiology , study and thought because of excessive playing on line .

  26. 合肥工业大学电气工程及其自动化专业是由电机、电器及其控制和电力系统及其自动化两个专业于1999年合并而成,至今已有60年的历史。

    The specialty of electrical engineering and its automation in Hefei University of Technology was combined of two specialties in 1999 , motor elements and its control , power system and its automation . It has 60 years history by now .