
  • 网络hubei university;hubu.edu.cn;MBA
  1. 对此,湖北大学大一新生何晓(音译)表示赞同。

    He Xiao , a freshman at Hubei University , agrees .

  2. 湖北大学商学院金融系;

    Department of Finance , School of Business , Hubei University ;

  3. 湖北大学图书馆创作构思

    The Conception of the Creation for the Library of Hubei University

  4. 湖北大学建立高水平运动队的可行性探讨

    The practicability to set up a high-levelled sports team in our university

  5. 《湖北大学学报(自然科学版)》发展拾拮(1975~2001年)

    History datum of the Journal of Hubei University ( Natural Science Edition )

  6. 五年前,我毕业于湖北大学经济学系,获学士学位。

    Five years ago I graduated from Hubei university with a BA in Economics .

  7. 我将于今年7月毕业于湖北大学对外经济贸易系。

    I will graduate in July from the Department of International Business and Economics of Hubei University .

  8. 虹吸式屋面排放系统技术原理及使用特性&以湖北大学综合体育馆为例

    Technical principle and use characteristic of siphon-type roof drainage system : taking Gymnasium of Hubei University for example

  9. 湖北大学职业技术学院

    Hubei University Vocational College

  10. 广东省高教厅自然科学基金和湖北大学人才基金资助的课题。

    Project supported by the natural science foundation of Higher Educational Bureau of Guongdong province and the talent foundation of Hubei university .

  11. 图书馆应对阅读危机挑战的责任与对策&湖北大学图书馆读书活动创新实践与启示

    Responsibilities and Countermeasures to " Reading Crisis " Challenge in Libraries & Innovative Practice and Inspiration from Reading Activities of Hubei University Library

  12. 湖北大学社会学副教授张继涛注意到一个校园新趋势:学生的朋友圈变小,而所交的朋友则更为多元而独特。

    Zhang Jitao , associate professor of sociology at Hubei University , sees a new trend on campus : to have smaller circles of friends who are more diverse and unique .

  13. 位于武汉市的湖北大学将8天假期缩短至1天,但会提前放寒假作为补偿。

    Hubei University in Wuhan , for instance , has cut the eight-day holiday to a one-day break , but will begin the winter vacation at an earlier date as compensation .

  14. 对武汉理工大学与湖北大学共400名大学生受访者的调查表明,中国在校大学生的民族意识因经济状况的不同出现了较为明显的分化。

    By investigating 400 students of Wuhan University of Technology and Hubei University , we found the national consciousness of Chinese university students changes clearly in the direction of their economic condition .

  15. 湖北大学数学专业学生、22岁的胡婷婷(音译)尽管很清楚喝醉是多么麻烦,但在友情的名义下,很少有人会拒绝再来一杯。

    Hu Tingting , 22 , a math major at Hubei University , knows how tricky alcohol can be but in the name of friendship , hardly anyone would refuse another beer .

  16. 以湖北大学综合体育馆屋面雨水系统的安装为例,介绍了虹吸式雨水系统的技术原理和使用特性。

    Taking the installation of the siphon drainage system of the gymnasium roof of Hubei University for example , the technical principle and the use characteristic of the siphon-type drainage systems are introduced .

  17. 根据实际调查结果,探讨了湖北大学学生目前自主学习的现状与特点,并分别从学习动机和学习策略两个方面提出能够提升大学生自主学习能力的策略。

    According to the results of questionnaire by using Hubei University students as subject , it discusses the present situation and characteristic of autonomous learning of Hubei University students . Finally , we propose suggestions in terms of motivation of learning and learning strategy .

  18. 在研究对象上,本文选取六名湖北大学2008级英语专业翻译方向女生为研究对象。这六名女生均通过一年以上交替传译课程学习,并且都已通过上海高级口译考试。

    In the research , six female students from Hubei University are chosen as the research subjects . Majored in English , all of the six students have studied consecutive interpretation for one year and all of them have passed the advanced level of Shanghai Interpretation Accreditation Examination .

  19. 根据调查数据,分别对该培训模式的理念、目标、机构、内容、手段、管理和评价等要素进行了解和分析,总结出湖北大学的教师培训取得的成就和出现的问题。

    According to the survey data , the essay analyzed the elements of the training model , including philosophy objectives , organization , content , tools , management and evaluation . Therefore , the paper summed up both the achievements and shortages of the Teacher Training in Hubei University .

  20. 湖北某大学学生乙肝疫苗免疫效果追踪观察

    Observation the Immunity Effect of YDV for A University in Hubei

  21. 和她一样,湖北科技大学设计专业的朱哲(音译)也有同样的苦衷。

    Hubei University of Technology design major Zhu Zhe had a similar excuse .

  22. 湖北医科大学1996~1998年科技工作成效分析

    An Analysis of the Achievements in Science and Techniques Made by Hubei Medical University

  23. 湖北工业大学的学生们在宿舍里摆上了充气泳池。

    Students at Hubei University of Technology set up an inflatable pool in their dormitory .

  24. 湖北工业大学是一个拥有优良设施和优秀师资的一流大学。

    Hubei University of Technology is a first-class university with the best facilities and the finest teachers .

  25. 湖北医科大学121名离退休职工血压调查现况分析

    As Analysis on the Investigation Results of the present Blood Pressures of the Retired Faculty Members of Hubei Medical University

  26. 王学军,湖北科技大学计算机专业的学生,他的同学们都认为他有点奇怪。

    Wang Xuejun , a Hubei University of Technology computer major , is considered a bit weird by his classmates .

  27. 回到位于武汉的湖北科技大学后,设备就简单多了:光秃秃的木板床上就铺了几张毯子。

    Now back in Wuhan at Hubei University of Technology , Jiang is sleeping on a wooden board and a few blankets .

  28. 公司与湖北工业大学以及三九药业的九生堂共同组建的研发团队精英荟萃,实力雄厚。

    Nine of the company and the Hubei University of technology , as well as39 pharmaceutical Shiseido joint research and development team Elite Showcase , powerful .

  29. 本课题是湖北工业大学研究和开发,应用于洛阳龙羽杆塔厂的一个铁塔信息系统管理软件。

    This paper researched and designed an information system management software developed by Hubei University of Technology and applies to the long yu tower factory of Luo-yan .

  30. 问卷调查在湖北工业大学一年级的两个班(机械制造及其自动化5班和对外汉语1班)的78名学生中进行。

    Participants are 78 freshmen from Class 5 of Mechanical Designing and Automation and Class 1 of Chinese as a Foreign Language in Hubei University of Technology .