
  • 网络hunan city university;Hunan City College
  1. 湖南城市学院数学与计算科学系;

    Dpeartment of Mathematics and Calculation Science , Hunan City University ;

  2. 湖南城市学院校园网络规划及交换机的调试

    Campus Network Planning and Switch Debugging of Hunan City University

  3. 这与我们在湖南城市学院英语专业学生中进行的调查结果相一致。

    This is confirmed by our poll of the English majors in Hunan City College .

  4. 地方性本科院校大学生体育服装品牌需求心理调查&以湖南城市学院为例

    Survey on Students ' Needs of the Brand Sports Clothes : Taking Hunan City University as an Example

  5. 丘陵地区高校校园规划设计&以湖南城市学院新校区校园规划为例

    University Campus Planning Design in Hilly Countyside & With The Planning of New Campus for Hunan City University as an Example

  6. 最近,来自湖南城市学院的应届毕业生、24岁的戴海飞因为在北京建了一间6平米的“蛋屋”而引起公众关注。

    Dai Haifei , 24 , a new graduate of Hunan City University , attracted public attention recently with his6-square-meter egg-shaped cabin in Beijing .

  7. 这一平台实现了课程班管理、教学管理、教学统计、班级导出、学习中心等功能,较大程度上促进了湖南城市学院师生之间的交流,进而促进了教学工作朝着信息化方向发展。

    The platform of the course on the management , teaching management , teaching statistics , derived classes , learning center features a large extent , Hunan City College to promote communication between teachers and students , thus contributing to the teaching work toward information-oriented .

  8. 析人工湿地在景观设计中的应用&湖南益阳城市学院实验楼内庭院设计

    To analyze the application of artificially wetland in the landscape design The courtyard design of Hunan Yiyang city institute experiment building