
  • 网络Huli District
  1. 拟建厦门东通道海底隧道工程位于厦门岛东北端的湖里区五通村与对岸同安区西滨村之间,方向北东NE50°,隧道全长约5.9km,其中海域段长约4.2km。

    Quasi-constructed Xiamen East Passage Submarine Tunnel Construction , NE50 ° in direction and about 5.9 kilometers in the whole length with about 4.2 kilometers ' sea area include , locates between the Wutong Village in Huli Region of northeast end of Xiamen Island and Xibin Village in Tong'an Region .

  2. 昨日,湖里区枋湖社448号一家大型黑网吧被湖里区工商局给端了。

    Yesterday , the lake district Kengfang Lake , a community of448 illegal Internet cafes were large lake district Business Bureau to the end .