
hú pàn
  • lakeside;beside the lake
湖畔[hú pàn]
  1. 本次广州番禺职业技术学院携近百只集传统和现代之美的鞋样设计作品来到美丽的艺术之都意大利加达湖畔展出。

    Panyu Polytechnic brings traditional beauty and modern design of the shoes to display beside the Lake Riva del Garda in this beautiful country of art , Italy .

  2. 当地官员宜安‧P‧欧沃丹科(YanP.Ovodenko)则否认这些湖畔放领地已被全数认领出去。

    Yan P. Ovodenko , a local official , denied that the lakeside plots had all been taken .

  3. 我曾和一位朋友在达令湖畔露营。

    I once went camping at Lake Darling with a friend

  4. 我计划黎明前从湖畔出发,大家马上行动起来吧。

    I aim to be off the lake before dawn , so let 's get moving

  5. 湖畔树木成行。

    The side of the lake was lined by trees .

  6. 它是加拿大著名的城市,位于安大略湖畔。

    It ' s a famous Canadian city on the bank of Lake Ontario .

  7. 位于湖南省洞庭湖畔的岳阳楼在5天假期期间共卖出22000多个岳阳楼形状的冰棍。

    Yueyang Tower , a tourist magnet perching along the Dongting Lake in Hunan province , said it sold more than 22000 ice pops in the shape of the ancient building during the five-day holiday .

  8. 1999年,邓肯•克拉克(DuncanClark)得到了任何一位资深“中国通”在今天都会渴望得到的炫耀资本:这位由摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)前投行家转行的商业顾问有机会参观马云(JackMa)坐落在湖畔的公寓。

    In 1999 , Duncan Clark gained bragging rights that any long-time China hand would relish today : the former Morgan Stanley investment banker turned business consultant was given the chance to visit the lakeside apartment of Jack Ma .

  9. 加尔湖的Listvyanka村,湖畔的纪念品市场上出售的俄罗斯套娃。

    Matryoskha dolls for sale at souvenir market on waterfront in Listvyanka village on Lake Baikal .

  10. 奥庭加断然否认他事先知道任何吉库尤人在吉苏姆(kisumu)或其他卢奥人占多数的维多利亚湖畔城镇遭受的种族清洗。

    Mr Odinga has denied any foreknowledge of the ethnic cleansing of Kikuyus in Kisumu and other Lake Victoria towns where the Luo predominate .

  11. 在科摩,在列车驶进瑞士之前,我俯视了一下湖畔的屋顶,但看不到位于基亚索(Chiasso)的两国边界,只有车站的钟变了。

    At Como , I look down on lakeside rooftops before entering Switzerland ; but the border at Chiasso is invisible - only the station clocks have changed .

  12. 我面前这条大路是穿过UIC校园的,东西方向,我想我只要沿着这条路一直向东就一定能走到密歇根湖畔。

    The road on front of me was though the campus of the UIC , from the east to the west , I thought if I went up to the east along with the road , it would be the front of Michigon lake .

  13. 深圳嘉汇海实业有限公司深圳市嘉汇海实业有限公司(KNH)成立于1995年,位于深圳市南山区美丽的西丽湖畔,环境优美,交通便利。

    K & H is founded in1995 , locating on the beautiful Xili lake of Nanshan District Shenzhen City , where the environment is very beautiful , and traffic condition is very convenient .

  14. 这个城市坐落在这个美丽的湖畔。

    The city is at the side of the beautiful lake .

  15. 服务员:岳阳是湖南北部洞庭湖畔的一座城市。

    Yueyang is a city by Dongting Lake in north Hunan .

  16. 她明显地曾经生活在湖畔附近。

    She apparently had lived near the edge of a lake .

  17. 而当地著名的凤山祖庙,就位于湖畔。

    The famous Fengshan Mazu Temple stands right at the lakeside .

  18. 湖畔诗社研究述评

    A Review of the History of Lakeside Poet Society 's Research

  19. 其用语让人联想到湖畔派诗人的作品。

    It was written in language redolent of the Lakeland poets .

  20. 提哈尼(译者注:匈牙利巴拉顿湖湖区有名的度假胜地之一),在内湖畔休息的垂钓者。

    Fishermen relaxing on the banks of Inner Lake in Tihany .

  21. 罗德里戈湖畔,五彩缤纷的焰火绽放在水上漂浮圣诞树的上空。

    Fireworks explode over the floating Christmas tree in Lagoa lake .

  22. 这次会议在洞爷湖畔的温莎饭店举行。

    The meet was held in Windsor Toya Hotel , Lake Toya .

  23. 他的住所在日内瓦湖畔。

    His house is on the shore of Lake geneva .

  24. 宰恩美国伊利诺斯州东北一城市,位于密歇根湖畔、沃基根北部。

    A city of northeast Illinois on Lake Michigan north of Waukegan .

  25. 夜深了,寂莫孤影的牧神在森林湖畔徘徊。

    A fantasy about the loneliness of the Faun in the night .

  26. 莎拉周末去湖畔露营。

    Sarah went camping by the lake for the weekend .

  27. 法德尔曾在塔霍湖畔修建了一幢节能房屋。

    Fadell was building an energy-efficient home near Lake Tahoe .

  28. 青海湖畔两种盐生植物叶片的超微结构研究

    Study on the leaf ultrastructure of two halophytes near the Qing-hai Lake

  29. 我们饭店是一所位于西子湖畔的三星级涉外饭店。

    Our hotel is a three-star hotel located at the West Lake .

  30. 她住在红魔馆旁的雾之湖湖畔。

    She lives around the lake around Scarlet Devil Mansion .