
  • 网络Hunan University of Science and Engineering
  1. 湖南科技学院大学生自主学习能力的调查及思考

    Hunan university of science and engineering student independent learning capability investigation and ponder

  2. 我是湖南科技学院外语系的一名2007届毕业生,主修英语专业。

    I am an English graduate of2007 in Hunan University of Science and Engineering .

  3. 本文对GBF现浇砼空心无梁楼盖技术进行了简要的介绍,并针对该项技术应用于湖南科技学院图书馆的施工方案和施工效果进行了细致的描述和分析。

    This technology is introduced and its construction scheme and the construction result are described and analyzed detailedly .

  4. 本文将对湖南科技学院IETS开设的背景进行宏观、中观、微观三个层面的考量,全息地探析之于IETS的专业设置、学科建设、教学科研等方面的情况。

    This article will research on the setting of IETS on macroscopic , middle , and microscopic three aspects and analyze the situation of specialized establishment , discipline construction , teach and research of IETS comprehensively .

  5. 湖南科技学院特色强校理念的品牌定位与诠释

    Annotate the Brand Strategy of How to Strong School by Cultivating its Characteristic

  6. 湖南科技学院国际经济与贸易专业开设背景研究

    Research on the Setting of the International Economy and Trade Specialty of Our University

  7. 湖南科技学院大学生生命认知现状研究

    Study on the status of life cognition among students in Hunan University of Science and Engineering

  8. 湖南科技学院学生体质健康现状的研究

    The Study on the Current Situation of Students'Health of Constitution in Hunan University Of Science And Engineering

  9. 我还是湖南科技学院计算机科学协会的志愿者。

    I am also the volunteer of Computer Science Association of Hunan university of science and engineering .

  10. 湖南科技学院2004级新生心理健康状况调查结果与分析

    The Analysis on the Results of the Mental Health Conditions of Freshmen of Hunan University of science and engineering

  11. 实验参加者为来自湖南科技学院外语系的30名大三的学生。

    The participants involved in the study were 30 junior students from Hunan University of Science and Engineering , and they all majored in English .

  12. 通过湖南科技学院共青团信息管理系统的建设、开发与实施,湖南科技学院共青团各级团组织之间能够方便地进行数据交换、文件导出和导入。

    According to construction , development and operation of the system , the Communist Youth League organizations among various levels can easily exchange data , export and import file .

  13. 本文对湖南科技学院特色强校的办学理念进行了营销学与传播学的再思考,以清晰该理念的定位与品牌诠释。

    In order to clear the idea positioning and brand annotating , this paper discusses the brand strategy of how to strong school by cultivating its characteristic by using the knowledge of marketing and communication .

  14. 他们都来自湖南科技职业学院的经贸英语专业。

    They were Business English majors from Hunan Vocational College of Science and Technology .

  15. 技术的新型处理器。论湖南人文科技学院命名的现代性

    Hunan Institute of Humanities , Science and Technology

  16. 2005-2008年《湖南人文科技学院学报》刊载体育类论文的综合分析

    Comprehensive Analysis on Physical Education Papers Published in 2005-2008 " Journal of Hunan Institute of Humanities , Science and Technology "

  17. 然后着重对湖南科技职业学院视觉识别系统(Ⅵ)系统的实现进行了详细分析。

    And focus on Technology Hunan Vocational College of vision recognition system ( VI ) system , a detailed analysis of implementation .

  18. 高职院校培养学生篮球裁判员的实践&以湖南科技职业学院为例

    A Practical Study of the Basketball Referees of Students in Professional College & Taking Hunan Vocational College Of Science And Technology as an example

  19. 来自湖南人文科技学院外语系大三的两个自然班参加了本试验。

    Two intact classes from the English Department at Hunan Institute of Humanities , Science and Technology were invited to take part in this study .

  20. 本论文主要讲述了湖南人文科技学院资产设备管理的设计与实现过程,目前,该系统已经通过测试,各项功能达到预期效果。

    This paper focuses on the design and implementation process of Hunan Institute of Humanities , Science and Technology asset management , at present , the system has passed the test , various functions hava achieved the desired effect .

  21. 并以湖南科技职业学院开展的阳光工程培训项目为案例,剖析农村劳动力转移跟培训之间的关系以及农村劳动力转移培训的运作机制。

    Taking the " Sunshine Project " training carried out by Hunan Vocational College of Science and Technology as the example , the thesis analyzes the relationship between rural labor force transfer and training and the operation mechanism of transfer training .

  22. 第三部分通过对心理咨询伦理问题的剖析,再结合湖南工业大学科技学院的心理咨询的现状进而分析了现有心理咨询存在的伦理问题及原因。

    The third part combines the current situation of psychological consultation with its ethical problems to have deep analysis of the problems and reasons .

  23. 再次,结合对于湖南科技职业技术学院学生成绩管理系统的需求分析对系统进行了详细的功能设计以及数据库设计。

    Again , the combination of Hunan Vocational Institute of Technology student achievement management system requirements of the system carried out a detailed functional design and database design .

  24. 然后根据湖南科技职业技术学院的学生成绩管理的实际情况确定了系统需要实现的意义,并对于本系统使用到的主要技术进行了分析,而且对于本论文的主要工作和结构进行了描述。

    Determined based on the actual situation of Hunan Vocational and Technical College student performance management system needs to realize the significance , and were analyzed for this system to the main technical , but also for the work and structure of this paper are described .