
  • 网络Hunan Institute of Engineering;Hunan Institute of Engineer
  1. 基于ISO9000的湖南工程学院教学质量保障体系的研究

    Research the Teaching Quality Indemnity System Based on the ISO9000 Standards of Hunan Institute of Engineering

  2. 本文以2000年建立的湖南工程学院为例,采用调查研究、理论研究、比较研究、实证研究、模型研究等研究方法,研究如何借鉴企业质量管理模式(TQM),来提高教学质量。

    The paper takes the case of Hunan Institute of Engineering established in 2000 and adopts many research methods including investigation , theory research , comparison , demonstration and model research , to study how to use Total Quality Management for reference in order to improve the teaching quality .

  3. 湖南工程学院体育馆网架屋盖的应用及受力分析

    Force Analysis and Application of Grid Roof of Gymnasium in Hunan Institute of Engineering

  4. 湖南工程学院

    Hunan Institute of Engineering

  5. 湖南工程学院是2000年新建的一所本科院校,保证和不断提高教学质量也是该校面临的主要问题。

    Hunan Institute of Engineering is a new undergraduate academy established in 2000 . Assuring and improving the teaching quality is also its main problem .

  6. 据一份由现场目击者拍摄的视频显示,案发地点是在湖南工程学院,视频中一名男子试图打开行李箱解救受害人。

    A video , taken by one of the eyewitnesses , showed a man trying to open the suitcase and saving the victim at the Hunan Institute of Engineering .

  7. 整个实验持续了六个月时间。来自湖南工程职业技术学院两个非英语专业平行班的70名大一学生参加了本次实验。

    The experiment was conducted in a period of six months , in which 70 non-English major freshmen from 2 intact classes in Hunan Engineering Polytechnic participated .

  8. 为了使该加固技术尽早应用于工程实践,湖南大学土木工程学院成立了专门的研究小组,对该加固方法进行了系统的研究,并先后承担了多项科研课题。

    In order to put this method into practice , research team was set up in civil engineering department of Hunan University , which has taken on several research projects in this field .

  9. 本文以广西壮族自治区公路管理局和湖南大学土木工程学院联合承担的科研项目高路堤施工技术与质量控制研究为依托,深入研究了高填石路堤稳定性及沉降规律。

    In this paper , thoroughly discussed are stability and settlement laws of high rock-filled embankment based on the joint research project , Research on Construction Technology and Quality Control of High-filled Embankment , by Guangxi Highway Management Bureau and College of Civil Engineering , Hunan University .

  10. 另外作者在参考了多份相关量表后,经修改加工得到了英语听力焦虑量表,并以此量表为基础,对湖南工程职业技术学院的非英语专业学生进行调查并得到相关数据。

    And then English Listening Anxiety Scale modified by the author with the reference to some related scales is adopted in this research . Based on the English Listening Anxiety Scale , the research was carried out among the non English majors in Hunan Engineering Polytechnic to obtain the data .