
  • 网络Lakehead University
  1. 纯粹主义者,由于集中处于几个湖畔大学中,也被称为“淡水学派”经济学家。他们将滞涨归咎于永不休止的央行银行家门试图干预过多。

    The purists , known as " freshwater " economists because of the lakeside universities where they happened to congregate , blamed stagflation on restless central bankers trying to do too much .

  2. 作为一个销售员,黄建希望有一天能和马云在湖畔大学见面。湖畔大学是马云和其他几位企业家在杭州为创业者开办的一所学校。

    As a salesman himself , Huang hopes to one day meet Ma at Hupan College , a school that Ma and several other entrepreneurs opened for business start-ups in the city of Hangzhou .