
  • 网络Motorola University;MU-Motorola University
  1. 1995年,我的一家公司在运作新加坡的摩托罗拉大学。

    In 1995 , one of my companies was literally running Motorola University ( MU ) in Singapore .

  2. 对摩托罗拉大学而言,没有风险或现金费用

    For MU , there were no upfront risks or cash outlays .

  3. 培训公司发掘有培训需求的人,由摩托罗拉大学培训、认证和指导他们。

    The training company talent-scouted the trainers ; MU trained , certified and monitored them .

  4. 摩托罗拉大学通过培训和增加师资不断提高他们的竞争优势。

    MU continued to enhance their competitive advantage by training and improving their faculty members .

  5. 简而言之,您怎样让销摩托罗拉大学成为一个利润中心,又能达成企业的目标?

    In short , how do you make MU a profit center while achieving its corporate objectives ?

  6. 我建议摩托罗拉大学把培训外包出去,其他工作让别人来做,摩托罗拉大学集中精力控制培训师的资质和课程质量。

    I advised MU to outsource this operation to a third party and get them to do all the other work while MU focused on the certification and quality control of the trainers .

  7. 摩托罗拉在亚洲各国都有工厂和经营网点,摩托罗拉大学的任务是培训他们的目标客户。

    They had factories and operations all over Asia and MU 's role was to educate their target audience .