
  • 网络Apple University
  1. 史蒂夫·P·乔布斯(StevenP.Jobs)创立苹果大学的目的是向员工灌输苹果的商业文化,并传授公司的历史,特别是公司的发展和技术经济的变革。

    Steven P. Jobs established Apple University as a way to inculcate employees into Apple 's business culture and educate them about its history , particularly as the company grew and the tech business changed .

  2. 公司的内部培训计划被称为“苹果大学”,在其中一堂课上,导师将11张构成毕加索《公牛》(TheBull)的版画与苹果公司打造智能手机及其他产品的方式联系起来。

    In a class at the company 's internal training program , the so-called Apple University , the instructor likened the 11 lithographs that make up Picasso 's " The Bull " to the way Apple builds its smartphones and other devices .

  3. 本·巴贾林(BenBajarin)是创意战略公司的消费者技术分析师,他说,随着苹果持续发展,苹果大学会变得更加重要。

    Ben Bajarin , a consumer technology analyst for Creative Strategies , said Apple University would take on more importance as Apple continued to grow .

  4. 和苹果公司的产品一样,苹果大学的课程也经过精心设计,有着精美的呈现和闪亮的装饰,其下掩藏着相关者付出的巨大劳动。

    Like an Apple product , it is meticulously planned , with polished presentations and a gleaming veneer that masks a great deal of effort .