
  • 网络Morgan Stanley
  1. 而摩根士丹利公司建模估测的结果是,2012年苹果将仅能售出5200万台iPad,其中在美国的销量约为2000万台,美国之外约为3200万台。

    Morgan Stanley is modeling only 52 millon iPads for 2012 , roughly 20 million in the U.S. and 32 million overseas .

  2. 他是摩根士丹利公司的巨大财富,是位享誉全球、有很大影响力的思想领袖。

    Steve has been a tremendous asset to Morgan Stanley and is a world renowned influential thought leader .

  3. 摩根士丹利公司(MorganStanley)和高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)是Groupon首次公开募股的联合主要承销商,瑞士信贷银行(CreditSuisse)也将参与此次IPO的承销。

    Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are listed as co-lead underwriters , with Credit Suisse also participating .

  4. 进入6月以来,摩根士丹利资本国际公司全球纺织、服装和奢侈品指数(MSCIWorldTextile,ApparelandLuxuryGoodsIndex)一直保持平稳,尽管该指数5月累计下跌了16%。

    The MSCI World Textile , Apparel and Luxury Goods index has been flat since the start of June , albeit after a 16 per cent fall in May .

  5. 摩根士丹利在中金公司的主要合作伙伴中国建设银行(CCB)已经将所持股份转让给中投公司(CIC)。

    China Construction Bank , Morgan Stanley 's principal partner in CICC , has transferred its stake to China Investment Corp.

  6. 夏尔马是摩根士丹利投资管理公司(MorganStanleyInvestmentManagement)在纽约的新兴市场主管和全球首席策略师。通胀是他用来评估各个国家(不管大小)前景的10个标准之一。

    Inflation is one of 10 criteria used by Sharma , head of emerging markets and chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley Investment Management in New York , to assess the prospects of nations big and small .

  7. 摩根士丹利亚洲有限公司(MorganStanleyAsia)一名前董事总经理被控在一宗价值10亿美元的中国海外收购交易中从事内幕交易。这是香港最引人瞩目的市场失当行为案件之一。

    A former Morgan Stanley Asia managing director has been charged with insider trading over a billion-dollar Chinese overseas acquisition in one of Hong Kong 's highest-profile prosecutions for market misconduct .

  8. 摩根士丹利和中投公司总经理高西庆拒绝置评。

    Both Morgan Stanley and Gao Xiqing , CIC president , declined to comment .

  9. 他们补充道,摩根士丹利与中投公司的谈判已相当深入,但尚未敲定相关交易。中投去年12月份买入摩根士丹利9.9%的股份。

    They added that talks with CIC , which bought a 9.9 per cent stake in Morgan Stanley in December , were advanced but no deal had been clinched yet .

  10. 对于用7000亿美元政府基金购买不良资产的计划,以及摩根士丹利寻求日本公司注资的举措,投资者呈现负面回应,这突出了美国经济和银行系统的脆弱状态。

    Investors ' negative reaction to the plans for a $ 700bn government fund to buy toxic assets from banks and Morgan Stanley 's Japanese gambit underline the fragile state of the US economy and its banking sector .

  11. 摩根士丹利估计,公司通过1月份和4月份的两波裁员,裁减了约10%的员工(尤其是在投资银行、固定收益和研究等部门),今年在薪酬方面节省了10亿美元。

    Morgan Stanley estimates it saved $ 1bn from this year 's compensation bill by cutting about 10 per cent of its workforce , particularly in areas such as investment banking , fixed income and research , in two waves of lay-offs in January and April .

  12. 1933年的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-SteagallAct)迫使摩根士丹利等证券经纪公司自立门户,该法案规定商业银行和投资银行必须分业经营。

    Stockbrokers such as Morgan Stanley were pushed out on their own by the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act , which enforced the separation of banks and investment banks .

  13. 几天后,政府允许高盛和摩根士丹利成为银行控股公司。

    Within days , the authorities had allowed Goldman and Morgan Stanley to become bank holding companies .

  14. 自从他在2005年6月重返摩根士丹利以来,该公司股价涨幅已超过了20%。

    Morgan Stanley shares have risen more than 20 per cent since his return to the bank in June of 2005 .

  15. 摩根士丹利是在中金公司13年前创立时以3700万美元购得上述股权的,但没有对管理决策的控制权。

    Morgan Stanley invested $ 37m for its stake when CICC was founded 13 years ago but lacks control of management decisions .

  16. 摩根士丹利所持中金公司34.3%的股份,提供了获利于中国经济和资本市场持续发展的机会。

    Morgan Stanley 's 34.3 per cent interest in CICC presents the opportunity to capitalise on the continued development of China 's economy and capital markets .

  17. 2014年初,摩根士丹利披露,该公司在2013年支付给波拉特的薪水仅略高于1000万美元。波拉特2014年的收入还没有正式公布。

    In early 2014 , Morgan Stanley reported that it had paid Porat just over $ 10 million for 2013 . It has yet to officially say what paid her last year .

  18. 在诸如高盛、美林和摩根士丹利等华尔街公司中,大量吸纳新人的部门一般是债权业务部、股票业务部和公司财政部。

    In Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs , Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley , business divisions with large intake of new associates are Fixed Income , Equities and Corporate Finance .

  19. 很不幸,这种事情在中国非常多。但是像摩根士丹利这样的国际公司允许自己直接牵涉其中,还是很不寻常的,一位不愿意具名的中国房地产投资大亨表示。

    Unfortunately this kind of thing happens a lot in China but it is unusual for an international company like Morgan Stanley to let itself get directly involved , said one large real estate investor in China who asked not to be named .

  20. 持有上海券商华鑫证券(chinafortunesecurities)股份的四家上市公司表示,该集团不久将与摩根士丹利合资组建一家投行,而这只有在摩根士丹利脱手中金公司股份后才有可能实现。

    Four listed companies that hold stakes in Shanghai-based brokerage China Fortune Securities said the group would soon set up an investment bank joint venture with Morgan Stanley . That can only happen once it has divested the CICC stake .