
  • 网络Seb;Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken;Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
  1. 在瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)的合作下,世界银行通过斯堪的纳维亚的若干主要机构投资者筹集了大约3.50亿美元的资金。

    In partnership with SEB , the World Bank raised approximately US $ 350 million via several key Scandinavian institutional investors .

  2. 银瑞达反过来又对伊莱克斯(Electrolux)和ABB等工业企业及瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)施加影响力。

    Investor in turn wields influence over industrial companies such as Electrolux and ABB , and the bank SEB .

  3. 瑞典几大银行,包括瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)、瑞典银行(Swedbank)、北欧联合银行(NordeaBank)等,有半数以上的分行不存现金,也不接受现金存款。

    At more than half of the branches of the country 's biggest banks , including SEB , Swedbank , Nordea Bank and others , no cash is kept on hand , nor are cash deposits accepted .