
  • 网络Swiss Re;Swiss Reinsurance;Swiss Reinsurance Company;Swiss Reinsurance Co;Swiss Re-insurance Company
  1. 瑞士再保险公司(swissre)表示,过去6年,中国总保费的年均复合增长率达到20%。

    Total premiums have grown by a compound rate of a fifth a year for the past six , according to Swiss Re .

  2. 180m的生态&环境摩天楼瑞士再保险公司大厦

    Ecological 180m : Environmental Skyscraper of the Swiss Re

  3. 这栋41层的大楼由弗斯特勋爵(LordFoster)为瑞士再保险公司(SwissRe)设计,于2004年启用,但今年由于以该大楼为抵押品的债务飙升,“小黄瓜”进入破产管理程序。

    The 41-storey tower was designed by Lord Foster for insurance company Swiss Re and opened in 2004 but it fell into receivership this year after debts secured against the building soared .

  4. 但监管机构推迟了对那些本应包含在内的再保险公司的说法,例如瑞士再保险公司(SwissRe)、慕尼黑再保险(MunichRe)以及伯克希尔等为保险公司提供保险的再保险公司,都应包含在内。

    But they have put off saying which reinsurers groups such as Swiss Re , Munich Re and Berkshire , which provide insurance for insurers should be included .

  5. 据瑞士再保险公司《SIGMA》杂志统计,1995年世界寿险保费收入达12366亿美元,占世界保费收入的57.7%。

    According to statistical figures of SIGMA issued by Swiss Reinsurance Co. ltd. , the life insurance premium income amounted to 1,236.6 billion US dollars in 1995 , 57.7 % of the world 's insurance premium income .

  6. 瑞士再保险公司首席风险官拉吉辛格(rajsingh)说:“保险业真正的联通程度将被降低,因为需要一种双重的触发才能产生重大的系统性影响。”

    Raj Singh , chief risk officer of Swiss Re , said : " the real interconnectivity for the insurance industry is more muffled in that there needs to be a dual trigger for there to be any big systemic effects . "

  7. 牛津饥荒救济委员会和瑞士再保险公司与洛克菲勒基金会携手

    Oxfam and Swiss Re , together with Rockefeller Foundation ,

  8. 苏黎世瑞士再保险公司

    " Swiss Reinsurance Company , Zurich "

  9. 股票分析人士的解读是,从双方的声明看,伯克希尔指控瑞士再保险公司提供的信息存在缺陷。

    Equity analysts interpreted the statements from the two parties as Berkshire alleging that there were shortcomings in information supplied by Swiss Re .

  10. 但为了遵守解决气候变化问题的承诺,瑞士再保险公司决定减少自己的能源消耗。

    But Swiss Re has been determined to reduce its own use of energy as part of its general commitment to tackling climate change .

  11. 瑞士再保险公司在上个月发布的104页的盈利报告中,静悄悄地透露了伯克希尔所作的各种指控,这家再保险商表示,这些指控是没有理由的。

    Swiss Re quietly disclosed in its 104-page earnings report last month that Berkshire was making various allegations that the reinsurer said were without merit .

  12. 一年后双方达成“转分保”协议,限制了瑞士再保险公司对其在2004年以前承保的人寿保单的风险敞口。

    The two parties agreed on the retrocession deal a year later , which limits Swiss Re exposure to life insurance contracts it wrote before 2004 .

  13. 比如,瑞士再保险公司如果为设在伦敦的总部新大楼安装可开启的窗户,会产生额外的高成本,虽然能够降低空气流通费用,但要十年以上才能与投入相抵。

    For example , Swiss Re 's installation of windows that can be opened in its striking new London headquarters will take more than a decade of reduced ventilation bills to justify their extra cost .

  14. 金融业是苏黎世经济的一大支柱,瑞士证交所以及瑞士信贷、瑞士再保险等公司均位于这里。

    The financial sector is an important part of Zurich 's economy and the city is home to the Swiss Stock Exchange and companies such as Credit Suisse and Swiss Re .