
  • 网络Swiss Post;Post Swiss
  1. 瑞士邮政局解开了关于费德勒邮票的种种迷团。

    Swiss Post has lifted the secret surrounding the Roger Federer special stamp .

  2. 瑞士邮政局向发行了一张费德勒的肖像邮票。

    Swiss Post has presented the special Roger Federer stamp to the public .

  3. 这就是瑞士邮政局专门为这位伟大的运动员发行邮票的原因。

    This is why Swiss Post is dedicating a stamp to this exceptional sportsman .

  4. 这是瑞士邮政局第一次发行以尚在人世的人为主题的邮票。

    It is the first time that it has issued a stamp featuring a living person .

  5. 2001年,瑞士邮政局发行了一种经过摩擦就可以发出香味的邮票,它令人吃惊的象一块用箔纸敞开包装的巧克力。

    In2001 , Swiss Post produced a scratch-and-sniff stamp which looked uncannily like a square of chocolate on an open foil wrapper .

  6. 瑞士邮政于2007年以费德勒的名义发行了一张邮票,这是有史以来第一次以这种形式纪念尚未去世的名人。

    The Swiss post office issued a stamp in his honour in2007 , the first time a living person had been commemorated in this way .

  7. 最近,瑞士邮政局发行了一套与众不同的纪念邮票,票面价值为5瑞士法郎(4美元)的一片松木。

    Recently , Swiss Post launched its unusual commemorative stamp , a square of pinewood with a face value of5 Swiss francs ( US $ 4 ) .

  8. 为了查明瑞士人是否是愿意动手用笔胜于敲键盘,瑞士邮政最近联系了1000名个人和商务顾客。

    To find out more about whether the Swiss prefer putting pen to paper or finger to keyboard , Swiss Post contacted more than 1,000 private and business customers recently , Swissinfo said .