
  • 网络The University of Basel
  1. 据瑞士巴塞尔大学(UniversityofBasel)经济学教授阿卢伊斯・施蒂策(AloisStutzer)与人合作发表的研究,单向通勤一小时的人必须多挣40%的钱,才会像住在办公室附近的人一样满意。

    A person who commutes an hour each way has to make 40 % more money to be as satisfied with life as a person who lives near the office , according to research co-authored by Alois Stutzer , an economics professor at the University of Basel in Switzerland .

  2. 在瑞士巴塞尔大学的一项研究中,研究人员在观察不同的月相下志愿者们的酣睡程度。

    In a study at the University of Basel , Switzerland , researchers looked at just how soundly volunteers slept during different phases of the moon .