
mó nà gē
  • Monaco
摩纳哥[mó nà gē]
  1. 我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。

    I 've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan , but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners ' medal with Rangers .

  2. 这3场系列赛将为5月份的摩纳哥大奖赛拉开序幕。

    The three-race series will be a curtain-raiser to the Monaco Grand Prix in May

  3. eversince:从那时起,自那时以来return:返回,归还,回来text:文件,发短信自从我从摩纳哥回来你就…你就不回我电话或者我的简讯。

    Nate : Ever since I got back from Monaco , you 've been ... you 're not returning my calls or my texts .

  4. 这些海鲜来自“玛雅湾”(MayaBay),这是德约科维奇在摩纳哥最喜欢的一家餐馆。

    They come from Maya Bay , Djokovic 's favourite restaurant in Monaco .

  5. 在离开摩纳哥一年之后,他被任命为名古屋八鲸队的主教练,征战刚刚起步的J联赛。

    A year after leaving Monaco he was named coach of Nagoya Grampus Eight in what was still the fledgling J-League .

  6. F1摩纳哥站开始于1929年,是由路易斯二世亲王资助的,此站赛事得到了国际认可。

    The Monaco Grand Prix started in1929 , under the auspice of the late Prince Louis II , is an event recognized internationally .

  7. Monaco:摩纳哥听着,如果你要告诉Nate,在摩纳哥你就这么做了。

    Look , if you were gonna tell Nate , you would have done so in Monaco .

  8. 对于非常驻居民而言,自诩监管较松和税赋较轻的最大金融中心是伦敦、卢森堡、都柏林、海峡群岛(channelislands)、直布罗陀、摩纳哥以及欧洲后院许多其它地区。

    The largest centres of boastfully light regulation and light taxes for non-residents were London , Luxembourg , Dublin , the Channel Islands , Gibraltar , Monaco and many other locations in the European backyard .

  9. 他没有给他的女婿摩纳哥的Rainier王子留任何东西,因为

    He left nothing to his son in law , Prince Rainier of Monaco , stating

  10. 这款游艇是摩纳哥著名游艇品牌沃利(Wally)与法国巴黎时装品牌爱马仕(Hermès)合作的结晶。

    The vessel is the result of a collaboration between Monaco yacht brand Wally and Parisian fashion house Herm è s.

  11. 华为副总裁郭平说虽然此次在摩纳哥开通5G覆盖面积比较小,但也是一次重大机遇。

    For Huawei vice president Guo Ping , the rollout in Monaco is a major opportunity despite the small size of territory covered .

  12. 与其接壤的有比利时、卢森堡公国、德国、瑞士、意大利、摩纳哥、安道尔共和国(Andorra)及西班牙。

    It is bordered by Belgium , Luxembourg , Germany , Switzerland , Italy , Monaco , Andorra , and Spain .

  13. 德约科维奇(NovakDjokovic)是她在摩纳哥的邻居,她在那有一套两卧室与两个卫生间的公寓,有时父母也过去与她同住。

    Novak Djokovic is her neighbour . She has a two-bedroom , two-bathroom apartment . Sometimes her parents stay with her .

  14. 据迈克尔•马托回忆,摩纳哥的一次狂欢使高科技公司洛克希德马丁(LockheedMartin)的高管们与海湾富国的财长们接上了头&不过麦克纳米的寿宴更大程度上是为了维护投资者的团结。

    Michael Marto recalls one binge in Monaco that brought together execs of Lockheed Martin and finance ministers from the Gulf states & but this one was more about preserving investors'unity .

  15. 摩纳哥的小学教英语、传统摩纳哥语(“leMonegù”)和摩纳哥历史。

    Monaco introduces English in Elementary school , and so is the traditional language " le Moneg ù" and the history of Monaco .

  16. 上周五的公证婚礼完成之后,南非奥运游泳选手夏琳·威特斯托克(CharleneWittstock)成为了摩纳哥夏琳王妃。

    At the completion of the civil wedding ceremony Friday , South African Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock became Charlene Princess of Monaco .

  17. 而总部在摩纳哥的豪华邮轮公司SilverseaCruises最近也在新加坡成立了一家办事处。

    And high-end company Silversea Cruises , which is headquartered in Monaco , recently opened a regional office in Singapore .

  18. 根据地产代理莱坊(KnightFrank)的数据,香港住宅价格在世界上排名第二,仅次于摩纳哥,区区20平方米的狭小公寓每套售价就高达450万港元(合58万美元)。

    Hong Kong has the world 's most expensive residential property after Monaco , according to estate agents Knight Frank , with tiny 20 sq mapartments on sale for as much as HK $ 4.5m ( $ 580000 ) .

  19. 摩纳哥由阿尔卑斯山脚下狭长的丘陵状海岸线组成,其最高点是“LeRocher”,海拔140米。

    It consists of a narrow strip along the coast at the bottom of the foothills of the Alps and its highest point is " Le Rocher " at140m .

  20. 同样是在2011年,摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王和夏琳·丽奈特·维斯托克(CharleneLynetteWittstock)结婚,2012年,卢森堡大公储纪尧姆(Guillaume)和比利时女伯爵斯蒂芬妮·德·兰诺伊(StephaniedeLannoy)结婚。

    Also in 2011 , Prince Albert II of Monaco wed Charlene Lynette Wittstock and in 2012 , Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg united with Belgian Countess Stephanie de Lannoy .

  21. 法语是唯一的官方语言,但是也有人说英语、意大利语和摩纳哥当地语言(Genoese语的延续)。

    French is the only official language , but English , Italian , and the local Monegasque language ( a descendant of Genoese ) are also spoken .

  22. 摩纳哥成为欧洲首个引进新一代华为技术支持的5G移动电话网络的国家,美国将这个中国公司视为主要安全威胁。

    Monaco became the first country in Europe to inaugurate a next-generation 5G mobile phone network based on technology from Chinese firm Huawei , which is seen by the US as a major security risk .

  23. 法国亿万富翁泽维尔·尼尔旗下的摩纳哥电信公司于九月份与华为签署了一项协议,使这个小国成为欧洲第一个实现5G全覆盖的国家。

    In September , Monaco Telecom , which is owned by French billionaire Xavier Niel , signed an agreement with Huawei to make the tiny principality the first country in Europe fully covered by 5G .

  24. 本次婚礼的来宾包括英国威塞克斯(Wessex)伯爵夫妇、爱德华(EdwardandSophie)王子夫妇、日本宪仁亲王妃久子(Takamado)以及来自挪威、丹麦、希腊、卢森堡、摩纳哥的王子和公主们。

    Guests at the wedding included the U.K. 's Earl and Countess of Wessex , Prince Edward and Sophie ; Princess Takamado of Japan and princes and princesses from Norway , Denmark , Greece , Luxembourg and Monaco .

  25. 预计该公司还将以3.45亿美元向Batelco出售在摩纳哥电信(MonacoTelecom)所持剩余控股权。Batelco对这笔交易拥有1年期权。

    The company is also expected to sell off the remaining controlling stake in Monaco Telecom for an additional $ 345m to Batelco , which has a one-year option on the deal .

  26. 为见不得光之人准备的阳光天堂,这是作家W•萨默塞特•毛姆(W.SomersetMaugham)对摩纳哥的精炼总结。他就在这个法国南部避税天堂和富人度假胜地附近度过了大半生的时光。

    ' Asunny place for shady people , was W. Somerset Maugham 's pithy summation of Monaco , the tax haven and wealthy resort in the south of France close to where the writer lived for much of his life .

  27. 作为摩纳哥斯蒂芬妮公主最小的女儿,好莱坞传奇人物格蕾丝·凯利的孙女——CamilleGottlieb不仅是名人,还是皇室成员。

    The youngest daughter of Princess Stephanie of Monaco and granddaughter of the Old Hollywood legend , Grace Kelly , Camille Gottlieb , is not only a celebrity and a member of the royal family .

  28. Camille是王妃最小的孩子,于1998年7月15日出生,母亲是摩纳哥斯蒂芬妮公主,父亲是皇家保镖JeanRaymondGottlieb,她父亲的身份多年来一直保密。

    As the youngest child of the Princess , Camille was born on July 15 , 1998 , to the family of Stephanie of Monaco and Jean Raymond Gottlieb , a royal bodyguard , whose fatherhood was kept secret for many years .

  29. 事实上,如果上海的数字是准确的(似乎有点不太可能),那么只有摩纳哥、澳门、新加坡、日本、根西岛(Guernsey)、安道尔和圣马力的诺居民比上海人活得更长久。

    In fact , if the Shanghai figures are accurate ( which seems a little unlikely ), only Monaco , Macao , Singapore , Japan , Guernsey , Andorra and San Marino inhabitants are living longer .

  30. 事实上,FOTA车队在摩纳哥发出的信息似乎还不错,就让我们按现在的模式完成2010赛季吧,我们会好好讨论2011年的规则。

    Indeed the message from the FOTA teams in Monaco seemed to be okay , just leave us alone in2010 and we 'll come to the table properly for2011 and beyond .